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TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Several magic castle - lots and all of them empty
on: 2009 October 22, 19:28:35
What I do is the opposite of what you want - I want to get rid of these lots without them respawning. I delete all the hobby and magic lots upon hood creation, and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems so far. However, they don't regenerate, but I think this could be because I leave the suburb files intact. If you've got a backup, you may as well try it, although obviously I can't guarantee that it will work.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apocalypse! How many are left?
on: 2009 July 15, 17:54:10
The only TS3 thing I find appealing that TS2 lacks is the absence of rubbish lot impostors. However, that's not so annoying that I'll install what appears to be a broken console version of TS1 that's been given a fresh lick of paint. I'm far too much of a control freak, and I don't want my years of obsessively editing CC and settings to go to waste! Plus, I only just installed SC4 (to make my own terrains), which reminded me that I generally like to be 5 years behind with games and 3 years behind with hardware. I made exceptions for TS2 and TF2, so I'll only make future exceptions for anything called Tx2, and TS3 doesn't fit that rule. That's called logic!
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Moar Whiny
on: 2009 June 01, 12:39:02
10: I'm using this anti-enthusiam hack to stop hobby annoyances once and for all. The sims can still do any hobby activity, but I decide (ie, not inside the game) if it's their "hobby" or not. It gets rid of everything, though, due to how it works: no hobby idiots ringing my sims all the time, no stupid memberships clogging up the memories, no "look at me I'm glowy and STUPID and making loud noises all the time because I danced all day yesterday at the party!"... I love it, but it might be more than what you're looking for.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Pets seems to think it uninstalled itself?
on: 2009 March 02, 22:32:21
Check the registry is still pointing to the correct folder for Pets. Try re-installing Pets back over the top. If it still says you don't have pets, run your defragging program and find out that you were 95% fragmented and 50% corrupted because the scheduled nightly defrag hadn't been running for months, then re-install the offending EP again and all will be well. (If you reinstall an EP that you're not running from, you don't need to do any .exe-replacing, but if you use clean templates for that EP you need to put them back in ) Good luck!
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / My neighbourhood broke my game
on: 2009 February 13, 20:15:23
First off, I have a solution to my problem: start my neighbourhood again, and then everything works. But, I have no idea why this happened so I'm wondering if anyone can shed any light I made a new neighbourhood very recently, in fact so recently and with so few sims/lots that I hadn't even made a backup (fail, I know). Today I quit my game to install some mini beach lots (which I had been looking for forever because I am dumb and can't use searches properly). I went back in and got a "Lol you uninstalled FT, retard" message. I've had this kinda thing before: either changing the registry to actually point to the right place instead of the new location of "IGOISJOGIJEO ERJALLOLOLOLOL" or simply installing the EP over the top again fixes it. Not this time! And it wouldn't even install properly because it couldn't "update" :S I tried removing the lots I'd installed, being as that was what had actually changed, still "where's FT lol". Took out all the lots, not just those: same. Took out my whole Documents\The Sims 2 folder - it semi-broke when regenerating neighbourhoods (maybe I went a bit overboard with the empty templates!) but ~*magically*~ FT was there again. I narrowed it down to my neighbourhood folder - with an empty one, I still have FT. But how did this happen? How can the presence of a neighbourhood that worked literally 2 minutes ago make the game think a whole EP is missing? :/ (Also - I don't need to get another securom-free .exe for FT, as I'm running from a later EP, right? Just checking...) EDIT: Well, I'm glad this was moved here because it's STILL BROKEN ARARAAARARR ;_; It lied to me
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Do you visit the hobby lots? Are they useful?
on: 2008 August 04, 20:37:27
If you delete them, they will respawn, but they will be blank. Also, hobby mavens and other enthusiasts will not show up. That's what got me started on the whole editing crusade.
Ooh, interesting! Is that "not show up" or "not spawn at all", though - do you know?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Do you visit the hobby lots? Are they useful?
on: 2008 August 04, 20:03:46
You'll seriously install a whole EP just for 1 object it contains? Not trying to be judgmental here, just curious. That and a need for completion I can't be arsed with SPs, but I want all the EPs. Plus, my sister bought it on offer, and we have an agreement to always go halfsies on any Sims games either of us buys, so I figured I ought to install it after paying for it. XD You'll need to live with the default hobby lots, at least for your 'hoods to be updated for the new EP, and preferably until you have taken a sim to visit each lot. Check out leaths's post in Zazazu's Peasantry thread on editing hobby lots. Using a clean template, a hobby maven will only spawn when a sim gets to a certain level of hobby enthusiasm. I feel like I heard about a "no enthusiasm at all" hack somewhere, which might prevent them spawning indefinitely. But my search skills are failing me. Has anyone else heard about it, or is that just my imagination again? True, but leath's post did not cover simply deleting the hobby lots. leath suggested that the lots could be edited and replaced, but the result would be more attractive sekrit hobby lots, not no hobby lots at all. Not sure what would happen if you simply remove them. The game might respawn them for the next sim who reaches the required enthusiasm level.
