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376  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Syberspunke Archives / Re: Testers Wanted: Harder Harder Grades - Version 2.11 (Updated 10/9/2006) on: 2007 February 26, 20:39:46
I must be a little confused. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? I'm using harder, harder grades.

The way I understood the directions, as long as the child is doing homework they should either go up a grade or at least maintain the grade they have irregardless of their base or other stats.

The parents had a hard time while the child was a toddler, so not being able to use the smart milk they used a lot of the tot's time for training, which left little time for toddler skilling. Upon turning a child, he had 1 charisma point and 2 logic points, IIRC.

First day of school: Came home with a C- report card. His fun or hygiene (can't remember which) level was kind of low when he left for school, but all of his other stats were high and he was in plat asp. That night he is taught to study by dad.

Day 2: Returns from school with a D- report card.  Plat asp, and good stats when he left for school. He does his homework. Several pop-ups of the child complaining that even though he is a kid he knows the importance of doing his homework. (I figured that this pop-up was because of the low grade rather than because homework wasn't done. Maybe I'm wrong and the game didn't recognize that he did his homework?)

Day 3: Returns with an F report card. Social worker shows up within the hour.

I am using the Inteen version and I know that problems were to be reported there for that version, but I couldn't figure out where the thread for posting was. Besides, I think this is a problem with me not understanding something, rather than it being a bug.

I know that this mod is based on interests, skills, moods, etc. although I often forget which interests need which skills while I'm in the game. But even without proper skills, I thought that they weren't supposed to drop grades as long as they do their homework.

I've been using this mod for awhile in another hood and haven't had any kids drop levels in this particular way. The only time I had a problem was when they "lost" their homework because of problems that happened during bus unloading time.
377  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Starting Over with CC. on: 2007 February 26, 14:43:42
The best male clothing I've seen is from Fanseelamb over at MTS2.

I recently cleaned up my clothing and got rid of everything that didn't have a corresponding fat mesh, those items that didn't match up at the shoulder seams (there were a lot of those!), and stuff with other problems. When I got done, almost all of the clothing I have left for males is by Fanseelamb.

Plus I like the way the clothing is done. Shirts are longer and pant waists are lower, so it looks much more realistic. How many males do you know who wear their belts on their actual waist unless they are old?
378  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Deleting Recolours - They've all gone blue! on: 2007 February 25, 02:21:21
My recolors routinely turn blue even though I haven't deleted the mesh. Especially if I delete part of the color such as the top or bottom row. After reload, all the colors that I want are still there and the blue is gone.
379  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Deleting Recolours - They've all gone blue! on: 2007 February 25, 02:10:47
That "blue" missing color icon often remains in the game after deleting a recolor. After the game is reloaded, it should be gone.

The reason that the other line turns blue after you deleted from the opposite line is because the artist made both the top and bottom colors into one file. When you delete one part you end up deleting both parts.

It is somewhat frustrating if you wanted to keep just one of the parts, but it really depends on how the artist made the file.
380  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: too many professors... on: 2007 February 24, 05:37:27
Thanks, Sagana. That is exactly why I plan to create my own uni within the hood, rather than using a Uni hood.

How in the world could you do that? There wouldn't be any classes or homework, or term papers or anything. Does just putting a dorm into a regular hood make it work?
381  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: too many professors... on: 2007 February 23, 17:09:15
I guess I just misunderstood what the dramafix did. I thought it fixed the met self memories AND stopped the weirdo.
382  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: too many professors... on: 2007 February 23, 09:40:50

Maybe people hate teh "lecher" prof i.e. that Drama prof who stalks your sims all the time, even if you haven't met him yet.  It seems that he will walk by and ring your dorm doorbell, even if you haven't met him or any other professors yet.  He (or she, depending on your game) is a creepy lecherous sim (yes, even the code has a check for Sim - Is Lecherous? BHAV or something like that), and apparently they are meant to stalk you, where ever you go.

