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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Sims 2 Resolution and Microsoft Update. on: 2019 February 16, 07:11:42
After installing Far Cry 5, my Sims 2 resolution is stuck at 800x600. I found out the problem is Microsoft Update KB2670838 that Far Cry Installs. When I remove the update, Far Cry won't launch. I tried to contact UBiSoft about this issue but their site is fucking retarded and you can't get a response. Any help here?. Sims 2 works fine after this update is removed.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash on: 2010 March 02, 18:09:55
If others have used the two together, have you thought it might be other mods conflicting? Otherwise, you're out of luck. That's the risk you take with using unsupported, outdated mods.

In my post I mentioned that I have removed all mods but these two. I'll just keep them in game and not have the males give gifts. There are no other mods of this type available. But thanks for your time.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash on: 2010 February 26, 22:38:55
It wasn't a complaint, it was a request. And since my friends game did not crash with the mods then I thought maybe someone would be able to read the exception log. And the original authors are not around to ask. If you can't help then just say so.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Penis Mods Cause game crash on: 2010 February 26, 21:45:41
Would some one please interpret this exception log. I have the Crammy Boy Cock mod and the igottapee Female Cock mod. They do show a conflict but I have been using them for a long time. Ever since I got FreeTime when an adult male tries to give an adult female a gift, the game crashes. But the female can give the male a gift with no crash. If I reverse the load order of these two mods,  then when the female gives a gift, then the game crashes.
  I removed every other mod I had in my game and still get the same result.
I tried updating the Crammy Mod and even using an older version, but the same thing happens. Since the exception log doesn't show a reverence to either mod, I though that maybe it is something else that is causing the crashing.

 A friend of mine tested this with AL and did not have any game crash.
5  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Stuck Object Remover on: 2009 July 28, 03:41:25
Wow, this hack just saved me a whole lot of time rebuilding a lot. It works great. It found 3 stuck objects and ripped 'em right out. Ok you stuck objects, I ready for you now. Come get some. Thanks once again JM for saving my game.
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.4 on: 2009 June 10, 01:16:14
dDefinder, I never paid attention to this problem until recently. I have Seasons but the Sun Moon and Stars are missing. I've searched the forums here and at other sites and no one has a solution.
My PC is pretty fast with plenty of memory and my graphics card is Nvidia 9600. All my game settings are as high as they can go.
Is there something in in the lighting mod that will let the stars, sun and moon show, or is this another EA screw up for Seasons?
  Nevermind, I used Gunmod's camera mod and looked way the hell up, almost over head and saw the stars at night and a half sun by day looking like it was half way setting in the sky. I think there must be somekind of sky wall with Seasons  that  makes it hard to see the Sun Moon and Stars. It must be another EA screw up.
7  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.4 on: 2009 May 24, 00:00:53
The mod doesn't cause lot resets and the startup cheat is the same as 2.3 beta. Are you using the shader.package?

I'm not using the shader package because it makes my pool water look messed up. I guess I must have installed something else to cause a game reset or maybe it was when I was trying to find a bug using the testingCheats. Oh well, everything is fine now, and thanks for your response.
Looking forward to any updates you may have in the future.
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.4 on: 2009 May 05, 03:16:38
You can also force error the lights, and if its a overhead light move your camera up close until it fades and it will also bring it back to normal.