I've not heard of that hack, but I wasn't really planning on getting FT, so I've not read anything much about it. Thanks for your input, both of you. I think I'll just leave them be and ignore them for now if this isn't something people have tested I'm worried about invisible side effects that'll wreck my hood a year from now
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Do you visit the hobby lots? Are they useful?
on: 2008 August 04, 18:50:24
Ok, mild derailing, still on the subject of hobby lots. I've just installed FT but not yet played it. The post on empty templates warns me not to delete the lots while I'm sorting things out because those are the hobby lots. But, from what I've read, I don't want them! I don't even want prettier versions! So, can I just delete them? ;_; Will this also have the pleasant side effect of preventing the hobby-people from spawning? (All I want from this EP is the damn toddler table )
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Question about breeding, CAS, and genetics
on: 2008 July 24, 16:10:39
I think sometime after I graduated from college, I read that new things had been learned about genetics that made predicting hair and eye color far more complex. Apparently, it's actually possible for two blue-eyed parents to have a brown-eyed child. I don't remember the mechanics of how and why it can happen, though. That might have something to do with it -- or there might have been too many cases of kids suddenly discovering that "daddy" was really the postman. I'm fascinated by hair, eye and skin colour genetics, and the last time I was reading about it, I found out that all the 'genetics' lessons I had for my biology GCSE were a bunch of lies. XD I found it kinda hard to understand, but it's something like: apart from red hair, there's no such thing as a gene for a particular hair colour. There are lots of variations in 'normal melanin' hair colour because it's like a whole row of switches that control lights in a big room. Someone with really light blond hair has all the switches one way, someone with really dark black hair has them all the other, but if you have just some one way you have kinda dark or kinda light hair. And I don't think people are 100% sure how these are passed down, because I couldn't find an easy explanation XD The way I understood it, you can basically get 3 'on' switches from your dad, 2 from your mum, and end up with 5, even if they only had 3 and 2 respectively - so your hair colour is way darker than either of theirs :S I find eye colour even more confusing - the thing I always have to remember is that melanin is yellow and not brown, or I can't get my head around green eyes (in fact, I still can't, but I remember that was one of the things I told myself to remember ). All of this is why I don't understand why people can't get their heads around Sims 2 genetics (which, unless I'm completely mistaken, is the thing with the squares from my GCSEs). And I'm glad to hear that CAS genetic-mixing counts when breeding that sim later on! I did that for a few YA sims who I never bred, so I never worked out if it had any effect XD
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: New hard drive. Is this going to work?
on: 2008 July 05, 13:48:32
I only found one registry entry per EP that was about the install folder and needed changing when I moved my folders around, so it might be quicker to do it that way I didn't quite do what you're doing - I just got a bigger drive which I partitioned into two drives of different sizes, uninstalled every game bar TS2, copied everything into the small one, and then moved documents and TS2 onto the bigger partition. The reason I reinstalled everything but TS2 is that changing the million cds and dvds would have been more trouble than editing things manually for this game, and even an installation like that is way less trouble than what you'd have to do, so... XD I never patched anything, as far as I can recall. If the 'updating your game' thing actually does nothing, then I've always played an unpatched game and sorted out anything I deemed a bug with third-party fixes. It's worked for me for all these years, and if it worked for you before you may as well carry on. I don't know anything at all about the EA Store, though. Sorry Good luck with all this, whatever you do!
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Game won't read Pets
on: 2008 July 03, 22:35:07
Arina: How do I do that? Ok, first off: I am no expert and if you destroy your PC by following my advice it's on your head and not mine. To edit the registry you need to go Start - Run - type 'regedit'. Look through the trees and find the (quite high up) folder which is called SOFTWARE and has entries for all your programs (as opposed to the one with hardly anything in). Now find EA Games in that section. Under that you ought to have entries for all your EPs. Click on them, and in the right some info should come up. Basically, look at what it says for the "Install Dir" line and check that that game is actually where it thinks it is for each EP. If it's wrong, well, I recommend, if possible, you change the physical folder to be in the place the registry is and just edit nothing there. (If you just LOOK, you can't harm anything XD) But if you're more brave (I was... if you're careful and make notes on what you've changed you will be completely fine, so don't be too worried, but if you're unsure at all err on the side of caution), you can edit that line to reflect where the folder is. But seriously, you can completely break Windows with this tool if you don't know what you're doing. Don't mess with ANYTHING that doesn't say The Sims 2, and mess with that as little as possible if you're worried. I'm not even sure if this is the problem, but I guess if it "can't find" something you're sure is there, this is probably where to investigate Good luck!
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Game won't read Pets
on: 2008 July 03, 19:18:26
This isn't quite what happened to me, my game just lost some expansion packs and so wouldn't load. I found out that, before going on holiday, I'd moved and renamed the EP folders and not changed the registry entries to match (why, I don't really know). So when I got back, TS2 "randomly" wasn't working. I found out what it was pretty soon, but it was still really annoying. Have you looked in the registry and checked that everything is pointing to where things actually are for Pets?
