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TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BV clothes without the gay backpacks?
on: 2008 April 19, 07:39:17
Liveangel: So do I, but why on earth does that have a label? Asking her made no sense - apparently I'm a nerd and I don't know anything about pop culture. Hur. That's because two different sentiments are being expressed here: "Fruity" covers things that are in the manner of a homosexual. A quality judgement is not applied. "Gay" as applied to a negative assessment of worth derives from the same derivation as "sucks" and "blows". Also, Jelenedra is the new gay.
Oh. Okay. But then we call girl-stuff fruity, too. We use it to imply negativity, like an in-language thing. But I do understand your point.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: HARDER Harder Jobs, Please!
on: 2008 April 16, 12:54:14
Did the toddler max creativity on the xylophone, or by drawing on the activity table?
I don't have FT, so i have no idea how the activity table affects things. Toddler maxed using the xylophone (which is so easily done now, double smart-milk effect, Autumn (Seasons) boost and Adventurer/Journalism reward in toddler room), maxing 2 skills as a toddler is feasible. It's the same for me, but without the Journalism/Adventurer reward. Several children painted masterpieces, so now I remove the smart milk effect as soon as my toddlers grow up. MOAR PAIN is good, this game is just too easy otherwise. Also, I've the regular habit of starting/stopping the painting, gaining creativity via different objects, etc. My vampire maxed on the piano, painted three full paintings (start/stop) and got a masterpiece (green mood, green Asp). Mood might be a factor, all my sims have also been in green mood or better. But as far as Aspiration is concerned, I have had some teens of the full-skills variety achieve masterpieces in red. Then again, it might just be my game. After the masterpiece is painted, though, it does seem to take some time to get another one.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Revival of Sims 1 phone calls!!
on: 2008 February 18, 06:29:23
I have to admit, I found them hilarious and I do miss them a little. Like the 'They are watching you. They are coming." or something like that. I had real life prank calls like that I always wished I could add to the game the call I got once by a guy yelling at me to come and clean up after my cow, cause it pooped all over his lawn.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Dumping Trash in the Toilet?
on: 2008 February 13, 07:47:49
Haha, I thought I was the only one! But yeah, like gravatik said. Somehow the action to throw the bag into the wastebasket, or the can outside is interrupted, and macrostatics instantly queues washing the toilet bowl... but they keep the bag in hand and the brush doesn't appear. So it looks like that. But not true that it happens when there's no can or something... this occurs when they're interrupted (like a sim blocking their way, or something.) The usual reaction is to just throw the garbage on the floor, but macrostatics doesn't allow them to, and it gets stuck as they do other things.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: 'Nostupidonreset'?
on: 2007 August 22, 07:26:34
Great, the mention of its being a bit dangerous makes me want to try it out. What are the known side-effects, can they be repaired if and when they occur?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / 'Nostupidonreset'?
on: 2007 August 22, 06:36:42
I saw this in the test directory, looking for the much-famed gpsign... Does it help with the problem of sims who were smartmilked, being reset to stupid again upon lot load? Or something else?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Moving the butterfly spot
on: 2007 August 10, 05:46:18
Gwill -- I usually see the butterflies/fireflies spawn near a tree or bush, and moving the tree/bush moves the spawning spot. If you have a tree by the driveway, maybe try moving it and see if they follow? Or put a tree/bush somewhere else on the lot and see if they move there?
No, they don't. I have the same issue as well. There are no bushes or trees, in fact all plants are on the other side of the lot. At least Gwill's are next to the driveway... mine always hover at the garbage cans! Flies in disguise, maybe?
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Cat can't be hugged
on: 2007 August 09, 13:30:48
I deleted one cat, and after reload both were wonky. Grr. It worked after I deleted both and reloaded. Somehow a real cat has managed to get into your game. Real cats can only be hugged when they want it. I thought so myself at first!
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Cat can't be hugged
on: 2007 August 09, 05:17:38
This family has two cats, one of which behaves normally, but for some reason the other cannot be given love or played with by a sim. There's no error or anything, it simply drops out of queue. The cat can ask for it, and gets it, but not the other way around no matter how high the relationship. Personality-wise, it's independent, but that's never made any difference for all pets. I must mention both cats are adopted strays.
Hacks information: 90% Pescado's hacks, no pet-related hacks except for Pescado's. I do use jfade's pet stuff, the litter/food dish. I also use paladin's one-tile pet bed. I have had them for a long time. I also have insim, but I use only the teleporter and pregnancy controller (yes, yes, lazy puppy-killing bum and all that). Tried the elimination method, no dice.
I'll attach an error log, but at which point do I force the error? There's isn't any jumping or other funky behaviours at all!
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Fitness Surprise
on: 2007 July 02, 15:40:20
Naw, it ain't the diet... the nanny stuffed her full of cakes and such crap that she got obese (this was pre-lobonanny). Was definitely all that running.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Butterflies and Build Mode
on: 2007 June 30, 15:30:46
It is definitely there on all lots that are unoccupied. The tallying is a little quirky when certain items are deleted, but it works nonetheless.
It's on occupied lots, also, and business lots. I tend to check net house worth because I use Inge's mortgage shrubs. It can be tricky, because the values don't take into account renovations at later dates. I have mansions standing $200 worth .
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Anyone want Enayla's Fanasty skins as Genetics? (Added Normal skins)
on: 2007 June 30, 13:53:32
Cool, glad it's not just me, then. I was experimenting mostly because I really didn't want two versions of the same skin on my computer, which is why I steer clear of hairy skins and special mesh skins, as much as I would like them. I hope creators will one day find a way to layer tattoos and hair onto skin (hint hint Dewshine ) ETA: I'm a Blathering Buffoon now? Yay! A ripped lip!
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I object Podium
on: 2007 June 28, 03:34:12
Free Will off is boring. I'd rather my sims get into scrapes when I'm not supervising, makes the game more interesting. Otherwise it's just a routine of "go, eat, sleep, study, etc". Not enough danger and drama, IMO.