I believe they are the profs that Pescado mentioned before, who like immediately get a crush or fall in love with you as soon as you meet them.  I do my best to avoid those at all costs.  If I see a walk by Prof ringin my doorbell, I just totally ignore him/her.  Creepy!  Those Maxians have an odd sense of humour. Tongue


Since you brought this up, I have Dramafix in my game to stop this strange character. When I started my Uni lot I forgot to set TJ's visitor controls to disallow profs, but I hadn't met any yet since I use Squinge's "No meet profs". Then somewhere around 3am this prof shows up and rings the doorbell. I quickly set the visitor controller and he disappeared. But the next night he shows up in the middle of the night again.

How do I know that this was the Drama prof or not? If it was the Drama Prof, I want to report it in the right thread.
383  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: too many professors... on: 2007 February 22, 10:42:39
I used the tutorial here to do the clean neighborhood the right way with the empty templates. When I put a student into a dorm I got a lag while all those profs were created, and I do use no redundancy.

To keep the professors off the property, I use TwoJeffs controller. Just click the active Sim and choose ban professors, as well as mascots, cheerleaders, and streakers. I didn't see any of his paintings to control these characters, so you have to set the ban on each Uni lot that you play. Using a no townie painting has kept the profs off of the Uni comm lots for me.

I am currently playing Uni and no one other than my playables ever walk onto my lots.
384  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Attack *Pool - Controller - Weird option on robot building station on: 2007 February 22, 07:38:10
Are you using any of the special robots from Simwardrobe? I tried out a few such as the attack robot and got the same weirdness from my robot station. In fact, every time I played a lot, something different came up on the station every time.  I removed his bots and everything was fine after that.
385  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Feb MATY "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Pants! on: 2007 February 21, 14:16:35
I just deleted a pair of pants from my game. I wish I knew where they came from so I could enter them. They were actually a pretty nice looking pair of jeans and are in the pants section of the catalog. However, it is paired with a yellow shirt! That means that when I put those pants on a Sim, I have to use a "bare chest" shirt with it for the yellow shirt to look right. When I put any other shirt on the Sim, then both the new shirt and the yellow shirt show up!

Now that's bad pants!
386  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Feb MATY "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Pants! on: 2007 February 20, 20:17:28
No extra points because it came from a free site, but this is the original site picture:

To Quote someone at MTS2 "What is it? O_O A sculpture? O_O"


Funnier yet is the quote from the artist, "Take this one how you want but he looks cool. The only issue with him is his hair..."

The model's hair was what he didn't like?
387  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Feb MATY "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Pants! on: 2007 February 20, 12:25:37
I can't get over the "perma wedgie" in post 16.
388  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Duplicate Catalog Items on: 2007 February 20, 12:12:56
Did a few tests. Found some info, and solved the problem in a unique way.

First I deleted the build mode cache, before ever posting this thread. That didn't solve the problem. I made a new, clean Sims2 folder and put all my floors into it. I have no duplicate floors now, so it has to be in a cache somewhere, just not the build mode cache that I deleted before.

moniquinin: If WTF works for Mac, then I suggest you try that program. You can batch rename all the walls, floors, and terrains and it will use the name that you get on mouseover inside the game for the new name instead of those stupid numbers. If you would rather name each one yourself, you can do that too, as well as change the prices, what sound is made when walking on it, and stuff like that.

In the end, I solved the problem when I made a new Sims2 folder by renaming my old one and then running the game and then closing it. Then I put all my downloads and neighborhoods into the new folder, as well as my config and startup.cheat files. If you do this you must be sure your neighborhoods are numbered correctly, which should only be a problem if you deleted one of the 3 that come with the game. I did not do this method to fix the floor and walls problem, but to do something else totally unrelated. It's just that I realized while I was working, that the floors and walls were correct now.

I'm not suggesting this is the best way to do this, only how I fixed it. The best way would be to figure out which cache is holding this bogus info and delete it. I just don't know which one it is.

This has happened to me as well, just with floors though (I think) and all I've done is play the damn game, since I'm on a Mac and can't do much else regarding the custom content. 

Actually, upon thinking about it, I think this happens after I do the following:

1.  Install a lot that I've dled from MTS2.
2.  Entered the lot, looked around, realise I don't like it.
3.  Bulldozed the lot, and probably deleted it from my lot bin. (not sure if this is a big nono)

That is how I do it, and I believe that is the correct way. The only no-no that I know of, is for the lot to have Sims in it when being being deleted. Besides, when I install the lots, I usually don't install the floors and walls unless I really, really like them, so I don't see how this could be causing the duplicate catalog pics, but who knows?
389  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I want a silent loading screen on: 2007 February 18, 15:58:00
I have not had any sound during the load screen and my splash screen only lasts a few moments. It has been this way since before any EPs were introduced.

