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1  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: October on: 2008 October 05, 12:54:51
Great interpretations so far. Salix Tree, in a million years I could never have thought of that intepretation - it rocks.  Kalina, others - great work. I love the idea of making the space 'fit' the Curious personalities.

Somehow last month completely got away from me - I was so busy with work I never even fired up my game. But I have some ideas for this one. ::::rubs hands together::::
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Support the evil empire! Save a kittun! GOAL REACHED! on: 2008 September 27, 22:49:44
Our goal has been reached. And there was much rejoicing.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Support the Evil Empire! BUY STUFF! on: 2008 September 19, 14:01:14
Moar products added.

Anyone interested in hats, bags, or aprons?
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Support the Evil Empire! BUY STUFF! on: 2008 September 18, 00:56:18
You can customize shirt style, size, and color - click on the item, then click 'customize'.

Yes, but I brought that up because black is not an option for the Moar Fight shirt.

Hrm. Let me see what I can do. Black should be an option.

Also - I will start putting all the designs on, well, everything. It takes a bit of set up time, but it's worth it. Expect them sometime by tomorrow night (a girl's gotta work, yanno).
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Support the Evil Empire! BUY STUFF! on: 2008 September 17, 19:47:37
Anyone who has a Zazzle mousepad: are they the ones that feel like fabric with kind of a gel layer directly underneath the fabric? I'm trying to see if I'd be allergic to them, and it doesn't look like they have really detailed product info (most places don't, honestly). I suspect I will be allergic. I just really wanted a Retard-Oh one for home.  Cry

Lemme see if I can come up with something for you.

Would it possible to get this on a mug. I have too many t-shirts but not enough mugs! Lol.

Will load it now. It sould be available shortly.

Do Want "Moar Fight!" shirt in black.

You can customize shirt style, size, and color - click on the item, then click 'customize'.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Support the Evil Empire! BUY STUFF! on: 2008 September 17, 19:17:25
I have no idea what's going on. When I'm logged in, I can see it all, but when I log out, it's only the magnet. I've put in a help ticket... stay tuned.

It had everything to do with ratings - I'd put a higher-than-G rating on the items, as they're for a rated T game; unfortunately, unless you specifically say you want to see stuff rated PG-13 or R, you can't see them.  Everything's G-rated now... so everyone should be able to see it all. Sorry for the inconvenience.
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Support the Evil Empire! BUY STUFF! - updated info within on: 2008 September 17, 15:16:18
UPDATE: It has come to our attention that Zazzle's shipping costs are insane, making it cost-prohibitive to buy items if you're not on the North American continent. Thus, we have a deal for you - if you want to 'make your own', please make your payment via PayPal (see the other give us monies thread), and make a note that you want the zip of images. I'll then send it to you via the email you provide to PayPal. If you donated before the goods were available and wish to have the images, send me a PM that includes the email you used at PayPal (or the snail mail details).

The Zazzle store is now open!

Please note that we have priced everything with an aggressive markup to get a few bucks off each sale - for the good of the order, of course.

Also note that more products have been added for your shopping pleasure.

Please note that these items are customizeable - color, shirt/mug design, etc. If you want a design on something that isn't set up (like the FFS on a sticker, for example), please make note of it here and we'll get it set up at Zazzle. Zazzle isn't great about letting Joe User customize across product types, only within product types.

Thanks again Kicks and stomps to BastDawn for managing the contest portion of this project!
8  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: September on: 2008 September 02, 13:03:10
Link fails. Sad
9  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour. on: 2008 August 31, 12:37:16
I can confirm this. I spent some time last night making a really nice duplex on a foundation that had private backyards and I couldn't change it to an apartment until I removed the doors to the yards. Ugh.

I did some experimenting with this and found some workarounds.
The easiest one requires an invisible fence, the one I tested with is Niol's at MTS2. (First in the download list.)

.... detailed explanation here....

I have a question about this method - doesn't the fence keep the sims inside? I thought about an invisible window or door but rejected it due to movement restrictions. Do you delete the invisible fence once you place the stairs?

The solution I found is to create a small room like you would a garage with house-on-foundation; you get the sloppy walls around the door, but it's not horrible, I suppose.

From the top, of course, it looks like another room. I did put a door from the main floor to the fake porch - in this case I envisioned it as a mudroom. I can see using this method to build conservatories or other 'sunken' rooms.

