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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Run, sim, run on: 2011 April 04, 15:53:06
My only complaint about running is that sims can't run down the stairs, too. We really need a banister-sliding animation.
Or the teleporters from TS1.

testingcheatsenabled true Shift-click the ground. Choose Teleport to Here.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Homeless Challenge, TS3 on: 2010 March 10, 02:30:40
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. It's for Sims who are moving out, though. It gives you options for: move into another house, move onto empty lot, or kick out (make homeless).

It also works for Sims straight from the bin. That's how I get most of my Sims on their lots because I generally move them onto an empty lot that costs a fortune, which leaves them no money for a house.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Homeless Challenge, TS3 on: 2010 March 06, 05:29:37
I'm just going to poke my nose in here to say that there are two ways to move Sims onto lots, one will move them on to completely empty lots. I'm really tired and not thinking real well, but isn't it in Edit Town mode that they can't move onto an empty lot? If that's the case, then they can move onto an empty lot via the menu that has the option for switching the active family. If that's not the case it's the other way around.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version on: 2010 March 06, 05:02:52
Zazuzu, this might fix your road tears. Go to View and select the top option, which is to turn on bounding boxes. You'll see that every object on the map has its own small bounding box, but there are also a grid of bounding boxes over the entire map (how many depends on the size of map you used). Now check to see if you have lots that are over-lapping any of the box borders. If there are, delete them.

I can't guarantee this will fix the problems, but I do know lots overlapping the bounding boxes create some nasty, nasty tears in both roads and water.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Working our way toward Period Towns One Mod At A Time on: 2009 November 01, 19:21:22
You should make those medieval tapestries of lol, like the tapestryshopped one.
Or like this one:

Definitely! Those should go on my to-do list, like immediately even!

I do have ideas for better looking parking spots for period towns. I just have to learn how to actually make meshes first. Undecided And before I can do that I have to get a couple of other things out of my way.

A while back, Amjoie put together some lions and unicorns and maidens and some other Medieval style tapestries.

Hm, speaking of walking to work and such, will Twallan's work pusher mod force them to go to work without having a car pool? He's got some stuff going with his story progression mod as well, that stops the car pool from coming for Sims that already own vehicles. I haven't had time to get into the details yet, though.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Working our way toward Period Towns One Mod At A Time on: 2009 October 26, 22:36:02
You are welcome!

First of all, we need to have someone who could properly mesh and animate the vehicles. THEN they could probably be made to over-ride the original car meshes. I just keep being optimistic that eventually this will all happen. Cheesy
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Adam and Eve Challenge on: 2009 October 26, 21:59:08
must we add the community lots back? also do we have to use this?

Awesome mod with awesome story driver must be enabled.
Also, download Pescado's rule of 6 formula for accurate aging.

I'd rather try with out any community lots and with out those two mods

I like reading challenges like this, then I use them as inspiration for starting a new story line. I usually find there are at least a couple of rules that don't suit how I want to do things, so I toss them out. If I didn't want to use awesomemod and the story driver, I would just not worry about it. It is, after all, your game and should be played as you see fit. Smiley
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Working our way toward Period Towns One Mod At A Time on: 2009 October 26, 21:40:47
I know we don't have proper vehicles for our period towns yet, but I have high hopes that one day we will. With that (and the fact I think the original parking space is atrocious) in mind, I cloned the parking spot thingy-ma-bob to give it a nice wooden-ish brown tone.

This is my latest update image, which has the parking space at the bottom.

9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Does anyone want to try some DIRT ROAD REPLACEMENTS? on: 2009 October 21, 03:42:38
Thank you, Saraswati! I just keep running into one problem with them. I need these for one town, and a different set for another, and I'm always forgetting to switch them out between playing. Tongue
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Hatchet Falls Lots and Updates on: 2009 October 17, 18:04:16
I get them back in order, all except for the school.

I've read about kids not going to school after some rabbit hole buildings in an established town have been messed with. I can't guarantee it would work, but try deleting all schools and placing a new one from a fresh town map and see if they start using it.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Upload/package a Custom Neighborhood on: 2009 October 17, 17:58:21
No tutorial is needed for this. Providing you're using a Windows computer go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saves and find the save file, put it into an archive (like a .zip or .rar file) then upload it. Smiley If you are on a Mac you can do the same thing, I just don't know where the save files would be located.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Hatchet Falls Lots and Updates on: 2009 October 14, 17:36:13
LOL! Wanda's Yard Wonderland reminds me of a place on the highway between Redmond and Bend, Oregon, called The Funny Farm!
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers on: 2009 October 14, 03:56:26
Thanks, Ingeli! I bookmarked your site today because I have an idea I'll be using some of your buildings when I get a bit farther into this one town.

This one is going to be older than the hills eventually. Ironically, it's starting out young and will end up old. My other town is also based on historical settings, but not nearly that far back, so the stone roads are best for it.

