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Awesomeware / The Scrapyard / Re: Customer Selector: Hobbsee Has A Scrawny Pencil Neck!
on: 2006 July 06, 22:04:06
I have a request: I'd like a new setting to block customers that already have all 5 customer loyalty stars.
Yes, that is counter-intuitive. I need new blood to advance to Business Level 10, and my already-loyal customers are chewing up all my customer slots at the spa even when I set the price on the ticket machine to ludicrous. They are very dedicated. It must be the snapdragons.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Sim Signs via JavaScript
on: 2006 June 28, 13:24:01
I've updated the web page to display the distances to the archetypes after each change. And yes to Ste - I posted some extreme sign examples quite a few months ago.
And Argon - The zodiac regions aren't neat and tidy hyper-cubes in 5-space that can be described in terms of block coordinates. They're more spherical due to their derivation, but bump into one another making what might look like bubbles.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Sim Signs via JavaScript
on: 2006 June 28, 02:32:59
Okay, but there are 161,051 different combinations from 0/0/0/0/0 to 10/10/10/10/10. That's a lot to display on one page. Even if you limit it to just the ones that add up to 25, there are 8,801 different combinations. Still a lot to display.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Lifetime Wants Based on Personality
on: 2006 April 22, 16:15:04
Career | Neat | Outgoing | Active | Playful | Override | Law | 7+ | | 7+ | 3- | Medical | 7+ | | | 3- | Science | 7+ | | | 3- | Knowledge | Athlete | | 7+ | 7+ | | Wealth or Popular | Military | | 7+ | 7+ | | Slacker | | 7+ | | 7+ | Romance | Business | | 7+ | | 7+/3- | Wealth | Politics | | 7+ | | 7+/3- | Popular | Criminal | | | 7+ | 7+ | Wealth | Culinary | | | | 7+/3- |
So any sim with high outgoing and active will have a possibility of getting Hall of Famer (Athlete) as a lifetime want, but even a shy and lazy Popularity sim will also have that possibility due to their aspiration. Those careers with overrides have special aspiration based "impossible wants" that I did not want to deny access to due to lack of ability. Mine already took personality into consideration, as well as interests, so nobody who hates the interest associated with their job will actually want that as their LTW. The non-awesomeness of this hack is not disputed. I found that managing interests to match them up with ability to be too much of a hassle, so my version does not look at interests at all.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Lifetime Wants Based on Personality
on: 2006 April 22, 04:56:35
Attached is an alternate lifetime wants package that allows the various career-based lifetime wants based on the personality characteristics of the sim. For instance, if your sim is outgoing and playful, "Become Professional Party Guest" will be a possible lifetime want for that sim regardless of aspiration.
Note: This hack is in direct conflict with Pescado's Lifetime Want Variety hack (ltwvariety.package), so pick one or the other.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: About individualism in sims, obsessive/stupid behaviour, mods and feeling lonely
on: 2006 April 15, 04:16:32
I agree with many of the points Nadira raises about what we hoped was in Sims2 (and expansions) versus what was actually delivered by Maxis, even with hacks. Unfortunately, simulating intelligence and personality, even in a limited way, is an extremely difficult programming challenge. Hell, on some days its difficult for me to simulate intelligence and personality in real life. To expect such advanced programming from a mass-marketed game is unrealistic. And Maxis programming sometimes doesn't even achieve basic programming skills.
There are days that make me question why I am still playing this game; my playing sessions become just another repetitive cycle and it stops being fun.
And then I discover some little thing that I hadn't noticed before. The latest was the Flirt/Tune-Up interaction that you can get when seducing a servo robot. The one before that was the little animation sequence that a sim does when watching fish in the aquarium.
And it gives me renewed hope in the game, the fun returns, and I play a little longer.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: First-Born Effect
on: 2006 April 10, 02:16:05
If the sum of the father's neat, outgoing, and active is higher than 11 (which is probable if they have few nice points), then the expected result is still dad's neat, dad's outgoing, dad's active, a 4 for playful, and a 9 for nice.
My next run is to try the low end with dad at 0/0/0/0/0 and mom at 1/1/1/1/1. I'll let you know the results.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / First-Born Effect
on: 2006 April 08, 00:29:42
I beleive that the First-Born Effect has changed with OFB. Now, the first birth immediately after game start will have the following personality most of the time: Dad's neat, outgoing, and active, a 4 for playful, and a 9 for nice.
Data from experiments: Dad 5/5/5/5/5 + Mom 5/5/5/5/5 = Baby 5/5/5/4/9 Dad 5/5/5/5/5 + Mom 7/2/7/2/7 = Baby 5/5/5/4/9 Dad 7/2/7/2/7 + Mom 5/5/5/5/5 = Baby 7/2/7/4/9 Dad 10/8/2/0/6 + Mom 1/3/5/7/9 = Baby 10/8/2/4/9 Dad 7/5/7/5/7 + Mom 6/6/6/6/6 = Baby 7/5/7/4/9
Exceptions so far: Dad 1/3/5/7/9 + Mom 10/8/2/0/6 = Baby 1/3/8/7/9 (Expected 1/3/5/4/9) Dad 9/9/9/9/9 + Mom 10/10/10/10/10 = Baby 9/8/9/0/9 (Expected 9/9/9/4/9)
The exceptions are where the expected results are below 25 or above 35 total character points.
Anyone care to validate or refute this?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: SimPE is released for OFB
on: 2006 March 14, 00:00:21
I heard they completely discontinued the Classic version.  ...and from the release notes: SimPE classic is no longer part of our Releases. As a surrogate you can change the look and feel of SimPE to classic. (In the Startmenu with SimPE->Presets->classic, or by executing SimPE classic.bat in the SimPE Directory) ...which will have to do. TorklePE is complete and utter vaporware. I have failed in my quest for minion-hood. I blame that stupid RealLife thing with all of its work, family, taxes, bills and such.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: New Open for Busioness Video 1/05/05
on: 2006 January 28, 00:03:16
I have hope that TorklePE will be ready and satisfactory before OFB comes out, and JM will continue on with awesome-izing my game. TorklePE is progressing, and I have great confidence that it will be functional before OFB. Whether or not JM finds it satisfactory is another question. Other than that, I'll have to find a new hobby to take all my time and attention.  Well, I can't have that on my conscience. 
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Making my own townies/downtownies
on: 2006 January 20, 03:11:52
Why doesn't the person release it to share? I don't remember this. Or was this something I promised to do ages ago?  "This person" left it up to you to put it on Ingelogical, which you never got around to doing.  I didn't feel comfortable posting a re-hacked Inge shrub when it was just a cut-and-paste followed by a one line change. But all is good now - Let the masses enjoy.