The result is a real rowhouse sort of back yard, plus a small balcony from the master bedroom (bonus!). Now I just need to replace the Maxis fences with the custom fences I really wanted (I wondered for a while if CC was the issue).

Meanwhile, I hope someone comes up with a real fix to this issue.
10  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: Enabling Build/Buy In Apartments on: 2008 August 30, 20:28:59

I guess I'll need to wait and see if someone with some skill can fix this glaring oversight on the part of EAxis, since there is no logical reason why you couldn't have a door leading out to a yard that is completely fenced in.  Anyone have any knowledge yet on whether this affects balconies?

As far as I can tell, it doesn't, because balconies are on the same level.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apartment Life: Obligatory Hate/Love Topic on: 2008 August 28, 13:17:14
Is anyone else getting an odd jump bug when directing a playable resident to speak to another apartment resident? The active sim seems to turn 45 degrees each time I click on another sim to interract. Will get error logs if necessary.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apartment Life: Obligatory Hate/Love Topic on: 2008 August 27, 18:22:49
Annoyed by:
- the way you have to do the new roofs; it's not an actual roof, but rather pieces in Buy/Decorative/Other that you place
- the 45-degree view; clearly it's just to show off the ceiling cat

Amused by:
- the Sims3 poster (Buy/Decorative/Wall)
- the eerie similarities between new duct work and CycloneSue's duct work

So far I've just looked around... will play and do some building later this afternoon.
13  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 27, 18:22:18
Zazazu, that is stunning.

Personally I'm enjoying the casual nature of this challenge. Plus, if I won one, I'd have to go and find a lot to renovate and I'm really far too lazy. I'd rather sit here and wait for other people to trawl through the crap.  Grin

I like the casual nature as well. I prefer challenge to contest in this case.

As far as which house to do, I don't have a problem with someone saying "I picked one, shall we?" and like we've done before, either say "oh cool" or "hey, what about this one instead" because goodness knows there are enough craptastic Maxis houses to keep us busy for years.
14  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 26, 21:43:57
Do we have a house for September yet?

I have a house that I'd like to use next month. Any objections?

Tell us more...
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Support the evil empire! Save a kittun! Give us money! on: 2008 August 22, 13:04:12
If you're sending via PayPal, $3 is too little. I wouldn't send cash through the mail, hence the check or money order. You can get inexpensive money orders at the post office.

As far as updates, I'm keeping a running tally in my sig line here and PMBD; I will update every evening (US Eastern time).

ETA: the growing beard is amusing, however... I might have to make that one work. Meanwhile, it's in the sig.
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Support the evil empire! Save a kittun! GOAL REACHED! on: 2008 August 20, 15:01:32
Give us money! We require US$2500 to pay for all of Cheezserver fees for 2009. This amount covers MATY, PMBD, the booty, and other Pescado enterprises.

There are three ways to contribute:

1. PayPal - send your donation to cheezserver by clicking here. Please note that PayPal charges us a small fee for converting from other currencies to US Dollars, so keep that in mind when choosing your donation amount.

Example: a recent AUS$20 donation to the booty was converted to US$16.02. AUS$1.18 was taken as the fee; the rest was then lost in the exchange from AUS$ to US$.  (If you're curious about the conversion rates; i.e., how well your currency's doing against the US dollar, check out

2. Check or money order - make them out to Cash, if possible, or K Debus if you cannot make them out to cash. Mail to: K Debus, PO Box 696, Round Lake, NY 12151 USA. Be certain to put your MATY/PMBD screen name in the subject line of your check or money order so we can send a PM receipt.

3. Buy MATY/PMBD gear from the Cheezserver Zazzle store! The store is open now. Check out the merchandise in the Buy Stuff! thread!

- Cheezeserver must be paid for in late December, so please plan to donate by December 15th, 2008.
- If you donate via check or money order, you will receive a PM confirmation when it is received. PayPal and Zazzle will automatically issue you a receipt.

Edited to add, based on conversation below: Mercenary cat can have title or webspace, per Pescado. Contact him once you have received your email or PM confirmation of payment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here or send me a PM.

Moderator edit: link to the design contest changed to the merchandise thread

Update September 27: our goal has been reached.
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: MATY and PMBD design contest! on: 2008 August 19, 16:55:35
By the way - when you're working on designs, keep in mind what they should be printed on; what fits on a bumper sticker won't look right on a mug. (Zazzle has a cool photo cutout thing we could put images on - I think Pirate Pescado (from the PMBD front page) might be cool on something like that. To see the variety of items we can put these designs on, check out
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: MATY and PMBD design contest! on: 2008 August 19, 00:23:35
Yes, just getting the PMBD version posted now. I'm sending everyone here to post and vote; it'll be easier, methinks.
19  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 10, 13:15:34
Oh and for anybody who uses podiums (podia?), please, please, please paint the sides. Everytime I read a story or see a house with an undyed podium it drives me nuts.