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Bodyshop Items Won't Show Up
on: 2008 June 25, 13:36:33
Liz: I tried that already Arina: Here Assuming this is meant to show up in one of the child clothing bins, it's broken - unless it's on a Maxis mesh from FT or an SP, none of which I have? (I know what a texture missing a custom mesh looks like, but I don't know if it would look the same for a missing game mesh - this just plain doesn't show up). But as you've also tried content other people say is working, I'm afraid I've got no idea any more (I was hoping it would be just one or the other). I think you will have to reinstall I hope that fixes it!
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Bodyshop Items Won't Show Up
on: 2008 June 20, 08:17:49
And on the reverse of that, can you upload something? A lipstick, anything you can't get to work. Just upload it somewhere (it might even fit here, I don't know), and I'll see if I can get it to show up (or anyone else can, obviously)
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Shopping district black
on: 2008 June 19, 23:11:53
I don't think you're imagining it or anything - my no autonomous fridge-usage hack stopped working the first time I compressorised it (and another one I can't remember). But that was with the very first version, a little while after it came out, and when I downloaded and compressorised them a second time, it was fine. I'm sure you're safe to do it now; I've not had anything break since that very first try. If you want to be safe, back them up (obviously) and maybe just do any hacks that are bigger than a few kb, because those are the ones where you'd get more of a benefit (or only do hacks with instantly noticeable/testable effects, not ones which stop invisible corruption).
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
on: 2008 June 15, 19:40:39
Yes, eliminates the need for regular uni, but not only that, I believe the last time I checked I wasn't able to play regular uni anymore - they would age to adult there. (Last time I tried was with Argon's mod. I haven't tried with this one yet.) So if it's basically the same, I think you'll have to choose one or the other.
Can't remember what their diplomas say. I'll check next time I play.
Cool. I'll give it a spin and see what I think of it, then. Thanks for the answers
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
on: 2008 June 13, 16:22:01
This might be a stupid question, but does this eliminate entirely the need for making a university? If so, when do the teachers/other students get generated? Do they need to be? What would happen if you had two uni subhoods? (Do you get two sets of npcs when you do that anyway?) Also, I can't remember if the diplomas say what university the sim graduated from - if it does, does it have the name of the main hood or what? Sorry for all the questions: I'm interested, but I don't think I read the thread the first time around, so I don't really understand how this works
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Anyone take the lastest survey on the Sims 2 web page?
on: 2008 June 12, 11:34:20
Wow! I didn't think I had any remaining respect for EA, but I certainly just felt myself lose some, so I guess now I really don't. I've been debating whether or not to get FT and AL (when it comes out), 'cause I'm a bit short for money, and I'm just getting my game how I like it, but, well, with buggy games, "Stuff Packs", SecuRom and now this, I am never buying anything with EA on it again. I may or may not play them, but I shan't buy them. Yes, they have the right to charge for CC, but that doesn't mean they should even consider it, especially in public (yes, this goes for SPs, too, in my opinion - all of that content, or at least the good bits, should have been in the closest EP! But at least those had some kind of 'look how much you get for a tenner' factor) They're not exactly making a horrific loss on this franchise as it stands, are they?! I feel dirty to have ever paid for their crappy, have-to-be-rendered-playable-by-random-internet-people £20-a-pop expansion packs.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Default replacement thumbnails in Bodyshop
on: 2008 June 05, 17:57:50
I just checked my own makeup replacement, and their thumbnails don't show in bodyshop either. Since the replacements themselves work fine, I can't really be bothered to do anything about it.
Phew! It's not just me I guess I can live with it if I can't fix it. Thanks for checking yours.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Default replacement thumbnails in Bodyshop
on: 2008 June 05, 06:58:28
Are you using the correct Bodyshop exe for the latest EP/SP you have installed? I was having Bodyshop problems, with stuff not showing correctly, etc until I realised I wasn't using the K&BI bodyshop.
This isn't it, but thanks anyway I'm running BV and using BV's Bodyshop. I haven't worked much in bodyshop, but I seem to remember that it works oddly, especially with replacements.
Yeah, I think I've pretty much resigned myself to loading the actual game whenever I want to check the swatches. It's probably better to check makeup in the in-game lighting, anyway. XD Oh well, thanks everyone for all your ideas
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Default replacement thumbnails in Bodyshop
on: 2008 June 04, 16:16:51
Check the Thumbnails folder under 'The Sims 2' -- I believe there's a file there for Bodyshop. Just delete it and BS will regenerate it when it needs to.
In My Documents? I've deleted everything in there. I did find another file in Program Files\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData, but I don't know if this is used - the modify date is just off the cd, and it has some thumbnails in for things like face templates, which don't show up anywhere in my actual game as they've been replaced (they show up properly in Bodyshop, too!) :/ Have you used CTRL + Right click on the thumbnails in CAS?
I might try this 'cause I'm all out of ideas and this can't hurt. But in CAS, they already have properly-updated thumbnails. It's just a Bodyshop problem. Have you replaced the thumbnail swatch? Makeup doesn't automatically generate thumbnails, you have to create them.
Yeah, I replaced them, they show up fine in CAS - I just can't get them to show up in Bodyshop