Now, if I can remember what I did. It couldn't have been too hard. I didn't know much about Sims at the time. I think I deleted or altered the splash screen file. But that was just to jump past that screen.

From the main neighborhood screen you can choose which, if any, sound files play at certain times. I also wanted in-game sound but hated the loading music, neighborhood screen music, and buy and build modes. I especially disliked buy and build modes because the sound was so much louder than the music in-game. So I went to the sound options and unchecked all of the music choices for all of those screens where I didn't want music. You can even listen to each music selection there to see if you like it and keep all the ones you like and uncheck the ones you don't. This is even available for the in-game stereo.

Now I have no music during game load, none at the neighborhood screen, none on pause, and none in buy or build mode, but yet I have all the game sounds and all of the music on the stereo.
390  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Maxoid Sam trusts the Feedback forms as little as we do? on: 2007 February 17, 12:28:44

Maxoid Sam also appeared to be confused over how the Feedback Form keeps disappearing off the BBS, and has stated that it will remain from now on

I clicked on the link that will remain from now on 7/24/365 and got the EA 404 page not found with a confused Sim looking for the page.
391  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2007 February 16, 23:49:27
The Move Business HQ option will appear anytime a business owner who has his "headquarters" tokens based on another lot is present on your lot. This allows you to transfer the flag of, say, a prospective move-in or spouse BEFORE you move him in, which is important if the move-in process dismantles the target's family due to moving in everyone from that family.

So to make sure I understand correctly...

Sim A owns a business in Bluewater. She is scheduled to marry Sim B and move into his home. So we are on Sim B's lot just before the wedding. We should click "Move Business HQ" just before they marry so that the first Sim's business is transfered correctly? Or should this be done only if Sim A had a home business instead?
392  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: You have got to be kidding me..... sextuplets?!! on: 2007 February 16, 12:39:20
When I had that happen in the base game, back before any custom content was added, it was very bad. The children never were right. By that I mean that sometimes one of the infants would disappear. No matter what "restore family" type fix you try to use, the infant would never be found again. (This is when I went looking for info to repair my problem and found this site and lot debugger, which didn't fix the problem). I tried Insim next without results.

Later when the rest aged to toddlers, two of them ended up having the same name. Others had their names switched. One of the boys now had a girl's name and vice versa. The missing infant remained an infant in the family panel.

Later my daughter had the same bug in her game with similar strange results. It's almost like they are using the same character file for all the infants. But back when it happened I didn't know about things like SimPe so I don't know what was actually happening.

In the end, both my family and my daughter's family became unplayable. I can't remember the exact reason, but I'm thinking it was frozen Sims standing around with their stats draining.

Recently a friend asked me to take a look at her game to find her missing infant. She had the same bug, but after the 2nd baby was born it disappeared out of mom's arms. I was surprised because she has all the EP's up to OFB installed and has only MATY fixes. She doesn't understand computers and I had just given her appropriate MATY stuff as her only downloads to stop the problems her game was having.

My recommendation is to leave the lot without saving when this bug occurs. I always save right after a Sim gets pregnant in case I ever need to leave the lot without saving later. Then go back in and let them give birth.

EDIT: I just read the story Rohina linked to. Now I remember why the lot was unplayable. I had a situation similar to James in the story. But the baby never died. I didn't have to delete the Sim every day, it just layed there and never did anything except little infant movements.
393  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!? on: 2007 February 16, 11:51:38
I've been trying to figure out all week what was wrong with my "flat" rugs. I thought I had downloaded some bad lots or something.

I have the Pets patch installed. I'm pretty sure the rugs were OK before that, but maybe it started with Pets and I didn't notice it.
394  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: No Stray Respawns on: 2007 February 15, 18:29:23
The adoption option will function with and without this. With this hack in place, extra adoption animals are not spawned unless absolutely necessary. Strays will be caught and put in the pound instead.

I especially like this!