So how do you do that then? I tried applying a wallpaper and it wouldn't take it.

I assume you're talking about the stage? They are very persnickety. I found the best way to do it is to place a modular stair, and 'paint' starting on the stage piece behind the stair. Then remove the stair (or not, if it's part of your design). Do note that if you do that, the full circumference of the stage is painted with that one wallpaper - if you want it to have a different color (say, on an outside wall), temporarily remove the walls, put up modular stairs, paint just those parts of the stage, remove stairs, re-add walls, and breath a sigh of relief. (Sighing optional.)

I remain impressed with what everyone's doing - this lot is a true challenge!
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: You could meet Pescado in a dark alley with a suitcase full of cash, or... on: 2008 August 10, 13:08:35
Once we have the money in a bank account, it can be wired to Malaysia; this is what we did to pay for Cheezeserver in Decembe 2007. We set up that account in July of last year and got the last of the money PayPal owed us in December, in time for the bill. I figure, if we have multiple options, with money coming in a variety of ways, we won't have a large sum stuck with PayPal.

21  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: IdleHaven Revisited - now with beach lot capability on: 2008 August 09, 12:51:20
Huzzah! (That is all. I love this terrain.)
22  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 08, 13:50:24
Yeah, the basement is pretty dark. Shame really.

That's why I did the 'basement apartment window' look. It's the only way to get any light down there. It's easy - you knock out a couple of foundation blocks, put walls on the inside, add a window (you must use move_objects on, then draw a perpendicular wall to make the window show up), and add a fence to the outside. It doesn't take away from your interior space and adds not only light but a little architectural interest.

@Hecubus. These apartment lots will be so hot shortly! Looks very fresh and tidy. You didn't do too badly on space, even though you split them.

Thanks. I have been quietly building some multi-family lots in anticipation.

I can't wait to see what you do, witch!
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: You could meet Pescado in a dark alley with a suitcase full of cash, or... on: 2008 August 08, 13:41:41
With Zazzle and Cafe Press, there is no upfront cost. However, if you spend US$20 on a MATY t-shirt, we don't see all the dough. At Zazzle, a basic t-shirt starts at  $14.95; if we charged $20, we'd only see $5.05 of that. We can, of course, charge more (they let us set the markup), but people would have to know that if they get a t-shirt for, say, a $50 donation, we only see $35 of it. IF that is okay - a high markup - then we'll go forward with planning for that.

It's a great alternative, however, to through into the mix. As the biggest issue we currently have with PayPal is getting the money when we need it to send to Malaysia, multiple payment options is probably going to be the best.

Do I need a new poll? It sounds like people at both PMBD and MATY would be interested in merchandise as an option.

(As a side note: how should we pick the designs we'll use? A contest? If we do that, we should run the contest through early-September and get the 'store' up by the equinox.)
24  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 08, 01:30:16
This took five tries to get something I liked, but I think I finally have something.

Inspired by Apartment Life, I turned the place into a two-family home, with a couple of shared areas. They are perfect for a single sim or DINKs.

Construction changes:
- added full second floor
- raised basement floor and expanded basement
- reconfigured interior walls
- extended back patio, added small front porches
- removed the 'entrance' platforms
- changed roofline, added balcony

I did not change the footprint of the house.

Other features:
- added swimming pool and small reflecting pool where the evil entrance was located
- completely fenced-in lot
- lockable kitchens and stairwells
- one true desk for each family

Floor Plans:

Basement - where the living rooms are

Main Floor - kitchens, half-baths, dining rooms, shared sunroom

Top Floor - bedrooms, full baths, shared balcony

I decorated the left side in golds, the right side in blues.

Selected gold-side interiors:

Selected blue-side interiors:

Selected exteriors:

I used the flattened lot. It costs somewhere in the neighborhood of §118K.

Download here.
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: You could meet Pescado in a dark alley with a suitcase full of cash, or... on: 2008 August 07, 19:50:19
I like the idea - and we can add some piratey options to the mix (because PMBD is part of Cheezeserver) if it's a go. If BastDawn can't help me edit this poll, I'l make a new one.
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