Can someone please update Squinge's no autonomous reading hack please or at least look at it with the hack diff please? It is in the game, and since BV was installed (We have every exp and stuff packs), it is broken, they read whenever they want, before the whole lot could be filled with bookcases and they never picked up a book, now put one bookcase and all they do is read no matter the motive level bad or good.
Have requested it at InSim but no one has replied to it, okay it has only been 4 days.
Have tried the hackdiff, just not as awesome as you all I guess or maybe it doesn't like Vista, couldn't figure it out.
Do have the hack, because I am the one that requested it from Squinge. Not attaching it though yet until it is needed, not sure if that is allowed unless requested.
Thank You for any replies.