Because I had to do a complete reformatting of my hard drive (don't ask ), I needed to reinstall my AL DC, so I went hunting for an updated RATFM. And 'cause I'm a reasonably nice person and I went to a lot of work to put this together, I thought I might as well share. If it's helpful to anyone else to use, great. If not, the mods can delete it and it won't hurt my feelings one bit.
Please note a few things:
1. To save space (and because I own all the EPs and SPs and didn't really plan on sharing this file when I started), I took out the verbage that talks about compatibility. So if you don't have all the EPs and SPs and you have a question about whether the mod will work in your game, please go look it up. Don't ask me, 'cause I don't know and I'm not looking it up for you.
2. All I did to create this file was to take the existing FT_RATFM file, remove all the dead mods and add in the new ones. So excepting the verbage on the mods I added, I take no credit or blame for work that was already done.
3. All the descriptions I used for the updated mods came directly from the forum (yes, "Search" is your friend!).
4. I took out the language that indicated the mod was a "DC exclusive", because this is labeled as the RATFM for the DC file (duh!).
Go ye and download if you wish