Budgie, you should just hang around more. Quite a number of people are trying to do their level best to make those town maps their own. Check out Ellatrue's Hatchet Falls, for example. It definitely adds to the fun of playing.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Does anyone want to try some DIRT ROAD REPLACEMENTS? on: 2009 October 13, 15:58:28
Just looked at your pics. I see an annoying street lamp. You know they can be destroyed, yes? Use Twallans comp, Maintenance, Objects, you can see the street lamps in the list - they are 121 in Riverview. Flush them. Gone.

No, I had absolutely no idea! I have had so little time to play during the past weeks that I just now put Twallan's super computer and some other of his mods into my game (his debug mode enabler comes near to being to die for), and am currently in the midst of setting up two towns, one on each map. The one that's going on Riverview will eventually be very old-looking. The one in Sunset Valley not so old, but old enough it doesn't need those hideous street lights. Thank you, thank you for that bit of information!

I am going to have to update my town customization tutorial with this information! Cheesy
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Does anyone want to try some DIRT ROAD REPLACEMENTS? on: 2009 October 13, 06:34:48
These will immdiately replace the other replacement roads I have

If you would prefer them to be a lighter color, all you need to do is use S3PE to export the image, lighten it in your favorite image editor, then make a new file with the light road and replace the one I made. The hardest part is already done. Just be warned, the image you export won't look anywhere near the color it is in the game. TS3 does some very strange things to colors on roads. Tongue

I made this set with Hobbits and elves and Medieval style buildings in mind.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers on: 2009 October 13, 03:41:34
Ingeli, these look fabulous!

I love them with my road replacements! Cheesy I just uploaded dirt road replacements today.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Does anyone want to try some DIRT ROAD REPLACEMENTS? on: 2009 October 13, 03:39:41
This is what it currently looks like:

And here is where you can find them.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Victorian-type boots. on: 2009 October 07, 05:27:09
Yes, I fondly remember making Rosie Cotton. Oh how I loved her! I never had the patience to fiddle with making Sims like that for TS2 nor for TS3. For the original it was a matter of tweaking graphics. Later games I suppose it's still tweaking graphics but it's not nearly as much fun.

My apologies... I was thinking that looked good to even be an EAxis mesh.
The boots actually are an EA mesh, but have had an overhaul so the different color channels aren't where they originally were. So many people look at EA meshes and go, "Yuck!" Some of us look at EA meshes and start figuring out what we can do to make them better. LOL
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Game Crashes when i try to remove the AwesomeMod on: 2009 October 04, 19:01:42
Are you using Supreme Commander? If you are, that particular town probably won't be loadable without it.

If you aren't, I don't know if this information will be of any value at all, but you can give it a try.

Remove all core mods. Delete all four cache files instead of just ScriptCache. Restart your computer. Start the game and let it run through the movie. Try loading the town.

If it loads, exit and delete the ScriptCache, install the other core mod you want to use temporarily, and restart the game, again, letting it run through the movie. Try loading the town.

I'm afraid I can't offer more help than that. If it doesn't work you may be stuck without using the teen marriage mod.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: New rabbitholes on: 2009 October 04, 00:06:18
Why bother making them rabbit holes, only to make them not-so in the first expansion 5 months later?
I am also skeptical, but if it's true, it wouldn't be the first time EA has had to turn tales and run in a feature they put into a Sims game. Many people hate the rabbit holes. Or perhaps EA had plans of making non-rabbit hole lots all along and decided they'd make a great selling feature for an expansion pack. It wouldn't be the first time that kind of thing has happened, either.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Victorian-type boots. on: 2009 October 03, 23:51:47
I'm also extremely happy to see Bog Sims is still around after all this time.

Saraswati, we are nothing if not persistent! Cheesy

Okay, okay, I admit we have taken quite long hiatus at times, but in the end, we always come back. LOL
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: New rabbitholes on: 2009 October 03, 23:06:01
I can't imagine how anyone would need this.
Maybe a lack of imagination is the problem! Smiley

I can imagine using at least some of those, definitely. While I actually do like many of the rabbit hole buildings, seeing them over and over again gets very tiresome. I can see myself using these inside of other buildings that I have built to my specifications. Thanks for posting about them!
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pattern: Old Country Roses by Royal Albert on: 2009 September 30, 21:31:41
Ambular, that is so, so pretty! Cheesy
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Old Oak Starter house on: 2009 August 31, 23:32:16
They're probably in your cache and already loaded from when you uploaded them, so that tends to make it much less noticeable, although you might have a better connection than I do.  I'm on a high-speed connection and it took them a while (albeit, there are times when my connection is slower than others), and if anyone trying to look at them is using dial-up they are really stuck. That's over five megs worth of pictures that need loading.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Three Abodes for Pudding Habitation on: 2009 August 31, 04:47:17
Witch, I did get better at it fortunately. By the time I wasn't glued to TS2 I was able to build houses that weren't completely over-grown. Overall, though, I didn't build nearly as many houses in TS2 as I will be building in TS3. Not nearly as many.
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