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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 4.0.87 (AMB) TEST THREAD on: 2010 June 16, 05:23:46
This sounds like your not extinguishing the window fires.
Unfortunately that is not the case, there is absolutely no fire left on the lot. I was able to complete these fire missions before adding awesomemod in. I even started a brand new neighborhood to test it out. I have uploaded a save in which both sims have been convinced to run, all fires have been extinguished, and doors have been broken down, and the game says that none of these objectives have been completed: here.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 4.0.87 (AMB) TEST THREAD on: 2010 June 15, 19:10:21
With the latest test version of awesomemod, I am having problems completing any fire missions with the firefighter career. The sim can extinguish all fires but the game does not update it and thus every single mission earns a fail. Additionally, when the mission requires the sim to enter the house, the doors can never be broken down or entered because it is not updating that all external fires have been extinguished. This was working fine before I put awesomemod in. Private eye missions are not affected in this manner and can still be completed; so far I've only noticed that fire missions are broken.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 February 05, 08:48:05
Here are the 7 adult clothes from the 50s set flagged to work as YA as well in .package format:
They work fine for me but let me know if there are any problems.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: TS3 Store - this thread is for DOWNLOADS ONLY. Your inane comments go elsewhere! on: 2009 June 02, 21:19:59
I used my points and got some items:
The four male hairs (not the accessory ones) as well as the four male hairs for children.
Two female hairs (the short one with bangs and the wavy one).
Four female tops (the olive one with necklace and short sleeves, the black and red lace up one with the turtleneck, the brown shirt with puffy sleeves that's over a black sweater, and the white top with a pink puffy sleeved sweater type thing over it).
Here's a mediafire link with all the items in separate .rar's, you can pick which ones you'd like:
I ran all the files through Pescado's pack fixer thingy so hopefully they will work.
5  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour. on: 2008 September 01, 08:30:50

It was then I noticed the teen girl didn't have the option to teach the toddlers their skills but she could still change them and feed them. It is like she wasn't recognized as a full teen.

Is this just because she is a pre-made?

I have the same problem with her.
I thought this was a problem too until I made her snuggle one of the toddlers a couple times. Once the relationship went up, she was able to teach them skills. I don't recall having to be friends with a toddler before teaching them skills, though.
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