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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Major Bug With FreeTime - City Planner Architect's Table on: 2008 March 13, 04:36:11
Don't you normally crop the picture anyway? Otherwise you get all sorts of stuff that you don't want in the picture, stuff that is potentially incriminating.

See that is why I like Gadwin, cause of the rectangular feature. So I crop as I am taking the picture, not in post-processing. I have the no-red lines pause mod thingy doohicky, so I take pictures this way:

F5 - to get out of live mode and get rid of anything queued up
F10 - drop UI
F9 - Gadwin Hotkey

Then I take pic, then go back, by F10, F1.

I have been doing it so long, that it is automatic.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Major Bug With FreeTime - City Planner Architect's Table on: 2008 March 12, 19:56:35
Ms. B, do you know about hitting f10 to make the ui disappear? You probably do, but just checking.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Major Bug With FreeTime - City Planner Architect's Table on: 2008 March 12, 18:50:07
Ms. B, with all due respect to a Sims 2 storyteller as great as you are:

Why the *heck* are you still using the in-game camera?

Get a good Screen Capture program, like Gadwin PrintScreen. I have been using that, with Irfanview to batch process after, for years.

Both free.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Is there a way to undo the "beauty" wish in FT? on: 2008 March 04, 19:46:40
Could you please share how one goes about nuking these markers, Kyna?
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Undead: Okay, this Sims 2 movie just BLEW MY MIND. It is AMAZING. on: 2008 January 26, 02:12:15
I am glad you all are liking it, the movie is just so, so cool. I am really pleased that it is a series; that way there is more to come!

Delandis, you are welcome to go back to lurking at Thyme, the site is back up:

Ziggy, I am sorry you are bored with your game and I hope my playstyle can provide you with some inspiration - cause I am faaaaarrrr from bored with the Sims. Another great Simmer to check out is Plasticbox, who plays similarly to the way I do and talks about it in this thread:,9638.0.html

Pbox is a very intelligent simmer.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Undead: Okay, this Sims 2 movie just BLEW MY MIND. It is AMAZING. on: 2008 January 25, 04:05:30
Hey, Ziggy. I ain't dead yet. *grin*

I've been around since November, and Thyme is back up and kickin'. I just finished writing about how I set up a working Maxian college in my main hood.

So I am having my usual fun. Thanks for the welcome.

Get some popcorn before you watch that movie - it is an engrossing 15 minutes long. I am going to go watch it again.
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Undead: Okay, this Sims 2 movie just BLEW MY MIND. It is AMAZING. on: 2008 January 25, 03:51:27

First off, to be clear, this is NOT my movie. Don't know the simmer who made it. But it is mind-blowing - like a whole new game somehow.

This movie is not a music video. And I think it was just released recently. It is a talkie, like Decorgal's great work.

It has an intricate plot, amazing sets, a whole scene with a moving vehicle driving down a long driveway. Honestly, I thought it looked much more like an adventure game than Sims 2 Machinima.

It is a "horror" movie, and wow...It is also 15 minutes long and I was glued to the screen the whole time.

Oh, and it is part one of a series, so there is more to come!

This movie will blow your mind - well, except for maybe Pescado's - his is long gone.

/end pimp
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TUTORIAL and HACK. Hacked neighborhood deco that goes ANYWHERE. on: 2008 January 04, 01:05:23
Oops, yep. I mean Sara's hack. I obviously have not recovered from the aftereffects of death. I'll get over it.
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TUTORIAL and HACK. Hacked neighborhood deco that goes ANYWHERE. on: 2008 January 03, 23:57:07
Hey Emma. Unfortunately, I died. But I am better now. Thanks for asking.

Isle of Thyme is back up. Go check it out.

It took Emma's marvelous hack to make me finally post again.
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TUTORIAL and HACK. Hacked neighborhood deco that goes ANYWHERE. on: 2008 January 03, 23:25:09
Sara. I thought I adored you when you brought your career pack.

I thought I deeply cared for you when you did custom collections.

But, Sara, my dearest darling Sara...I now want to marry you.

I swear it.

This is beyond awesome.

Seriously. I am going gay, for you.


I know a simple thanks would have done it, but I am feelin' suddenly poetic.

*goes off to compose a sonnet*
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: userStartup.cheat on: 2007 March 27, 21:52:41
The first thing I do when I enter a lot to build is type "soff" and "mon" in the cheat box. :-)

45 degree angle works just fine for me as of last night. It is always on.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: userStartup.cheat on: 2007 March 27, 19:12:52
You know a year or so ago, I had this same problem with some cheats not working when I first starting using the userstartup...figured out that if the command did not have UINTPROP/BOOLPROP/FLOATPROP it could not be put in the first "loading" section (it would disable anything after it), but could be put set as an alias. I have never been able to get MoveObjects On to stay on always by putting in the loading/top section, for example. But any "prop" command works. My file:

boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
boolProp allow45degreeAngleOfRotation true
floatProp tvVolume 0.1
boolProp   dontMergeNHFlora false
uintProp maxTotalSims 50
uintProp maxTotalHumans 35
uintProp maxTotalPets 15

