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TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Walksby and Apartment Roomies...
on: 2008 November 26, 11:33:59
Just did some testing on a copied hood. Everytime an apartment sim would walkby that I haven't modified, I killed it. I ended up with 21 kills, which got rid of most of them. (The walkbys became a maze of tombstones  ) Then I jotted down the walkers. Out of 50 walkbys: 15 were original sims. 7 were then killed. (apart. sims) the other 28 where walkers which consisted of just 5 sims. I'm assuming the game isn't using pure random function to decide who goes. It appears to favor the newer sims a lot more.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Walksby and Apartment Roomies...
on: 2008 November 07, 23:46:38
Strange thing is, it seems to be just a select few. I've made those over so their not so ugly, but still I'd like to see my regulars walking by too.
edit: On community lots, at least those owned ones, I'm getting about 75% pre-AL's and 25% post-AL's sims. Now if there's a way to get that one residential lots then I wouldn't complain.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Walksby and Apartment Roomies...
on: 2008 November 07, 23:21:36
Is anyone else having problems that only the new roomies (townies) from AL walk by your lots? I think I've seen only 2 of my regular-playable sims walkby since installing AL. I removed my downloads folder and they still keep on walking by and I know I've got at least 50% pre-AL sims so you'd think they'd also walkby.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: 11th hour rally call for SimPE testing
on: 2008 September 28, 20:05:00
Vers, AL is checked on filetable.
Strange thing is to even see them in the neighborhood viewer, you have to check Uneditable. Even then they won't have a picture, just their name and details. Do these roomies have special coding attached to them or am I missing something obvious?
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Character Portraits
on: 2008 September 19, 21:31:26
Electrocution is the worst - the portrait is flashing constantly during it, since each switch between the skeleton outline/normal appearance results in the portrait being regenerated. My computer doesn't run the game too badly most of the time, but that slowed it right down.
Didn't someone in the bork thread say that the relationship panel and the phone book were taking forever to load due to having to get the most up-to-date portraits? I've had this happen one several occasions, especially when they have large list's of sims.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: PSA: Abandonated Mods Borked by AL
on: 2008 August 31, 09:11:42
Duh moment... I forgot I saved the url for each of them... Unfornately alwaysinsult and pokeshoveback, which was at insim, is gone. I believe the topic title (which I normally use as the watched package title) was "Always insult when insults" and "Sims always defend yourself" Did Inge put his/her stuff on insim? Anyways, neither of them are really important for me. Althought they're good at making enemies. 
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: PSA: Abandonated Mods Borked by AL
on: 2008 August 31, 05:14:52
Well pulling them out/ putting them back in is no problem. I've got a program that keeps track of what I install.
sub-thought: was there ever an updated version of visitors stay longer? BV broke it, and I kinda miss it.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: PSA: Abandonated Mods Borked by AL
on: 2008 August 30, 21:35:51
Based off the hack diff: Age Duration Hack.package = probably deals with elders- AlwaysInsult.package = insult back when insulted
bath-shower-for-visitors-ft = not sure if this is from hereCaged Pet FixesCarrigon_TeleportHackFTCtfG_EP5_RakeFaster.package = rake fasterHomework Sometimes- jaxad_DoorGlobalsHack = I think this goes with christian luvs all-on-one npc (B 0x7FD0DEBA 0x2046 Sub - Locked - NPC Allow?)
LdDarcy_MaxisMoreDecoSlot_Dresser-SlotOverlap = for more slots on dresses and stuff Low Food Warning- MakeOutFun = this might be squige's???
- marhis-marriage-lastnamedialog_updatedforBV
- marhis_pizzabox_notondesk
No Pet Code Spam- Object Min Cost Want Hack = i think is for buy $$$ wants
- OFB_NoBadSales
- PartyNoCops
Perfect Plants- pokeshoveback
School bus - bring friend dialogSocial Sanity Fixes- ]
Students Move Away From the Portal Toddler Potty FixesWelcome Wagon Dialog- work-deliver3-40-20 = i believe this one will have the sim bring home pizza/food after work
zTwojeffs_Preg For All Genders- Christianlov_Controller_AllInOne = this was broken in BV, but still "works", just can't have room service in a hotel, no biggie
I'm rather upset that OFB_NoBadSales is broken.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Zombie Nanny wants to do her grown up charge
on: 2008 May 19, 17:38:41
I've tried doing that with some sims, but I always get annoyed by the arrangement because I end up having to play them normally, anyway, and having to look after their needs. Haven't tried the All-in-One NPCs since Nightlife, and I heard they hadn't been updated lately.
It's quite out of date, but still works. The only real problem I've run across so far is when you order room delivery on a vacation lot, the bellhop resets and you don't get the food. For me, a small price to pay. Oh, also you can use All-in-1 to use her as a housekeeper without having to have her playable.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: WOW EA admits to a cock up
on: 2008 April 04, 22:04:38
Well speaking of updating files erroneously - what about all the data files? When you play one hood, *every* hood file is touched. I bet they're all read and saved back, which is probably why the game takes so long to unload after you've finished playing.
Good, at least it's not just me that's having that problem. The shutdown time with Vista isn't too bad, but for 2003 it was absolutely horrible. Took longer to close up and clean up than to actually start the game.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: WOW EA admits to a cock up
on: 2008 April 04, 04:15:40
Not to mention that no one ever bothered to tell the new programmers that it's usually not a good idea to modify system files -- that's what the 'My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2' directory is for.
Not only that, but I bet it breaks multi-user support.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Abandonated Mods Needing Updates for Free Time
on: 2008 March 29, 19:55:05
How about mod A works and mod B works and mod A & B works in BV but in FT mod B breaks mod A? Ugh... now it works  Scooby, you could use Paladin's hack conflict detector from to find out whether the two mods are incompatible, it should tell you which resources are clashing (if any.) Already tried that, reported no conflict with it, which confused me.