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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2012 September 27, 17:39:54
Have you tried editsim? If you don't even know what I'm talking about, RTFM.
Of course I did. However, using Master Controller, I can switch between normal and werewolf forms while editing my Sim. Then what are you fucking complaining about? I complained first, then installed Master Controller. Then fixed my post.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2012 September 26, 05:24:36
It would be really great if there were a way to edit new Werewolves in game. It is (obviously) easy to edit werewolves in CAS when you make a new family, but if a Sim is bitten in game there doesn't seem to be any way to edit their werewolf form. The mirror doesn't work, and Shift/Clicking to send one to CAS doesn't seem to ever pop up with the second form icon over the Sim icon in the bar. I need to get rid of the horrible werewolf hair, which doesn't match my Sim's normal look at all.
Though having werewolves keep most of their features, as previously asked for, would probably solve this for me.
Have you tried editsim? If you don't even know what I'm talking about, RTFM. Of course I did. However, using Master Controller, I can switch between normal and werewolf forms while editing my Sim.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2012 September 23, 19:44:03
It would be really great if there were a way to edit new Werewolves in game. It is (obviously) easy to edit werewolves in CAS when you make a new family, but if a Sim is bitten in game there doesn't seem to be any way to edit their werewolf form. The mirror doesn't work, and Shift/Clicking to send one to CAS doesn't seem to ever pop up with the second form icon over the Sim icon in the bar. I need to get rid of the horrible werewolf hair, which doesn't match my Sim's normal look at all. Master Controller fixes this.
Having werewolves keep most of their features, as previously asked for, would solve this for me.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Ambitions: What's borked
on: 2010 June 03, 21:10:03
I don't know if this is a bug or a "feature" but there isn't a way to become a Tattoo Artist. All other "Professions" are available, but not that one. Though I suspect they just didn't bother to make it work, I thought I'd mention it in case it could be fixed. I meant that after the original music in CAS when it loads/runs, there is no music. No loop, or shuffle, or play. Just stops.
It has done this for me from the Base game on, so forever.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 30, 20:32:35
I suggest that smoking Sim-cigarettes should make your Sims have gay lusty thoughts. It should give them wants to flirt/kiss/woohoo with any nearby sims of the same sex, regardless of their relationship level. (Maybe it makes gay sims have straight thoughts?) I believe that you are referring to MDMA. I've never seen a Sim choke on food, but that would be perfect for a smoking mod. I wonder if certain Sims could be made to have an autonomous action to Lecture Smoking Sim? That would be pretty funny. Maybe it could lead to fights sometimes?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Better Maid & Babysitter
on: 2009 June 30, 19:46:54
I'm about to test these, but I had a small question: You said you have: "Increased the pool size (workers) to 4 each." Could you explain what that means? Does it mean that there will be maids/babysitters in rotation? Or does it mean that up to four maids/babysitters can now show up at a time? Or something else?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 25, 17:09:50
As I understand it, for addicts, the craving to smoke cigarettes never goes away.
It really depends on the person. I quit over a year ago and have no cravings, and I was addicted for 12+ years. I have a buddy who quit like three six years ago and he still drools at the thought of a cigarette. In my opinion if you still want to smoke after not smoking for that long, then you quit wrong. He gets pretty irritated when I say that. Edit to fix math error. Did you have cravings to begin with? I was never addicted, because I was able to just quit with no cravings at all. I think maybe people who still want to smoke after quitting probably didn't really want to quit to begin with. So, the way I figure it are only the addicts who still have cravings, as opposed to people who have smoked, enjoyed it, but never gained that strong physical and mental addiction in the first place. Many of the people I know that have quit weren't addicts to begin with, and so have a much easier time quitting. Then there are those people who quit for many years, and then start smoking again in stressful situations. Those people are who I think of, when I think of cigarette/other-forms-of-tobacco addiction. People who simply have decided with their entire mind that they just don't want or need to smoke anymore, they don't crave it. Or at least, that is my interpretation of it, given all of the smokers and ex-smokers and ex-ex-smokers that I have known. I don't actually know all of the specifics of tobacco/nicotine addiction. Yeah, that would be a cool feature. As for the idea of addiction, I don't know how complicated it would be to implement, but what if the lasting negative moodlet/deisre for a death stick depended on personality traits? Like a lucky sim might have an easier time quitting, or maybe one that's a coward might have a harder time kicking the habit. I like the idea that traits might influence how Sims smoke and become addicted (or don't). Perhaps a cowardly Sim might be scared to try smoking in the first place? And maybe Genius Sims might refuse to smoke cigarettes at all.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 24, 20:44:35
As I understand it, for addicts, the craving to smoke cigarettes never goes away. So a permanent -10 craving would be accurate according to that information. Shopping autonomously would be a problem, I feel. When I am controlling a Sim/Sim family, I don't want them to be able to wander off and purchase things that I might not want them to have. I would be fine if they had an extra pack and tried to smoke more, but not with them shopping without my permission. I love the idea of having conversations about smoking, and especially trying to ask family and friends to stop smoking - especially autonomously. I don't know if it will be possible to actually create a new skill and skill journal, but having a hidden "skill level" that actually measures the severity of cigarette addiction.