Does this only happen if the pool is completely empty? Or does it carry a minimum number of animals at all times?
395  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 February 15, 18:12:24
Thank you for making that so crystal clear. I skipped steps 3 and 4 and went straight to step 5, thinking that just ordering it to make a Grand Vampire would make a random one. I thought the selecting of gender and skintone was for creating the townies, not the NPCs.

Male must be default and that is why I got all males. Thanks again.

One last question. Will "Repeat Last" give you the exact same type of Sim without actually giving you the same exact Sim?
396  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 February 15, 15:11:22
I spawned an item that looks like a dead tree. It lets me spawn Grand Vampires in the NPC EP2 part of the menu, but they are all males.

There is another option in the Downtown part of the menu that spawns both male and female vampires , but it looked to me like it was spawning random Sims that were vampires instead of actual Grand Vampires. Those spawned from this part of the menu were all wearing random Maxis clothing rather than vampire clothes. My memory is weak, but I also think they did NOT have Count or Countess as part of the name.

The last option was on the mailbox itself, where spawn Grand Vampyre (sic) was available on the menu. But whenever I try this one, it just drops out of the queue without any Sims at all being spawned. I have no idea why the word vampire is spelled differently in these two places or why I can't get this one to work.

Aren't Grand Vampires slightly different than other vampires in the game? If there is no actual difference, I can spawn the females using the 2nd method above and then dress them correctly and change their names.

I hate townies and so made my entire townie population servos. I wanted the Grand Vampires so that my Sims would have a chance of being bitten as I want that to be random. I have JMP's vampire mods in place but don't understand every rule that goes into it. I got the feeling somehow that the Grand Vampires had a higher chance of biting unsuspecting Sims and so I was trying to put a few of each sex into the game.
397  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 February 15, 11:09:07
How Can I spawn female Grand Vampires? I've accomplished everything else that I wanted using the clean templates, but can only get male Grand Vamps to spawn.
398  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Smooth Edges on: 2007 February 12, 13:33:45
...Civ4 is a whole 'nother story, but Sims is fine.

Now if you want a patch that broke way more things than it ever thought to fix, it's that Civ4 Warlords patch. Oh, it fixed lots of stuff for online gamers, and broke all the Hot Seat and Lan stuff. And those 2 were the ones that needed the most patching in the first place and none of those problems were even addressed.

I'm going nuts trying to find a good card AND drivers that will satisfy both Sims and Civ. I'm using Radeon 9550 with 256 MB RAM and drivers that were released a few weeks ago. I still can't make both games happy. Civ4 at least will give hints that it is ready to crash when the ice turns black. Sims actually crashes less since I installed Pets. I thought maybe they fixed something to play nicer with my drivers.
399  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Max Sims on Lot on: 2007 February 12, 12:53:34
I use the hack myself still. The problem with my hack (I am aware of) is that Sims do not move in on marriages, but everything else works (they're flagged as married, and last name changes). So the workaround is to first move them in, then marry...

OK. So 2 problems that I am aware of. I never tried to marry a couple yet since installing your mod, so I didn't know about that problem. Does the marriage problem always occur, or just on lots that would go over Maxis normal limit?

The one I was talking about was the Greek House problem. If you are playing a Greek Lot, you cannot invite any eligible Sims to move in. But if you go to the dorm where the eligibles live, they can pick up a phone and move to the Greek House normally.

After installing Pets, I had some lots that were unplayable because I had too many Sims in them (From Doc Dufus's Mod). Until I installed a "More" mod, some of the Sims on these lots were having strange problems  like the inability to interact with infants and toddlers, youngsters floating and teleporting, and some other general weirdness.  After installing a mod, it straightened up. As I said earlier, I had tried both Squinge and Jordi's versions. I can't explain the weirdness, I just know it existed then stopped.

sannu: You might want to edit your last post so that your email address isn't sitting out on the web for all the spammers to see.
400  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Max Sims on Lot on: 2007 February 11, 16:03:38
Squinge has one at:

I had some problems with it though so I stopped using it and started using the one Jordi made at:

However, it also has a few problems and is not currently available for download until he works the kinks out. I am still using his in my game though. It only has one problem that I am aware of and I have a workaround for that.

I'm not aware of any that are working 100% correct with Pets, but Squinge may have worked most of the bugs out of his version by now.
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