My sister and I are trying to create medieval neighborhoods and there are certain objects that really don't fit in. I am a really bad mesher for the most part, but I have managed to create a barrel trash can to replace the the big metal one. It looks pretty good and it works just like the original, except that the lid will not separate from the can. I know that there are specific programs and/or techniques that are used to retain animations and I've tried to use the Mesh Tool, but I failed.
I know also that there is a plug-in for milkshape for animations, but I don't have/can't get milkshape(yes, I really am
that poor). So I was thinking that maybe someone with the necessary skills/software who shares the desire to replace that trash can for a medieval neighborhood would be interested in collaborating. The barrel is meshed, mapped, and textured; I just can't fix the animations.
I am attaching a pic so that anyone who might be interested can make an informed decision regarding whether or not this is something that they would even want to use much less invest time in.