I downloaded a default vampire skin that used Enayla's Vampire Grace skintone, but it works like an overlay and blends with the sims original skintone and when I add the make up included with the Vampire Grace download it's either smothered so much it's unrecognisable or if I use this tutorial
http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=173232 it just looks like a strawberries and cream incident which is not as scary as it sounds. I also tried following this tutorial on making defaults
http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=194390 but changing DXT3/5 to DXT1 just screwed up the beautiful graphics.
So if anyone can help me either figure out how to make a default vampire out of Enayla's Vampire Grace bundle (it would be a bonus to have the makeup and eye's that came with it as default for all vamps) or maybe if it's completely impossible is there anyway to get the skin as a full body mask that can be placed over the skin, thanks a bunch in advance for any input ^_^