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251  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: This new furious state on: 2005 October 10, 15:19:50
It seems like the neat freak sims are all like this now. They fly off the handle like Joan Crawford anytime there's any sort of mess ("I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the dirt!"). Even toddlers do it. I think I may have to start encouraging sloppiness a little bit now at least to get them down enough so they are not so obssessive compulsive.

But obsessive compulsive is fun! </sarcasm>

Neat freak sims were already obsessive compulsive. This is just icing on the cake. The way they eat, for example: "Cut food into roughly microscopic pieces, put one piece into mouth without allowing it to touch anything but the end of the fork, chew exactly 30 times, floss, repeat." Don't remember who I'm quoting that from, but it's an excellent one, and it's someone on here.
252  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nightlife bugs on: 2005 October 10, 15:16:08
-Mrs Crumplebottom when bitten removes all the job Icons and yet removes all of the icons in the game. I had to reinstall my game and put the file to read only (Objects package).

No need for a reinstall. The originally objects.package is on the second CD.
253  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: It burns! on: 2005 October 10, 15:11:30
Quote = Gus Smedstad & syberspunk
"I'm waiting for this forum to start deteriorating.  You can't fight entropy, after all."
"Have you read some of the threads lately... in my not so humble opinion, it's already started... *shrugs*"

Curious, the number of visitors has actually rocketed over the last month. At least 25% more pageviews and the files download server is maxed out far more than it ever was. I wouldn't call that deteriation. You may also want to check out the MTS2 Alexa ranking, and compare it to months past.

Strickly speaking, entropy (using website terminology, but the general principle applies to everything) is not a measure of popularity, although it may be affected by it. It is definitely not inversely proportional (proportionate?) to the size and popularity of a website. If anything, entropy increases when a website gets more hits. Entropy is a measure of the "messiness" of a system, or in this case, the disorganization of a website. When people on this site speak of a forum deteriorating, they are referring to an increase in the average stupidity of posts and of an increase in the stupid posts to non-stupid posts ratio, and thus how much dross must be waded through to get to interesting stuff. By this measure, the entropy of MTS2 is definitely increasing, because even leaving aside the layout (which I personally dislike since I dislike excessive subcategorization, primarily because a system of categorization and subcategorization that makes perfect sense to one person's way of thinking may be obtuse and inane to another persons way of thinking, and this increases dramatically with the amount of subcategorization) there are more and more non-useful non-interesting posts for every useful and interesting post. Most requests fall under the "non-useful, non-interesting" category, since the people doing the requesting often ask for things that are technically nonfeasible or don't provide enough details to actually implement their ideas. Also, a person looking for hacks does not want to have to look through requests; that's something that for the most part only modders with some time on their hands are going to be looking through.

Generally speaking, the more users you have in a forum, the more entropy you have in that forum. The larger your system, the harder it is to organize said system.
254  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Black & White 2 on: 2005 October 06, 23:14:34
Hmm. If the business of Nvidia cards is indicative of a trend, I may be off the hook, no matter how nifty looking a concept EA's future offerings are. I won't be able to play them, since I'm not buying new hardware for a game. Not *quite* that crazy.

On a somewhat related note: Death to all corporations! CHALLENGE EA!

And assist Google's plot for world domination. Mass open betas, the incorporation of the consumer into the design and testing, and -- behold! -- software that works! I pray for the Google operating system (Googlix). Perhaps it is time to start praying for a Google game company. At the very least, someone should check them out as a model for how to run the public relations end of a software company.

And I'm very, very glad that RTS's aren't my niche, so I'm not unduly tempted to purchase this product.
255  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week. on: 2005 October 06, 23:01:22
What worries me about this thread is the fact that they aren't telling us what they are patching (or, perhaps more to the point, what they are NOT patching).  There are a few major glitches that I've not really seen discussed to any great degree which basically spoil my game completely when they happen and I have a horrid feeling they won't be dealt with.  I really do think they should let us know what they are fixing so we can check to see if anything particularly troublesome is missing.

Yes. Yes indeed. And there are a few things which it is unclear whether they are a bug or a feature--like the "no second parent for alien spawn" thing, which is annoying for persons like myself who have circumvented the "all alien spawn are related" problem by rather more creative means, and would like to be able to see which alien spawn are half siblings and which are not siblings at all. Although that hack is interfering with some really rather weird stuff at the moment, but . . .

