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376  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 09, 18:53:22
Yeah, but with Sims, you can watch them behave like bastards towards each other and be amused by them, whereas with Oblivious, well, they are just oblivious.

Well you can insult them. Or better yet kill them. It's much easier to kill people in that game.

I remember reading this post about a guy who played Oblivion drunk and woke up the next morning to find he had slaughtered most of the population, heh.
377  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Weird Crash --- can't find any sort of solution. on: 2009 August 09, 18:34:27
So if I install AwesomeMod, and my game crashes, I should be able to just take out the AwesomeMod files and my game should be back to normal right?

If the crash is being caused by Awesomemod (being used on an old version of the game) then logic would follow that statement yes. Anyway it's easy enough to test it and find out.
378  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 09, 18:24:48
This may be true, but all the important stuff has been done already. That, and I tend to have little interest in modding such games. Frankly, I'm not normally into modding things at all. It really requires that a certain threshold of frustration be crossed before it gets to that point, and that is just never reached in a game which has an end. No matter how irritating some stupidities are, when the game *ENDS* anyway, I just can't be bothered to care. Sims is unique in that there's no defined goal and no ending, which is why I can play long enough to reach the level of requisite irritation to motivate me to take action. Otherwise I just kinda bull through to the end and call it a day, or flat out lose interest. That, and I have a fundamental aversion to being a late entrant in anything.

For what its worth, the Elder Scrolls games don't really end per say, you just complete the main quest and it, like all the quests, has an end, but the game itself doesn't. You can still go and do any other quests you haven't already done, add mods, go huntings, annoy npcs, buy a house bla bla. Not much really changes, you aren't getting any huge world wide scenarios anymore, mostly it's just npcs go about their business etc, world runs business as usual. Same shit different day.

Actually it's a lot like The Sims in that regard. With both once I have no scenarios to run it gets boring after a while and I just start feeling like a hamster on a wheel.
379  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 09, 17:49:34
Too bad   Sad  I know you could have really enhanced the gameplay.
It's possible, but I didn't get in on the entire Oblivion engine scene, so there's no point in being late to the party.

Oh hell people are still modding for Morrowind even. Have done some nice things with that moldy oldy engine too, features it never was able to do.

Oblivion and Fallout are decent games. They could use a little more life and pizazz, changing some of the dumb stuff about them bla bla.

I've always wanted a game that was kind of a hybrid of Sims and RPG. One of the old Dragon Quest RPGs did a store sim that was a grossly simplified OFB before OFB as part of its game (you go questing and have the wife run the store or you can take over; can sell stuff you found etc), and Morrowind did the build the Raven Rock town scenario, which I guess is technically more Sim City than Sims. Oblivion and Morrowind tracks your relationship with npcs, Fable games let you play house to a limited degree, etc.

It's been done in tiny bits and pieces here and there but nobody every really took the ball and ran with it.

/off topic

The crib thing seems hotly contested and rightly so! Tongue It's still an annoyance for those of us who don't wish to engage in town maintenance and management. There are few cribs in Sunset Valley and none in Riverview.

I dunno, I would take a little chance of dingos eating babies if it meant I didn't have to place a damned crib in every house by hand. Tongue
380  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: burglar spawning on: 2009 August 09, 17:06:36
Question because I never ever get burgled due to the way I play (always someone awake or home) but does the game actually use neighborhood sims in the criminal career track as burglars? It would make sense to me if it did rather than spawning some spamatious npc that doesn't do anything else otherwise and disappears to never be interacted with outside of burgles.
381  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Save Game Editor - Make things different. on: 2009 August 09, 17:04:40
I wonder Why Gay/Straight is not simply a trait. It would have simplified the whole thing.
Because it would discriminate against the bisexuals?

Personally, I think it's because EA wants to keep the homosexuality in the game on the down low Wink so to speak. I don't think they want to advertise it, but just leave the option for those who wish the play that way. That worked fine in TS2. The issue I have with TS3 is that with story mode the neighborhood sims go off and do things on their own and find their own mates. By default they are all completely straight though. It would be nice if there were a way to get some percentage of them to be gay or bi without me having to go around the neighborhood and sock puppet them all into romances or hacking into their stats in the savegame editor and just generally jumping through hoops.
382  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 09, 09:37:14
Motoki: yes, the hood will become slower as there's much more to calculate, but the integrity will remain. This was not the case in TS2, where the hood would become irreparably corrupted.

Well it's not just the slowness though. I start to notice sims seemingly unable to do anything on their own standing around whining, peeing themselves and passing out. The only common thread I've attached to this behavior was when my neighbors have gotten too full. Never really did find a way to fix though so I just start over. Supposed I could mass murder everyone. I did do discoinferno on one of those such hoods but even after 75% of the town perished I still have the autonomy and slowness issues. Sad
383  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Game Hangs on Move Out with Awesome/Indie Stone on: 2009 August 09, 08:54:45
It's still refusing to let a Sim move to an empty lot.  The same "must have fridge and bed" warning icon blocked me.
That's normal. The game won't let you boot sims to lots that cannot support the population you are ejecting, unless you are taking control.