I also think that Sims should be able burn themselves and their furniture accidentally. I like the idea of them falling asleep while smoking could burn them up. Good population control. *wink*
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 23, 14:40:35
Fatigue is independent of energy in the sims 3. So we could do both... a slight boost to energy but an increase in fatigue. Maybe whatever moodlet we'd use for "just smoked" would work like the caffeine moodlet in that the being tired moodlets would be suppressed while it is active.
Wow. Thank you for telling me. I wasn't aware that they were separate (since most of my Sims don't spend a lot of time working out), but that makes things far better and easier.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 22, 17:46:09
What are you? Some kind of human idea well? You're really good at this. Nope, I just pay attention when I play the game, and saw a lot of the Mods this from the Sims 2. I just stated exactly how I would do this, were I at all capable currently of modding for the Sims 3. Which I am not. *laughs* I would near a really easy tutorial to even start learning how to. So all I have are ideas, and no talent to implement them. On the topic of the "smoking death"(damn this is sensitive - I'm not saying no to this and I'm perfectly fine if it's decided otherwise{like I have any real say}, but I'm just putting this opinion out there so please don't freak the hell out with personal stories and threats of eternal damnation anyone): I, for one, would rather not use lung cancer in the mod for several reasons: 1. I don't think many people want to see the "C" word in the sims as nearly all of us have been touched by it somehow. 2. Here we go - Not everyone who gets lung cancer smokes and not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer. 3. The disease is kind of a weird one to implement into the mod - If they die suddenly with the simple announcement that it was lung cancer, then fine - that's easy - but also a little lame. And otherwise, how would we portray it? What I prefer to use is an Emphysema Death, also for a couple reasons: 1. Pretty much all long-term smokers will face it. (and frankly, this scares me more than the cancer) 2. This could easily be portrayed and even almost fun to portray as the sims would eventually start coughing a little bit and over the days/years that cough would increase in length and seriousness as the smoking continues until eventually, and shortly into their elder years, they start coughing into a choking thing as smoke builds up around them and envelops them and they die. *Edit - Plus, this makes this mod a handy way to get rid of all those pesky elder sims.  You are correct. Having any sort of cancer in the game would be way too painful for most players. But emphysema can also be painful for some players, who have lost someone to it. I think having a unique Sim disease that could be acquired from smoking would be a better option. Also brilliant. Heck, death by smoking is fine by me. Or Simbacco disease. Or just "Smoking Death" or "Choked by Smoke" - anything is preferable to me than the ol' boring and depressing cancer thing.
I like the "Simbacco Disease". It could to start out like a cold, with some coughing. Maybe it could progress to make them feel nauseated, because that is basically what the Sims 3 gives for sickness. They wouldn't be able to get rid of it, and it should start drastically subtracting from their life for all future cigarettes they smoke. They should mainly just die of old age, because their lives would be a bit shorter. But a custom death could probably eventually be made. It could simply increase the chance of burning to death. Sims smoking would have some chance of spontaneously bursting into flames.
In this scenario, my sim, coming out of a "work hard" period at work, with a lot of stress and a bad mood, could have a smoke which would relieve his stress. However, he might also die. This would be the chance you take as a player. If you want to kill the sim, you just get him to chainsmoke. This could operate on the same principles as TJ's increased chance of alien abduction mod for TS2. Thus, death would not happen every time a sim smoked, but often enough to be lulzy.
It could also be made a spontaneous action for townies, which would help in population control. On the other hand, if it advertised too highly, one would risk turning one's hood into the 1950s (when EVERYONE smoked). Maybe there could also be a small chance of catching the Sim on fire every time they smoke (cigarettes or cannabis), which could decrease as Sims used more (and presumably work a lighter or match properly). Perhaps Clumsy and/or Unlucky Sims would have a much higher chance of lighting themselves on fire. And Pyros might be more drawn to smoking, since it involves fire? Smoking should also add 4 hours to your fatigue meter... So you can't work out as long. (But it shouldn't stack... so smoking 2 cigarettes doesn't make you fatigued all of a sudden).