Ddefinder, The camera close up doesn't work for me, although I'll try it a few more times.
 Question:  Does updating to 2.4 cause a game reset. Maybe because of the user startup cheat? I noticed it after I installed 2.4. My young adults living in regular neighbor hood lots turned to adults where before they would only do so if they moved out or if I let them age. The Sims on everylot I went to all had there wants and fears rest. Also ACR was reset. Any connection?
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.4 on: 2009 May 03, 00:16:57
dDefinder, thanks for the update and the info. I hope Gunmod comes up with some ideas on the second story lights.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Flashing Blue Accessories on: 2009 April 04, 23:54:13
Fix Flashing Blue on the lot debugger will correct flashing blue temporarily and remove it if you perform the tutorialed fix. It also happens to double as a handy instant mirror.
Definately an awesome thing, Thanks JM!
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Flashing Blue Accessories on: 2009 April 04, 08:31:28
I finally found the link on this site by Simsample. To bad there is no magic fix for this issue. The tutorial is giving me a head ache. Honesty, I searched this site several times for what seemed like hours the other day until my eyes bled. After I posted my request I gave it one last try and read all the post and finally found the link.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Flashing Blue Accessories on: 2009 April 04, 07:55:45
I thought I saw a tutorial fix here at Maty about how to fix the flashing blue accessories with Pets and Seasons. Who ever wrote it mentioned thanks to Pescado for finding what the problem was. I Searched the site but can't find it so maybe I saw it on another site, or maybe I'm just a non awesome searcher. Any help finding it would be appreciated.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What exactly is wrong with Mrs. Crumplebottom? on: 2009 April 04, 07:47:24
They're probably conflicting anyway, even if the detector doesn't spot those conflicts. Pes' vamp/creature fixes have - relatively speaking - complex BHAV modifications: they're not simple tweaks of already existing BHAVs.
When I was trying to make a mod for vampire behaviour, I had to work a lot, and roll a huge part of creaturefixes in it, to have it play nicely and preserve the fixes.

From what I saw, I would say that any mod involving vampires will conflict with creaturefixes. What probably happened in jerryking game is that the Non Awesome(tm) mod was loaded after creaturefixes (thus overriding its code) and the later addeed vampwerefix overrode the Non Awesome(tm) mod, thus reinstating the fix.
Marhis you got it right. Everything is back to normal since Shaklins mod loads first. Thanks!
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What exactly is wrong with Mrs. Crumplebottom? on: 2009 March 28, 00:42:51 know, the creaturefixes mod and the vampwerewolf mod is the same thing, except renamed, right? You're saying you had a crumplebottom attack even with that installed? You're certain?

Yes, for sure. But she didn't change to a vamp and the game didn't crash. She just kind of jumped for a second. Since I put the creaturefixes mod in the vamps went wild. ...I read once where if you change the properties on the Object.package file to Read Only then even if Mrs. C gets bit it won't crash your game. So I had that changed too. Just trying to cover all bases.

Something does not sound right here.  I have had Mrs.C and the grand vampire in the same comm lot several times and the grand vampire sits and chats, dances the night away, and uses the dance sphere, but does not bite anyone.  I would suspect a hack conflict or other such "tight pants" if you have the vampwerefixes installed and it is not working to specs.  This might also be why, when the vampire bites someone in your game, you get a "jump".  Jump is generally a sign of an error.  Do you play with "testingcheatsenabled true" (debug mode on)?
The only vampire mods showing a conflict is shaklins vampire bite mod. Squinges vampire sleep naked mod does not show any conflict. I know it is non awesome but its one of those mods I frequently use. It allows me to control my sim vampires with the option to bite and turn someone into a vampire, or bite and kill them, or bite and add or subtract days to their lives which can make them pass out. I lode it after Pescados mod. I thought Pescado said in the creaturefix mod that it was updated. I am non awesome so I can only guess that what ever was updated shouldn't affect the mod. But since I put vampwerefixes back in, my vamps stopped going on a biting spree but I've been keeping an eye on them just in case.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What exactly is wrong with Mrs. Crumplebottom? on: 2009 March 23, 07:15:21 know, the creaturefixes mod and the vampwerewolf mod is the same thing, except renamed, right? You're saying you had a crumplebottom attack even with that installed? You're certain?

