Hey folks,
I figured I'd come here with this question as I don't think those other places can help as well
I run sims on an older computer. Earlyer, I was in B.S... and the maxis made files, as well as alot of my DLs, just up and dissapeared. It was most frustrating... When I rebooted Body shop they came back.. this time. It happens frequently, and I've lost alot of stuff. apparently into thin air.
I'll also mention that the computer I'm useing for this reboots constantly... Although moreso while online. (It isn't so much a problem for game, as it seems more stable. but downloading files and stuff is dammned near impossible.) Sorry for the computer tech question, but I was just wondering if the reboot problem is related to why I'm loosing stuff? Is there a fix?
Thanks again, I.P.