But cigarettes are actually a stimulant. Would it maybe be possible to decrease the amount of time they can exercise, but add a tiny bit to their Energy meter. I think that would work best, if it were possible. Or maybe a custom moodlet that would prevent them from exercising, sort of like Fatigued by shorter. side note from ex smoker :: add less hunger, as a lot of people smoke instead of munchies on food.
I agree completely. Smoking cigarette should decrease hunger by a good amount. And smoking cannabis would need to greatly increase hunger, as it has the opposite effect. I gain some weight after giving up cigarettes, as did my sister, she's the only sibling I have that has quit smoking, both my brothers and both of my parents do.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 21, 20:51:47
I agree with whoever said that sore throat shouldn't happen after smoking cigarettes. But perhaps a non-timing out smoker's cough moodlet, which could happen after a certain number of cigarettes? I also like the idea that addiction could get stronger with each cigarette smoked. There would have to be an incrementing a counter to keep track - I wonder if that could be made to show up as one of those skill journals, like collecting does. Perhaps lung cancer could be a negative event, that could greatly shorten a Sim's lifespan as well as a permenent very negative moodlet. It would need to based on the number of cigarettes (or cigars) a Sims has used , as well adding in some small probability of lung cancer happening as a Young Adult, a greater probability as an Adult, and a much higher probability for Elders. Smoking cannabis should cause the sore throat moodlet. But it shouldn't have any chance for lung cancer, since it doesn't cause cancer. There would need to be some coughing during use, which could decrease based on how many joints (or pipes) smoked. After some number of joints, there could also be a chronic cough that wouldn't leave unless the Sim completely stopped smoking. Maybe using a smoking a lot of pot could start to effect Sims when not high. Young Adults could just get Absent-Minded's autonomous action Think Hard, without any of the annoying queue dropping, which should happen in the Adult and Elder stages (making them basically Absent-Minded with a new name). Sims could become Potheads as Young Adults, Stoners as Adults, or Burn-Outs as Elders. Maybe Adults and Young Adults could "get clean" by not smoking weed for a Sim week or two, but Elders couldn't? Personally, I don't think that Sim Teens should be able use cannabis. But I think they should maybe have an one time only option to "try cigarettes" which would result in the stupid "curfew" cop picking them up, but with a different message.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Story Mode: A Random @Toading: Congratulations to Draklixa!
on: 2009 June 20, 16:15:21
ThrowHouseParty A SelectRandomHousehold consisting of at least one YA or older throws a party. This is the only event that isn't harmful!
This is the only event that really makes much sense to me. Why couldn't random actions happen in a nicer way, rather than a killing-all-my-Sims-then-spawning-a-ton-of-babies retarded EAxis way? Oh yes, because they suck and they hate us. It would be nice if GetJob would trigger more often, or if jobs were just automatically assigned when YA-hood is reached. I hate that most of my town seems to be unemployed. I would like to see something like that, but saner. In Sims 2 the Awesomeware would pick random townies for coworker for the player's Sims. Something like that, but picking random non-player residents of Sims 3 to fill in coworkers would be nice. Of course, I prefer Sims getting random jobs over Sims dying or adopting 20 toddlers or being deleted or randomly moved. But I don't think I would like the game gives Sims jobs randomly, if I had an alternative option. Strictly speaking, animals can be quite picky. Random mating is one of those simplified assumptions akin to spherical cows. It isn't too far from the habits of the Bonobo. But for most animals, there is very strict competition for mates.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I would like a Smoking Mod - Can it be done?
on: 2009 June 20, 15:24:04
This is certainly ages away from being possible. I don't think a smoking mod for Sims 2 came out until at least after OFB. The one from 2 was a modified food (actually a glass) item. But I think there were only cigarettes and joints - I never found any usable pipe or cigars.
It would be great to have custom moodlet if smoking is made for the Sims 3. Soar Throat, and maybe some sort of Cigarette Addiction (like a negative moodlet that only goes away after a cigarette - and then comes back after a few hours. Smoking a cigarette would probably raise energy slightly and make the Sim a little less hungry. But maybe a (recolored gray) "stink" would stick around for a while - so that other Sims would think a smoker or recent smoker smelled bad. Also, it would be very cool if smoking shortened a Sim's lifespan! Maybe, if teens smoke on a public lot, the police would pick them up - like with curfews.
Personally, since I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, I'd rather see a pipe or joint - with negative and positive moodlets. Moodlets like the Munchies (a renamed clone of the hungry or really hungry moodlet), perhaps a High moodlet, which would give like an hour + to mood. Smoking a joint would cause a Sim to become very hungry. Maybe Sims could have a slight boost to gaining friendship and a faster social gain with other Sims that are High? And it would have to frequently trigger the Contemplate Surroundings and the Think Hard actions, while also having the random queue drop giving by the Absentminded trait temporarily.
