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476  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do I know what society groups do the NPCs belong to on: 2008 November 27, 20:25:36
Or you may use Paladin's visual teleporter, without actually teleporting anyone: choose one of the groups and have a look at their portraits.
477  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: M&G, some object makes Headmaster jump. on: 2008 November 26, 00:45:54
The jump indicates an error; to know what error, you need to enter debug mode, then post the resulting error log. Without this step, any guess is pretty much meaningless.
478  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: M&G borked my room mate? on: 2008 November 25, 00:48:30
Good to know, therefore that flag was still in place Smiley.

BTW you can  tell them to do stuff, just like a playable sim; with the controlpets cheat.
479  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: M&G borked my room mate? on: 2008 November 24, 18:29:37
I had an opposite issue, apparently; a sim married a roommate and then they moved in a non-apt home, but the former RM was still in the pets bar, and with the roommate meter and such. I tried moving her out, making her a townie, even moving her alone in a lot, nothing worked.
At last, I had to make a hack to manually clear the damned flag; it was the PersonFlags 1 - flag #0x000C set and stucked.

Possibly, that weird behavior can depend by the same issue, only the opposite way. If somebody wants to try, I attach the hack (it's my romanceflagsbatchcleaner with those options addeeded). Make the borked RM selectable and then choose "set roommate flag", and see if it works.

N.B: if you already have the original hack, disable it first, since their GUIDs are the same.

ETA: Ooops, attached the wrong hack. Now the fixed one, please excuse me.
480  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: *moan* Unwanted crap townies and NPCs are infesting my game! on: 2008 November 23, 02:44:32
I used a batbox feature like "remove bad apt residents" or something, and it removed the token, hence I think there already is.
481  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: *moan* Unwanted crap townies and NPCs are infesting my game! on: 2008 November 22, 22:08:50
I don't understand what you mean, Marhis.  In uni dorms, when a playable moves out, an existing dormie returns to take up their slot.  If I move a playable in, one randomly chosen dormie moves out.  I've seen the evicted dormies move into other dorms if needed, when I play those other lots in the rotation. 

I mean that when you have the last playable in a dorm move out, all the other resident dormies are not evicted, until a new playable will be plopped down in that lot; only then, they are properly evicted and replaced.
If you move the new playable in another (empty) dorm, instead, the "old" dormies will not populate this dorm, because they're still stuck in the old one, so the game will send you new dormies, and will generate others if none is available.

If you enter the old dorm (of course it will be in buy/build) mode, you'll see all the doors still occupied, with the dormie face on them.

Syberspunk did a lovely hack to solve this issue, and BTW with nodormieregen stuck dormies remain stuck, but no new dormies are generated.
482  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: *moan* Unwanted crap townies and NPCs are infesting my game! on: 2008 November 22, 21:18:00
It should use the already existing social groups townies; the game would not use regular townie in apartments.
 It will use those who pertain to the correct social group (e.g. in high class apts, socialites + techies). If you don't have enough townies of the social group picked by sadorandom roll, the game will generate a new one (with a 25% chance it will be an elder).
Apparently the game will generate up to 25 units per social group, and this kind of spawning seems to happen in other occasions, too, not only when populating apartments. Also, I suspect those apt residents aren't evicted when a family moves out, thus leading to a bunch of non recyclable townies stuck with the apt key in their inventory; pretty much similar to what happens in uni dorms, when a playable moves out.
483  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW on: 2008 November 21, 11:42:58
Yes, thanks Simsample, I tried that one, but apparently it didn't find anything on my mac.
I hope that deleting those SecuROM entries in plist did the trick, so far I haven't experienced any malfunctioning... (crosses fingers)
484  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW on: 2008 November 20, 19:10:58
Well, Mac OS X = Unix, and as far as I can tell (not a sysadmin myself) rootkits don't show up in activity monitor, (or with top command, if you want to use command line stuff à la Pes).
I have no doubt that a skilled sysadmin would know how to detect bad things at work in its system, but alas, I'm definitely too far from having those skills :/.
485  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW on: 2008 November 20, 11:43:30
Update on the Mac issue; thanks to skygirl22 (nanacake on this forum), apparently SecuROM comes also with Pets EP.
In the end, I deleted those entries in plist, and that seems to not harm anything, since I didn't experienced any malfunctioning so far, but I of course don't know if that was enough to get rid of SecuROM - they're DATA entries, i.e. contains binary data, but really don't know.