You can still roundabout do it in town mode. You can split a sim off from the household to the clipboard, then just put a single wall piece or any random thing on an empty lot and save and shove the sim in there then select another house as your active one.
384  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 09, 08:45:50
Critical mass? The limit in TS3 is so extremely high that it is unlikely to be met.
The only risks involved with overpopulation are long delays for storymode calculation, crowded lots, and immense save filesizes. And these are just annoyances, the neighbourhood itself will remain intact.

That is not my experience. I honestly could not give you an exact number but my experience in going through several runs now is that once a neighborhood starts getting a lot of sims in it my game slows down and gets very laggy and seems start behaving as if broken not being able to do much and ignoring even their basic needs.

I wish I had hard data on it. I don't. I just know new hoods run quite well for me. Empty hoods run extremely well. Moderate sized does okay. Full may start to get some slowdown. Really full gets even more slowdown and autonomy issues and by that point I feel like I just start seeing a BFBVFS.

Other people may have been able to run very large overstuffed neighborhoods quite successfully for extended periods of time without problems but that had not been my experience.
385  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 08, 22:51:35
Two questions: where is the manual for AwesomeStory? I don't see it anywhere.


And two, does AwesomeStory have notifications? The only thing I really miss from IndieMod is the news that so-and-so moved, had baby, ect.

Yes. You turn on the story mode debug notifications from the config.
386  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 08, 22:27:54
Wouldn't it make more sense for the spawning sims to simply buy a crib to put in their existing house?

I asked before. Apparently there is no way to have sims autonomously place a crib in a way that is logical or make any source of sense of a normal house layout (ie they might randomly shove it on the lawn or in the middle of the bathroom or whatever).

I then thought well can't they just shove it in their inventory and just say they have it, but that did not meet the rigorous Pescado standards so instead the plan is (as I understand it) that if they don't own a crib instead of, you know, buying one, they will move out of an otherwise perfectly good house into one that has one.
387  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 08, 20:37:33
Wait, if there is no spawning AT ALL where did this whole "You have to have a crib in their house" crap come from?  I wish someone had told me this BEFORE I placed 20 freakin cribs.

That is the design plan I guess. That's what I gathered from speaking with him, it's the eventual plan that will be implemented at some point with regards to spawning, but that they currently take cribs into account when moving if the fambly has a kid.

But I don't want to be accused of being his wife again  Roll Eyes so you clarify with him.

At any rate, ASM is a work in progress and not all features have been implemented yet. Unless I misunderstood, I was told the actual spawning mechanism is not in place yet but will be at some point.
388  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 08, 19:33:41
I don't believe he has written the spawning part of ASM yet, so far now I think we either have to nudge them along or swap in Indie Stone and watch the babies fly!
389  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: A special breed on: 2009 August 08, 17:50:04
Special NPCs do not ALWAYS spawn with the same traits, but they have a number of "fixed" traits (Maids are always Neat, Brave, Make No Messes), and some random traits, generally picked from a very restricted subset of traits (Maids are always 2 out of 3: Flirty, Charismatic, Klepto).

Pescado do you know where that information for those templates is stashed? Is it in one of the full builds packages somewhere? I'd like to modify it so that they don't spawn with such annoying traits. And also to better set up my babysitter > nannies without me have to change traits and dress their asses every time manually.
390  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Newbie here..please help? on: 2009 August 08, 17:04:38
Cutting and pasting my old post from here

Do you have:

d3dx9_31.dll in this directory C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin

resource.cfg in this directory C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3

A mods\packages\hacks bla bla folder also in this directoryC:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3

The latest version of awesome mod (awesome.package) in either C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\mods\packages or C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\mods\packages\hacks

The 1.34 or 1.46 patch installed. (Don't assume, check your version see here
391  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Indy Stone Mod development stops - News at 9 on: 2009 August 08, 16:59:57
The 300k to 100k thing, I suppose I agree, but I'm not as upset about it.

I think I mainly noticed because it was the Goths. Or maybe it was 200k to 100k. In any case, the home they moved to was much crappier and I could find no particular logical reason for the move.

@Pes: Does ancestral home still apply to ASM? I'd imagine it does but just checking.

As for the initial movement, I don't mind if it's to get the neighborhood to operate according to a logical ruleset and is only temporary until it can achieve some sort of stasis.

If the 0100 lag is all I have to put up with to stop this nonsense (and said lag is much better than it was the last time I ran the AwesomeMod), plus I can have my no-CD crack and be able to edit Puddings in CAS, for now I consider it worth the tradeoff.

