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776  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft) on: 2005 December 19, 17:24:27
The mark of a good challenge is that it gets the player thinking.

I hafta admit, mean as it is the Ethiopian challenge does that. You can't help but try to think of ways to accomplish it. If I could feed the kids somehow, I might even really try it instead of just playing around trying to see what is doable Wink

Same with this one. It's interesting. I hate Uni tho - I don't think I'd have the stamina to try, mess up, start over (which seems to be the way I do everything).

Goddess, I'm picky :p I want a challenge you have to think about that is just what I want to do Wink Hm, maybe next lifetime.
777  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Uploading vanilla houses? on: 2005 December 19, 12:04:48
I do this for the houses I upload.  I thought it was easier than yanking out the download folder, the collection folder, and the camera folder every time I felt the urge to just build.

Do the special cameras tag along when you package as well? I like being able to see the whole neighborhood, whether I'm building or playing, but... bleh if they tag.
778  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft) on: 2005 December 19, 11:56:28
I'm pretty sure you do meet new profs every year. My sims have 8 they know in their relationship panel when they're done. And if you hadn't meet them in class before, I guess it makes sense you'd meet them at the final, tho I've not actually tried that as I usually send mine to class.
779  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 18, 14:38:26
If you "shoo" a sim on a community lot and interrupt them after they've ordered food (but before they've eaten it), they'll get up and you can eat theirs without chancing skipping out. Just in case you're tired of the trash ;)
780  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Just getting the word out. on: 2005 December 17, 01:31:35
I really enjoyed your story. Thanks!
781  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Severe Sims ADD on: 2005 December 16, 01:30:58
Everybody else ;)
782  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Playable teens/ya all in the same dorm? on: 2005 December 14, 22:45:35
If you have NL, you should be able to do it with the agesims cheat too, I think, tho I haven't actually tried it.
783  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Names for self-sims on: 2005 December 14, 21:52:14
Myra Woodland

Not as bad as my brother tho... he'd be Pupdog Woodland. I did think he was rather unimaginative with his pet's name.
784  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 14, 03:56:21
You (in real life) own a cell phone you don't periodically have to plug in to recharge? I'd like one like that Wink

bah - I actually downloaded and put in the security system, as it said it was allowed :p <gives>
785  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 14, 03:48:26
He does say that things that are powered by a personal source (like batteries) are allowed

Yes, I understand that. So how do you know what is powered by a battery and what isn't? The batteries on cell phones and cars don't run out, so you can't use charges... there's nothing to simulate "plugging in"... How do you know the medical career reward doesn't have a "personal source"?
786  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 14, 03:34:48
well, he needs to change it then, because it specifically says it is allowed, so how're we supposed to know? and it's not so simple as "thinking about it" - cell phones and cars both have electric systems, they just have batteries. It'd be almost like saying (as custom content is allowed) if I make my own generator, I can put up a whole lighting system. There's no power grid in the sims, so there's no way to know what's running on a battery and what requires plugging in. I don't know what powers the medical career reward - could be a battery...
787  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 14, 03:17:29
huh? how is using pregnancy for all the way it's intended cheating? I mean... not that I want to, I was looking for a way out of pregnancy and I assume "allowed" doesn't meant "required" but...

I did assume if I wanted my CAS sim to be gay, I could use the joined union equals marriage one (as only marriage is allowed to bring another sim in) and am now wondering if that counts as cheating too?

<even more confused>

Actually, I'm still having trouble with what counts as electrical anyways or at least what is or isn't self-contained. How come the security system is considered electrical... does that mean say the medical career reward or the science one are? How do you know if they're self-sustaining (battery or whatever) when there's no power grid to plug into? I think I'd need a list (imagines that isn't going to be forthcoming)...

Edit: Actually, the security system is specifically mentioned as allowed.
Examples of legal hacks include "No 20K Handout", "No Cheering", "Authorized Personnel Only", etc. Anything in "More Awesome Than You" is legal when used as directed.

So it is actually ok, yes?
788  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 14, 02:05:59
What about adopting? That would at least save you the dang pregnancy and birth thing. And if you create a single male sim and adopt, no females at least til the baby grows up and no more babies for awhile.
789  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 14, 01:54:33
If any of Pescado's hacks are legal as intended, doesn't that mean the security system is? It won't stop all social workers but seems like it'd help at least when waiting for a nanny.

Some of the rules confuse me (I'm easily confused) - can the 0 generation CAS sim marry a townie/NPC? (The 1st generation can, but can the 0?) It says you can't create children in CAS, all of them must be natural and one can only adopt a baby (no toddlers) so does adopting an infant count as a natural birth and a 1st generation sim? It says a 2nd generation can marry a 2nd or a 1st generation but a 1st generation can't marry a 2nd - does that mean the 2nd gen can or can't marry the 1st? Smiley
790  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: MATY Neighbourhood update? on: 2005 December 14, 00:46:56
Simmiecal, the neighborhood is gorgeous. You've done a great job.

