b) Learn to read. I specifically said the camera movement is in no way related to the .reia file. It is related to the name of the neighbourhood. You do not need to copy the .reia file in any way to get the camera movement, just simply the name of an original EAxis neighborhood. Copying the .reia only will only give you the intro movie of the related neighbourhood, and not in any way the flyover camera motion you seem to associate with it.
I concede I misread that bit of your post.
I recognise your attempts to get into the spirit of the forum, but please, practise basic reading comprehension first without galopping off into the direction of moar fight. Otherwise, you will get P&L at.
I have no idea what you mean by this. I don't care about this forums games of moar fight and other what not childish antics. Obviously from my profile you can see I am not a frequent poster here, and honestly I am not even that much a lurker here either. Once in a blue moon I come to check if the mods I have from here have had any updates then I leave. People being nasty to each other in the belief that it makes them clever is not something that interests me, I have no need to belittle someone to make me feel good about myself. Now that I make myself clear on that I shall move on from it.
Back to 'intro movies'.
Okay I think there is some confusion when each of us talk about this intro movie. When I am talking about the intro movie I am talking about the flyover cam that occurs when you first enter the hood. When you talk about the intro movie you seem to be talking about something else other than that and honestly I don't know what it is you are refering to if it is not the flyover cam.
To recap, you say that the .reia file doesn't effect the flyover cam, that the cam is tied to the actual worded name of the Eaxis hood (not the number), but the .reia file does effect the thing which you call the intro movie. If you don't mind me asking what is the intro movie you refer to (I am not trying to be a bitch, I honestly would like to know in order to better my comprehension of the matter)