The 1am lag should only happen now if you run with both ASM and ISM off and use the default EAxis story mode with awesomemod. Both ASM and ISM stagger movement and don't do it all at 1am. They also don't move quite as much as the EAxis does, but ISM definitely moves a bit more tha ASM.
392  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Indy Stone Mod development stops - News at 9 on: 2009 August 08, 08:59:25
Another feature that I suppose will need to be changed is the moving out rotations. This is something that the user can make self and would be much more logical. You would move your sims when space is critical in the house they live.

The way it is now is really a nonsense. As I control practically all the houses in a special way I found out lately, the game started to separate my couples. I constantly found my couples in different houses though there's no logical explanation like break-up or bad relationship.

I disagree. I don't want to have to monitor and worry aboutr moving all the damned sims in town when needed. I don't want that responsibility. It's not how I play my game and it is tedious to me. If I want to control a whole town I will play Sim City.

I just want them to move sometimes in some manner that makes some kind of sense and has some reason while also not having the number of the moves be excessive. As long as the whole town isn't moving every night and sims aren't making totally nonsense moves like moving from a 300k house to a 100k one, then I am fine with it.

To me I would like story mode to take care of the town and run it and have it be dynamic so that I can sometimes observe the townies and have my sims interacting with them if I choose. That would be the ideal for me .

If it gets to the point where I am constantly having to switch houses and set things up, get them to do things, move them when needed, make sure they have the right furniture bla bla then I don't even see the point of Story Mode. That's just like TS2, keeping the town going by rotating playing different houses.
393  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2009 August 08, 07:51:27
You could make a batch file that goes something like this:

cd "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\"
del scriptCache.package
cd "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\"

That's what I've ended up doing.
394  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 August 08, 06:59:07
No, I said AwesomeStory is still experimental. Sacred works for protecting from EA storymode and AwesomeStorymode just fine, but AwesomeStory is experimental. It also protects your sims from being dragooned.

Ah okay makes sense. I misunderstood.
395  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 August 08, 03:20:13
I don't believe so. I did some digging when I was trying to recreate the Wolfrun in ASM and I was not able to find any mods that allow for aging on an individual or household basis other than Indie Stone.
396  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Is there an interpreter in the house? on: 2009 August 08, 01:48:11
Okay really obvious question, but did you try taking your custom content out? In particular some of those Peggy hairs that have been posted in the pudding factory have been known to cause issues. That yours is happening in the CAS makes me very strongly suspect some custom content item.

Make sure you delete your cache files too when you yank everything out.

If you installed anything via sims3pack deleting them from the downloads folder will not suffice as they get shove into the DCCache. You might just want to rename the whole My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3 folder or just temporarily drag it to the desktop.

If you have anything stashed in Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods yank that directory out too and also the resource.cfg.

If you take all that out and you can go into the CAS and look through clothing and hair with no crashing then your culprit is some custom item. Then you get the fun part, figuring out which one it is. Tongue
397  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 August 08, 01:42:32
My understanding (and I have not really used it so someone correct me if I am wrong here) is that sacred makes a family immune to story mode events imposed upon sims but they will still age according to whatever settings you have the whole game on, ie short, long, epic or no aging. I don't believe it prevents them from aging, no.

However Pescado said recently that sacred needs to be cleaned up and should be considered experimental and not be used for the time being until he is able to get it sorted, unless you are willing to take the risk

If we mark a family as sacred, will they be safe from SP with the new Awesome Story Mode? I'd like to play more than 1 family, but I don't want my "one" family doing anything without my input. Except going to work/school.
Yes. Sacred is still Sacred. But don't turn that option on yet unless you're prepared to write off your neighborhood. It is not properly tested and several fatal bugs have just been found and fixed. Now writing a cleanup utility.
398  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Three new sets just added to the Store on: 2009 August 07, 23:44:25
Jordi's is all store stuff to date + the German Official Sims mag extras:

Mine is all August 6th updates:

I also have all July 2nd updates up still:
399  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 August 07, 21:20:35
Hmm, well you could try the backup file. There should be one in the same directory with the same name and a .backup extension.

Otherwise you could try loading it in the neighborhood workshop, then resaving it in there. Seemed to work for me the other day with someone else's borked saved. Either that or running it and saving it on my game fixed it so you can try uploading it to a file sharing site and I will see if I can load it.
400  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 August 07, 19:39:42
You can go into the Neighborhood Workshop and then in the Advanced Editor from the drop down on the top left select sims. It will bring up all your moved in sims in a drop down on the upper right. In the lower left you will get a total.

Note that this # only includes sims who are moved in and living on an actual real lot. It does not include homeless or npcs. If you go into the Households drop down and then select the NPC household and hit the + down where it says Members you can get the total # who are living there.

Homeless are all listed separately by their last names and just registered to lot ID 0, so it's easier to just do listhomeless with awesomemod in the game.
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