256  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Can't buy groceries in NL DownTown on: 2005 October 06, 00:23:30
It really doesn't take that long to load anymore and you can go straight there without having to go to the neighborhood screen first so it's not really that bad.

Loading times for NL are really rather phenomenal. The mere fact that they no longer have to load up the neighborhood screen, (huzzah!) combined with the breaking up of loading into what it's actually loading (neighborhood, then family/lot) cuts down on the annoyance enough to more than make up for the "new EP" weirdness/aggravation.
257  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What do YOU do with your platinum people? on: 2005 October 06, 00:19:36
Zombie Pescado, mark II?
258  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Strange Family Ties on: 2005 October 05, 22:01:40
Some in-laws exist in a kind of indetermine half-family half-not-family way, where some family options are available (Encourage, Family Kiss), but others are not. It is unknown why this occurs, as it doesn't happen consistently.

It's probably supposed to happen consistently, but since it's triggered by an in game event it's prone to the same weirdness as the memory related LTWs.
259  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Submit Issues about Nightlife on: 2005 October 03, 22:37:12
Plus, with multiple patches, and the average user who visits the Sims2 website, you'll get people trying to install all of them, or screaming about which one they should pick, or something equally daft.
260  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / NaNoWriMo! on: 2005 October 02, 18:20:31
Yes, ladies and gents, National Novel Writing Month is approaching. Officially, it stretches from November 1st to November 30th.

What is NaNoWriMo, you ask? Simple. 30 days, 50,000 words. And massive amounts of caffiene.

This is, as you can see, completely insane, which is why I might just have to do it.

Oh, and my name anagrams to "A tenable ninja tenet." Nifty.
261  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Enemies Accumulate and Fight Club with Nightlife on: 2005 October 02, 18:16:45
A car alarm completely prevents the burglar from stealing the car. I love the new "Furious at the burglar" state. But it seems they have removed the option to free the burglar.

I've noticed this too, so we now can't free the burglar, although even if they did they'd probably just kick his ass since they are furious at him, and since they get furious at him, they know him and are able to call him.

Cops, btw, have been unable to be interacted with since Uni, which I find annoying since there seems to be no legitimate way to meet them now. When I make them selectable via a cheat, it revealed that they seem to have a bazillion instances of leave the lot queued up indefinitely now. Prior to Uni, I had my sims meet several cops and even married one.

I had a sim get a burglar as a blind date. Probably applies to cops as well.
262  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What the, Townie has no phone? on: 2005 October 02, 18:02:34
the weird thing about cell phones...

pre-nightlife I could always call a sim in the family bin if they had a cell phone - now I can't!


That's a Pescado provided feature. Should be Nightlife enabled fairly soon.
263  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants. on: 2005 October 02, 18:01:48
Whenever a sim steals someone's newspaper, I think: "Hey! That's MY free subscription!"
264  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Smart Milk and the college years on: 2005 October 01, 20:09:13
Does the townie have a memory "learned to study"?

That's a more likely explanation than smart milk, I think. Especially if they cloned assignments off of homework. Don't know quite what the explanation for the skilling is, but perhaps something related to commskilling?
265  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Townie-only Dress? on: 2005 October 01, 18:59:36
You know, the hack called "clothingtool"? Looks like the stack of folded clothes that sims purchase? You can snarf outfits that have unique GUIDs, i.e., NPC uniforms.
266  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Guess what happens when you deleteAllCharacters in downtown? on: 2005 October 01, 18:53:43
I did a lot of testing on this in Uni, and the cheat *always* deletes all the characters whether you were at Uni or the normal neighborhood. It will even delete characters in the sim bin.

This has been my experience as well. We should pester the Maxoids to add in a "current sub neighborhood only" version of "deleteallcharacters." It's the least they can do to help with the 0x85 mess.
267  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do people have sims die of disease? on: 2005 October 01, 18:47:20
Microtstatics are fantastic! You get the sucide option in your pie menu. When you choose it, you get 9 (I think) choices of death to kill this Sim by! Ooo la la! Wink It is fun. But for real fun... drown them the old fashion way. Take away the ladders with the "moveobjects on" cheat and make them swim!

You can get Pescado's Microstatics here;

Have Fun!