# Aliases

alias mon "moveObjects on" "Move Objects On" "Move Objects On"
alias moff "moveObjects off" "Move Objects Off" "Move Objects Off"

alias soff "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Snap Objects to Grid Off" "Snap Objects to Grid On"
alias son "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" "Snap Objects to Grid On" "Snap Objects to Grid Off"

alias coff "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Constrain Floor Elevation Off" "Constrain Floor Elevation Off"
alias con "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Constrain Floor Elevation On" "Constrain Floor Elevation On"

alias hon "showHeadlines on" "Show Headlines On" "Show Headlines On"
alias hoff "showHeadlines off" "Show Headlines Off" "Show Headlines Off"

alias clres "changeLotZoning residential" "change lot type to residential"
alias clcomm "changeLotZoning community" "change lot type to community"
alias cldorm "changeLotZoning dorm" "change lot type to dorm"
alias clss "changeLotZoning secretsociety" "change lot type to secret society"
alias clgreek "changeLotZoning greek" "change lot type to greek house"

alias r15 "roofslopeangle 15"
alias r20 "roofslopeangle 20"
alias r25 "roofslopeangle 25"
alias r30 "roofslopeangle 30"
alias r35 "roofslopeangle 35"
alias r40 "roofslopeangle 40"
alias r45 "roofslopeangle 45"
alias r50 "roofslopeangle 50"
alias r55 "roofslopeangle 55"
alias r60 "roofslopeangle 60"

So some of you have MoveObjects On in the top area, and never have to type it in game?
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sagesims? on: 2007 March 25, 18:38:44
What's double posting protection? A kick in the head if you post in the same thread within five minutes of each post?

Or pehaps the customized beating of your choice? Laughing and pointing? Whatever it is, I am sure is quite evil and unpleasant, knowing you.

*considers posting this twice just to find out*
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sagesims? on: 2007 March 25, 17:31:48
*wonders why she thanked Witch twice*

Must be the Alzheimer's kicking in. Old age is GRAND!
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sagesims? on: 2007 March 24, 19:03:03
Thank you very much, Witch!
16  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY on: 2007 March 20, 06:58:22
Okay, update on my report. I figured out that the sim that brought home groceries immediately and not after an elapsed period had been shopping autonomously at another sim's lot. So a check for that needs to be put in at some time, I guess. It works great with everyone else! :-)
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Which hack let you select who was going on a community lot? on: 2007 March 19, 19:09:49
Speaking of the groups feature, I find it very non-useful because of the checks it does so that half the sims I invite don't show. I wanted to use groups for things like the bowling league, but just gave up and teleported them in and asked them one by one to join the group. Would you be willing to remove the checks and make group invites always accept, Pescado?
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Season Length on: 2007 March 14, 00:32:02
SimWardrobe has a new mod that does this.
19  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.4a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY on: 2007 March 11, 00:51:51
Okay, here is my report. Using this with all expansions, incl. Seasons, and no stuff packs.

I just played Tawny. Took her to her clothing store. She worked from 10 am to 6pm. Took her home. She arrived right away, AND had a basket of groceries in her hand that she put away in the fridge. I had NOT taken her shopping or had her order groceries online at any point. They are new to this house, fridge has not run out yet.

So I tried again. Sent her back to store. Worked her from 11am to 6 pm. Went home. Still arrived right away, but with no groceries this time. Oh! The first time I sent her, I had her buy clothes for herself at her clothing store using Christianlov's clothing rack, before she opened business for the day. Perhaps that is what triggered the grocery basket?

I know this mod works in my game because last night's session, I sent a Sim to her bookstore, played her all day and she came home with the delay.

The only thing about this house that did not work is Tawny lives there with her son. When she left, her son was at school. So perhaps the fact that there were no sims at home when Tawny came back? I am grasping at straws here. Just trying to give you as much info as you need.

So I will let you know if more wonkiness happens.
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bathroom envy on: 2007 March 08, 21:08:12
I've had this problem too. It's like every sim can smell the umm...

Okay. Well, anyway, it is annoying.
21  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck! on: 2007 March 07, 13:12:25
Thanks. The Customer Selector is an Essential Simming Tool. (TM)
22  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck! on: 2007 March 06, 18:25:10
The Customer Selector is not in the Seasons directory. So not compatible or just forgotten?
23  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.3(beta) Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY on: 2007 March 02, 16:40:36
Okay, silly question time. The slash between Pets and Seasons in the above title leads me to believe this can installed with either as long as I have NL. I have Pets, but I don't have seasons yet. Right? Wrong?
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Screen Capture program? on: 2007 February 28, 15:19:45
Sagana, no need to even set the date every session. There's a macro for that:

"%m-%d-%y - "

Remove the quotes. It will automatically date it and number it, if you have automatic naming checked. The only thing I do now is tell it which family folder to place the pic in.
25  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Controller - CLP - Community Lot - Populator Errors *Fixed* on: 2007 February 27, 22:17:04
I am not sure what is causing this, though I am sure it is a hack. I have updated all my hacks over the last two days and I have all EPs installed. This happens on all owned community lots, not sure if it happens on unowned community lots because I don't have any unowned community lots.

I am hoping someone can enlighten me so I do not have to do the dreaded pull all hacks out and put back one by one crapola. Ugh.

Next day edit: Thanks for the mountains and oodles of help I got on this, everyone! *eyeroll* It was Inge's Prison System.

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