But yeah, cracking into the animations of the game isn't going to be possible for some time. Perhaps also, someday, a grow-able tobacco plant and cannabis plant could be made. After someone figures out how the Sims 3 plants work at all stages. I wish I were helpful into such matters, but I really can't do much without a tutorial to tell me. I am not awesome.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: IMPORTANT DESIGN POLL
on: 2009 June 20, 00:07:57
I use a trackball mouse, but functionally, it's pretty much the same as a scrolly-wheel.
I have a trackball mouse with a scroll wheel. In the Sims 3 (as well as the Sims 2) the scroll wheel is used to zoom or...un-zoom. The trackball just moves the courser around. So I don't think a trackball would be able to scroll the Interaction Tone Selector window (unless, I think, one has a middle mouse key).
on: 2009 June 07, 23:37:16
I was getting random crashes during gameplay, with the enablescripterror.package, and the current version of the Awesomemod (without the script error enabler, my game crashed on start up). Tried clearing the cache, no difference. But when I put in the older version of the awesome, from reply #47, my game works just fine. I'm just as confused as everyone else. Do the people getting the crashing problems maybe have something in common? I am running Windoze XP, and have the retail DVD version of the game (and all the newest drivers that were available on Friday).
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Good, the Bad, and the Randomly @Toaded
on: 2009 June 04, 18:17:16
I had a sort of similar problem, in my Razor version, where every couple days it would give me a different maid. I think there were about 5 or 6 when I uninstalled that and installed the Retail version. Now I just have 2 maids, one that comes on weekdays and one that comes on weekends. I haven't noticed any extra spawning (yet).
I have recently noticed some things, in the Retail version (which were probably also present in the Razor version) that amuse me. I like that Sims "upgrade" the compute by jabbing it with a screwdriver - and upgrade the toilet by banging on it with a hammer. Also, I just noticed that mirror reflect the walls of the rooms they are in - even if those walls are down to the player. No longer can my mirrors magically reflect my sim playing guitar outside when they have three or four walls in the way, which had bugged me somewhat in the previous game.
Sometimes this game does make me want to jab my computer with a screwdriver...
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: REAL Final Version
on: 2009 June 03, 14:16:17
I'm at work, so I can't even check this myself...but I feel like my retail copy is version blahblahblah 645. When I loaded it up yesterday I remember noticing it on the launcher and thinking it was odd, since I figured it would say 631. Maybe someone with the retail copy could check theirs out? Or whatever number I was looking at was not the game version at all, which is entirely possible.
Mine says 631.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 June 02, 23:04:25
My newer copy of the game is a tad different from the Razor copy I arr'ed. I don't think that anything is fixed - I haven't played long enough yet to actually see if the Story Progress actually toggles off or not. I haven't spotted any spawning babies of doom (and lameness) yet, but I can't say for sure. But my copy of the game from Amazon has a few new items (like, maybe 10). So that is a little bit different.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 May 31, 00:24:36
Ok, I've been playing the Arr'ed game for a few hours. The problem that I was most bugged by is the stupid, stupid paths they take. My Sim decided she had to walk out to the corner of the yard to play guitar. And my Sim couple felt the need to both go outside in order to get to the back of the house. And woe betide any Sim that has to go around another Sim in its path - there is plenty of space, but they cannot seem to figure out that one of them needs to move over. *grrr* I know that this is a known annoyance, like the dreaded baby hoard (since I actually read all 76 pages before I posted) - but it still really bugs me. I'm glad that the No Censor Hack was already up by the time I finished downloading this - I fear the stupid mosaic that tried to eat my Sims when they bathe. [Edited to Add:]There are somethings about the game that I do like. The moodlets are cute, and amuse me. I really like the traits, and how they effect the ways that Sims learn and act (though I do hope that these are someday tweaked to be...awesome). I really like the fish bowl, and how I could just put a live fish in. The water takes good advantage of my spiffy new graphics card, and many of the other graphics are quite nice (even if almost all of them were just ripped out of the Sims 2). The trees are kind of clever, but I wonder if real, full meshes would make the game that much slower. I haven't had that difficult of a time making Sims with a minimum of double chins - but I would like it a lot if it were possible to allow some of the Sims to have single chins. Not everyone looks like this guy: 
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: CS Items and Replacements - Now with More Stories Items on Second Page
on: 2008 October 17, 08:51:23
I don't believe I have any other replacements in my game that would conflict. I have not downloaded any other phones, but I do have the awesome phonehack. That wouldn't conflict, would it? It didn't show up as such in any of the hack conflict checks. As far as the updated version, I'll redownload to see if I that works.
Thanks so much WatersMoon! I really like having a "native" hood and having an exchange woud be cool.
Did re-downloading help?