You can go to "edit town" and select your family. From there, you select "break up family". When the names of the family members come up, select the name of the unwanted child. Hit the check mark to confirm your selection. The child will wind up on a "notepad" and you can delete it from there. I've done it with no adverse effects/reactions from/to my sims.
I think the reason that people enjoy FeeEssen's and Rebecah's objects so much is because the two creators make lots of stuff for babies/toddlers/children. Since the Sims game doesn't have much for these age groups to do, players are STARVED for anything different, no matter how craptastic. Rebecah's objects are sort of cute though, while FeeEssen's are just plain scary. That table and chairs set of hers is going to give me nightmares. Thanks a lot, Invisigoth!
Fine! How about this one then? jmtmom over at made kids with down syndrome. Now, I have nothing against people with down syndrome, but these Sims do nothing except LOOK like they have it...which I think is pretty damn weird.
I don't know if this in in the right Forum, but whatever. Christianluv (not sure if the spelling is right) made a hacked diploma which made it possible for adult sims to get the 6 want slots without actually going to college. Does anyone know where to find this glorious object?