More interesting informations and tips in this thread on MTS2 (thanks again nanacake).
486  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Look out!!! M&G runs from its own disk, not latest EP. on: 2008 November 19, 01:17:31
however i did not notice the nature hobby symbol so I'm not sure if the
sim gets a nature enthusiasm boost or not.  
I bet they don't, because they forget to add FT code to them (never let programmers, working on some part of the game, know what other programmer teams are doing)

There is also a windmill and solar panels that according to the SP's manual "lower your Sims bills" and "save Simolions" but I have not yet tested that to see if it's true or just L&P.
2° bet: they will pay 10§ less at the mailbox. HOORAY!!!11

My big disapointment was the staircase. It is only one huge double staircase with a larger than normal foot print.  Very limited use for me.  I was really hoping it would be two so you could only use half of it for smaller houses.
Hey, hey! It's Mansions & Gardens, isn't it? You'll have a HUGE mansion with a HUGE hall with a HUGE staircase in the middle, so your sims will pass the whole afternoon walking from the mailbox to the endtable on the fifth floor* to drop their cheaper bills. See how all this makes a lot of sense?
Oh, and the staircase will allow only one sim at once, while the others will wave their arms downstairs in frustration.

I'm disappointed that there is no giant butler statue shipped with all that stuff; it would be classy.

* They fixed that bug, didn't they?
487  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Feel free to call me an idiot on: 2008 November 19, 01:03:15
(...) I deleted most of the families and houses, (...)  I also deleted all the bin families.  (...) Well later I decided to delete the Larson and Roth families.
cuts and bold by me

Well... I'm sorry to say that these actions were precisely what pretty much ruined your neighborhood.

Deleting sims and families does not really make them vanish from the game, because a part of them still remains hidden in your files, and messes up all the other sims that will follow. As an example, dangling wants&fears resources left behind by "deleted" sims sooner or later will become part of a newly generated sim... here you are the toddlers with weird wants and so on.
And this is only the top of the iceberg :/

I'm afraid to say your hood is beyond repair, now.

I don't blame you, though: you simply did what the game suggests as a regular move. The fact that this completely destroys your game, instead, speaks volumes about EAxis skills.
Don't want/care/whatev develop your game basis better? Fine, but for heaven's sake, don't label the Big Red Button "please push me"!
488  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Sim Adults Cannot Get Jobs!! on: 2008 November 17, 23:03:39
Perhaps a conflict with Inteen (as per the teenish message) and noagediscrimination by Pes.
489  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Deleting Objects In-Game on: 2008 November 17, 07:29:17
Have you tried to delete also thumbnail files?
They're in Thumbnails/ folder.
490  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 17, 00:24:45
A couple of months ago I was trying to convert an Access output (csv indeed) in SQL, and it was a PITA, because of one text  field pretty much filled with carriage returns and various escape characters; in the end I found a program on Sourceforge which handled the conversion perfectly. Now, I don't remember what it was - I tried many other, first  - but having a look at the source of those kind of programs maybe could help.
491  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 16, 18:48:24
Wait... maybe a stupid idea, but could it be because in unix and windows lines ends with different characters? IIRC in Windows are both "new line" and "carriage return" (\n and \r), while in unix there is only one? (or perhaps it's the vice versa, I really didn't remember well).
492  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Outings baffle me on: 2008 November 16, 09:40:20
LOL, it happens to me, too, sometimes (although not always). As soon as I install a new EP, next outing includes a baby or a toddler, event that automagically ceases to happen with the following patch  Roll Eyes.

It doesn't seems to be a check in the code, like "is this sim already invited at an outing?", so after 6 p.m. random outing invitations will cancel each other and messing up the whole thing. Plus, the taxi issue is messed up as well, given that sometimes the call includes an automatic transportation call, sometimes not. I tried some time ago to look in that part of code but I gave up, 'cause it's seriously messed up.
And if you decline the second (third, fourth, etc.) invitation, it will cancel all the others, too.

So far, the only "solution" I found out was to have the invited playable own his own car; in this case he will head straight to that paying no attention to further calls.
493  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: FT Craftable Teddy Bear Has Suddenly Borkenated on: 2008 November 15, 17:04:01
It seems you have an outdated CEP. Get  v.9.1.

EDIT: fixed version number
494  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Finding the serial code on the cd on: 2008 November 12, 22:58:39
It's not in CD for sure, otherways everybody would have the same serial code. You should address the issue to EA, and see what they will answer, or you can get some keygen and generate a new serial code for you.
495  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 11, 23:41:24
Oh, I see.  "Orphan" means in the adoption queue, right?  And Tourists/Asia/Mountains/Tropics are BV groups?  What are "Display Pets"?  What is "Bob the Builder"?  What are the family instances for the AL social group townies?  Do Grand Vampires/Head Witches/Landlords/Hobby Mavens/Special BV NPCs/Pack Leaders/etc. count as Service NPCs?