Yes, for sure. But she didn't change to a vamp and the game didn't crash. She just kind of jumped for a second. Since I put the creaturefixes mod in the vamps went wild. So the only thing I could think of was maybe since the creaturefixes was for EPs later then Seasons that was why. Since they are the exact same mod, then I really don't know why that happened.  So I put the vampwerewolf mod back in and so far no problems. Although I keep an eye out for Vamps when I'm playing a community lot. I read once where if you change the properties on the Object.package file to Read Only then even if Mrs. C gets bit it won't crash your game. So I had that changed too. Just trying to cover all bases.
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What exactly is wrong with Mrs. Crumplebottom? on: 2009 March 21, 11:11:40
I had a vampire bite Mrs. C while I was otherwise occupied with 2 Sims having sex across the room. When I saw what was happening I shouted OH SHIT! I thought my game was going to crash. I had JM's vampwerewolves mod and I think it saved my game from crashing. I have Seasons now and still use that mod. For some reason the creature fix mod doesn't work as good. I had vampires biting the hell out of NPCs, Townies, and Playable Sims. I put the vampwerewolves mod back in and now when the vamps show up they just blah all the time. Unless, of course, you make friends with them. Thanks JM for your cool mods.
17  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 2 on: 2009 March 21, 10:51:01
dDefinder, I'm still using the light mod, can't play without it. The problem with lights on second story lots still persist. On the home lots it happens infrequently but I just click on the light and it brightens up. I thought I was doomed to darkness on the community lots second floor. I couldn't hardly see what all my Sims where up to, then I remembered the Insimenator has the option to Enable Buy and Build on community lots. Duh, I should have remembered that alot earlier. All I have to do is Enable Build and Buy then click on the lights and they brighten up. Works for me.
   And GunMod thanks for the original I used it way back when. Glad your back!
18  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Another PS Reward: Home Karaoke (works with PETS/FT/AL) on: 2009 February 26, 09:44:02
Should this work with all EPs up to Seasons? When ever I click on the Karaoke and try for solo or sing with options, my Sims pick up the mike and then jump away from it.
19  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Lighting Mod. on: 2008 December 03, 05:07:30
Will this work with dDefinders update of Gunmod lights?
20  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.7 on: 2008 October 20, 23:52:37
dDefinder, I just got Pets installed and the lights are working great, not too much trouble on community lot lights second floor. Thanks again.
21  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.6a on: 2008 September 28, 16:31:14
dDefinder, just wanted to let you know 2.3 beta 1.6a working great with OFB. Still have a problem with the overhead lights on second floors. On community lots I"ve replaced the lights with different lights and somethimes it workds fine and others times were back to dim lights again. Besides being a maxis light issue could this have something to do with when you build on a community lot in day mode or night mode and saving your game in either mode? Any Ideas on this?
22  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.6 on: 2008 September 01, 07:17:44
dDefinder, I've done some more testing and the lights are great. Lights in the houses are brighter. The sunlight comes in the windows with no glare. The moonlight comes in the darkened rooms at night. I've replaced some of my community lot lights with custom lights and they seem to be working fine on second stories. It seems my custome lights work better than most of the maxis lights. Your almost at perfiection with the lights, but I'm very pleased with 2.3 beta 1.6. Thanks again.
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.6 on: 2008 August 31, 09:09:48
dDefinder, With all EPs up to OFB, did a quick test on a couple of my lots before I went to bed. , it looks like the moonlight is coming in enough at night to see in the rooms with the lights out, and with the out door lights on it lets in a little more light. Still keeping the candles lit just in case of a power failure in the neighborhood. Lol. I'll be doing some more testing and let you know whats up. Great up date. Thanks so much.
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.5 on: 2008 August 30, 03:57:18
dDefinder, In an earlier version, I think it was 1.4, the moonlight came in through the windows at night giving enough light so you can see in a dark room. 1.5 although improved in other areas could use a little more moonlight at night. I'm temporarily resolving this by placing some bright candles in every room. I've got all EPs up to OFB.
25  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.5 on: 2008 August 21, 05:35:14
Ok dDefinder this is an Awesome update. Haven't tested the community lots yet but everything else is soooo much better. Great Awesome job. Multiple thanks.
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