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1  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition on: 2007 June 01, 04:04:42
They have different zodiac signs, different personalities,  different appearances.   In the neighborhood I am currently playing I almost always have multiple births in each game session.  I have used the lot debugger randomizer feature.  Nothing changes it.  ALL sims have a 4 in health.  ALL adult sims have an 8 in fashion, work and weather.   

After reading this post I've been checking the interests of my Sims as I play, and out of the 13 BIG sims I've played so far, 12 of them have a 4 in health/8 in weather, work, and I *think* environment.

I'm trying to figure what distinguishes the one without those exact interests from the other twelve. All I can come up with is that he's a twin, and he is by far the oldest Sim I've checked so far. I play quite slowly and it is very possible that he was born ages ago with only the base game installed.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Poll: How do you feel about accidental deaths in the Sims 2? on: 2007 March 29, 02:56:57
The only time I had a Sim die of something other than old age without me planning it was way back in the base game. I was busy paying attention to something else, and one of my Sims managed to starve to death in that time. Negligence on my part, not really accidental.

I didn't answer the poll because none of the answers really apply. It's not that I want more death, I just think it should be handled differently. I was trying to kill off a household once, and it happened when a Sim started a kitchen fire. Of course she just ran around for hours on end waiting to be engulfed, while her housemate was upstairs in the bathroom rocking out to her MP3 player. She didn't come downstairs until the first Sim perished, and then she eventually died in the fire. While the whole scene was quite amusing, it's also not really the type of death I'm looking for. I want more random death. I like the occasional element of surprise.

3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Is anyone else having this much problems with flashing blue accessories in p on: 2007 March 27, 23:47:41
I saw this today for the first time. It's a flashing blue, deformed version of generalzoi's trench coat accessory. He was not wearing the trench before the installation of Seasons.

4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: 20 Simultaneous Lovers LTW: Borked? on: 2007 March 26, 12:07:28
See, she went perma-plat when she fulfilled the want, but she never received the memory. I usually don't bother trying to fulfill relationship related LTWs, maybe there's something inherently wrong with them. I wouldn't be surprised.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / 20 Simultaneous Lovers LTW: Borked? on: 2007 March 23, 21:01:07
One of my romance Sims recently fulfilled the ridiculous "Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers" LTW, and while she is now perma-plat, she does not have a memory of it. I doubt I would have noticed it if not for Pescado's fix for the borked 20 WooHoos LTW. I don't know who got the memory, and I don't really care unless it has the potential for being a Very Bad Thing.
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