From my notes, yes Tourists etc are BV groups:

0x7FF1 = Tropics locals
0x7FF2 = Mountains locals
0x7FF3 = Asia locals

Tourists are in 12 families: from 0x7FE5 to 0x7FF0

Display Pets are those available in cages, in pet shops, ready to be bought; Bob the Builder is probably something unrelated left behind by Maxis, it does not pertain anything in game.

Head Witches, Landlords, special BV NPCs, wolves and pack leaders are all Service NPCs (family 0x7FFF), while Hobby Mavens have their own family (0x7FF4 0x7FE4), and Grand Vampires (and Diva, Mr. Big and Slobs) are in Downtownies family (0x7FFC)

AL Social groups are:

0x7FDF = Socialites
0x7FE0 = Techies
0x7FE1 = Jocks
0x7FE2 = Bohemians
0x7FE3 = Gearheads

The other families (to summarize) are:

0x7FF6 = Garden Club
0x7FF7 = Display pets - in use
0x7FF8 = Display pets - available (not currently shown in cage, maybe)
0x7FF9 = pets adoption pool
0x7FFA = strays
0x7FFB = (Bob the Builder - ignore it)
0x7FFC = Downtownies
0x7FFD = sim adoption pool
0x7FFE = Townies
0x7FFF = Service NPCs

EDIT: Fixed the family number for Hobby Mavens; thanks tunaisafish for the finding!  Wink
496  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Wrong fireplace thumbnail showing at the wrong place. on: 2008 November 11, 22:48:18
I've never seen this in the maxis readme or any tutorial before, I think.
EAxis ran out of space in readmes and tutorials because of more useful informations, like "o hai the sims is in 3D!!!111oneoneone" or "Guess it? Your sims have now aspirations!"; they're not supposed to waste time and effort on silly useless details like this one Grin.
497  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Vampire Stalk on: 2008 November 11, 22:30:09
Let us know if it works, it's interesting, because grand vampires are not strictly NPCs (family 0x7FFF) but "special townies": they have special code embedded, but they're  tossed in Downtownies family, so they could have different behavior. Same thing happens with Divas and Slobs in Downtown.

In case it shouldn''t work, you could also try to deactivate the "CT - Signature Behavior" BHAV in character file. As an example, the first instruction in my Contessa sim is "Expression (My attribute 0x001A ("Signature Behavior - Loops Until") -- and > Literal 0xFFFF)"; if true, returns False, and if false will follow the next instruction (0x000F), and so on. If you change the "false" target from 0x000F to "Return True" it should stop the tree without errors, and without calling other BHAVs like stalk, bleh, bite, etc.
498  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Placeable watches and community lots - EP Update? on: 2008 November 09, 12:40:18
You should be able to get the watches in wholesale mode, when the business is up and running. You can only use them as items to sell, though, as they would be automatically flagged for sale.
I know it works for cars and other objects normally not available in community lots.

ETA: there should be a trick or something IIRC for stuff not normally available in community catalog, via collections: e.g. Squinge made the wedding arch available in comm lots in this way when community weddings weren't available, and Frillen did something like that with accessories collection.
499  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: This is just weird on: 2008 November 06, 21:53:45
I don't get how can it be weird and fake, but anyway, you don't have to constantly play in debug mode if you don't want; but you have to play a bit in debug mode now, because that's the only way you can have an error log, post it here, and give us some hints about what's going on in your game when the weird things happens.
500  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Too much sleepy sims on: 2008 November 06, 21:47:56
This happens in AL only (until FT, everything goes as usual): now the sims went to sleep autonomously when they have only 1/3 energy (it's about -30 in points).
At first, I blamed tight pants, but apparently it's not, because I've tested this behavior in a clean installation; no differences.
Also, when I wake up a sim who's sleeping in a double bed with its SO, that second sim will wake up too.

It's VERY annoying, as I constantly play in free will galore. I suspect some borkiness when they addeeded the code for cuddling in bed.
The only difference I was able to spot, so far, with earlier code, it's a semiglobal BHAV (0x2139) "Test - Acceptable Sleep Motives?", but it seems based on apparently good values (BCON 0x2000:0x11 and 0X12), i.e. -50 if lazy and -60 if active.
I tried to tweak this values, but no difference.

Any ideas?
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