If you have any need for a weird witch, you're of course welcome to Sagana (I'm just not a self-sim kind of person and haven't really been on maty long enough to belong in the neighborhood either.)
791  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 13, 18:09:06
Does a car constitute a self-contained device? Is a cellphone part of "personal electronics" and thus ok?

What counts as "stealing" food? could you have a Uni sim and eat as much as you wanted in the dorm?

<little bity voice> why does one buy a phone, turn the ringer off and then sell it again... if you don't own a phone, it won't ring, right? ...unless you have a cell, I guess... </tentative end little voice as the last time I asked a question like this it was a point and laugh kind of thing...>
792  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 13, 11:06:22
Isn't it possible to come up with a hard challenge that doesn't involve banning normal bodily functions?
793  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: AMAZING Sims story - with a vampire boyband! on: 2005 December 11, 08:36:03
Oh baratron I read pretty much everything on your site over the last couple of days and enjoyed it very much. Thank you. (I suck at feedback. I read voraciously and never think to post for stories.) Not all the images loaded for me (probably my computer tho, I'm using NN on a mac - I really should switch to Firefox) but enough of them did that I think I got all the main ones. I'll check back and make sure tho. Thanks again - it was fun to read Smiley I actually like the friends ones much better than the band ones, but that's probably because I'm old and boring and don't know who the band is Smiley

There was one story I wanted to read and the link didn't work - I mean, it wasn't linked. I think it's the chapter right before this one... I'd love to read it.
794  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: my game is messed up on: 2005 December 10, 20:41:52
I'm pretty sure it's Maxis that said you're not supposed to install both the Uni and the NL patch. Doesn't it say that on the page where you download them - only to do the one for the most recent EP you own and definately not both? As you have NL, you should install the NL patch, not the Uni one. They could always be wrong (it is Maxis afterall) but I really hope they can provide adequate info about how you should patch.

I read somewhere (MTS2, I think) about some conflicts with the old version of the twins & triplets hack with NL. I took it (most reluctantly) out of my game then. But tisn't there a new version, updated for NL? In any case, I read what twojeffs had to say and put it in :) I also love that one. Even tho I don't have quads often (not enough room and too hard to care fo) I like to have twins when I want them. Thanks twojeffs :)
795  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Exporting Problems (bodyshop) on: 2005 December 10, 01:44:19
If the creator of the texture used a pre-Sims2 version of bodyshop with the blue bumpmap (whether it's a new mesh or not) or a bump creation tool that makes the blue ones, you'll still have that problem. For some reason, the pre-release bodyshop and some programs prefer the blue ones and they don't export properly in the post-release sims2 bodyshop. 2foru used to have something about this on the site, but I don't see it anymore - I gather she's since updated all the meshes to the grey ones bodyshop wants now.
796  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Flat tires on: 2005 December 09, 23:25:25
Thanks very muchly!!! That'll do until something better comes along. Actually it suits my purpose quite well as there's a "trashed" and a "not-trashed" version (tho I really wish the tires were flat - ah well, can't have everything>

I really appreciate it.
797  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Skins glitch on: 2005 December 09, 23:09:10
And it seems it could be a while yet before there's a SimPE for Mac.

I got tired of waiting for the user-creator stuff on the mac for sims1 - that's the reason I got a "game pc" when sims2 came out. (nevermind that "computer for the kids" thing...)

geeks who actually know what the hell Toast is.

peers at that... are you saying knowing what toast is makes me a geek? and here, I'd just been an honorary geek all this time and I coulda had my 'papers' all along?
798  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Flat tires on: 2005 December 09, 22:37:43
I agree :) I actually tried "trashed" and "redneck" as keywords hoping someone had done one as mts2 has the trashed sets, but didn't have any luck :(
799  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Flat tires on: 2005 December 09, 22:35:09
Along the "where can I find" line - I'd really like to have a car with flat tires, or that looks like it's been vandalized ( for a story-ish thing). Has anyone maybe seen anything like that? I've tried searching with google, on tsr and mts2 and am having trouble locating it if it's there. Can be purely decorative or doesn't have to be, btw...

Just hoping someone has seen something similar and thanks.
800  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Body-Shop on: 2005 December 08, 01:10:43
Hey Gali, I don't really have anything useful to add, but I wanted to mention (being a mac user as well :) on the mac, you allocate the amount of ram you want available to a program (not as much in OSX though you can still do it). You're not just making a folder bigger, you're giving the program more ram to play with :) The PC is different - it automatically allocates whatever ram is available to whatever program is open - within what ram that program can or wants to use. That's is one of the reasons it's important to close background tasks - to make more of what you have available to whatever you're trying to run. (None of that is true multi-tasking, however, which has to do with the ability of the processor itself to switch tasks as necessary. OSX supposedly can do that now, as it runs on Unix, which is meant for it.)
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