Microstatics? WTF? Things that are very small, and don't move? Or do you mean "microtastics," as in, a mod that makes it easier to micromanage your sims? Because Pescado makes "Macrotastics," which is nothing like either of those, and does not give a "suicide" menu option, to my knowledge. Are you confusing this with the InSIMinator, perhaps ?
268  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do people have sims die of disease? on: 2005 October 01, 03:26:29
I had the place filled with roaches, I didn"t even put beds on the lot! Still they managed to get better! Angry they would keep passing out.. argh! Angry

To fix this, buy a radio, turn it on, then fence it off so the sims can't get to it. Voila. No more sleeping for you!
269  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack on: 2005 September 30, 00:11:41
Hmm .. my solution is to remove free will.  They always stand obediently at the oven when free will is off Wink.

Yep. I also find that free will screws with the "Eat" macrotastic. Anytime I play a game where I actually want to get anything done, I nix free will.
270  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Black & White 2 on: 2005 September 30, 00:02:17
Anyhew, the somewhat off topic bit that I wanted to throw out was that I am eagerly awaiting further development, news, and the release of Spore. That game seems like totally cool! I love the idea of including some form of evolution. But if the genetics have anything similar to what's been implemented in the Sims 2... well.  Roll Eyes Plus... seeing how noticeable the bugs are in these TS2 games is also kind of discouraging. At least with the original Sims 1 games, if there were any bugs, I hardly noticed them at all. Tongue But then again, I probably didn't play enough to really notice them or even realize there were bugs, or just assumed that any bugginess was actually mistaken for gameplay.  Grin Still... Spore could be pretty promising.


Spore looks so cool . . . wow. Can't wait. From the information I have currently, the genetics are basically completely user controlled. With each "generation" (i.e., new creature) you get to adjust what it looks like and buy new functional bits. It's not really a genetics simulation so much as an ecosystem/evolution tool. And, hey, it's Will Wright's project, and so far things have only started sucking once he's left. (Sims 1 didn't suck until the later expansions bugified it, and he wasn't involved with it at that point.) Well, except TSO . . . but that's a different problem.

B&W2 looks kinda nifty. Don't really know if I'll get it, as I too heard *bad* things about the original game's performance, bugginess, and management. And I prefer a nice, shiny software toy over an actual game any day.
271  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Some strange happening in strangetown. on: 2005 September 28, 23:18:47
Enough sociology. It would be interesting to see if this effect is reproducible, since it would be nice in some situations to be able to have sims get married to more than one other sim at the same time.

Like the slimy romance sim with two families in two separate parts of town.....  "No, really, honey, I have to go out of town for business....yeah.... that's the ticket."


Exactly. Or a desperate Family sim with no morals.
272  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Dr Boris on: 2005 September 28, 23:10:29
why do you have to take all the security procedures, are you a secret undercover agent or is someone trying to kill you???    Wink
The latter. Also, I'd like to make sure the EA tracking number associated with every game is as mutilated as it can possibly be. If they discover that my copy was originally purchased in Kazakhstan, it'll complicate their efforts that much more.

So . . . you have to have it shipped to multiple obscure countries to throw off anyone trying to use your mail to find you?

Or do you want to make sure that EA can't find you?
273  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Submit Issues about Nightlife on: 2005 September 28, 22:42:38
Sanmonroe, where do you come up with these insights? Your posts equal mine for sheer verbiosity--but it's actually interesting, rather than being random ramblings. Grin A most impressive feat.

Any of those three options would be better than the current EA policy. The third does definitely sound the niftyest. I have heard of a company (off the top of my head, I think it's the half-life team. Valve? Not sure.) that actually invited a modding team to their headquarters to basically give them access to their development tools for the sequel to the game that the modders had made a bunch of stuff for. (Some Half Life mods, and those of similiar games, are basically seperate games that use the same graphics.) Roughly equivalent to Maxis saying to FFS "Hey, you've made a lot of awesome stuff for our game, how about we show you how to use Edith?"
274  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: FFS mods current status on: 2005 September 28, 22:26:32
I am still using the old version of nobuskers and I havn't noticed any ill affects,

Just because you don't notice anything, that doesn't mean that there isn't a code conflict. It may be running over something that will eventually cause weird and seemingly unrelated behavior. Or not. Depends on how and why the code in question was changed. Generally, though, if Boris says the code is different, you should take that hack out and come up with a "creative" way to deal with the nannies.

Heh heh heh.
275  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Some strange happening in strangetown. on: 2005 September 27, 22:02:52
Haven't heard of that happening in the game. Didn't even know it was possible. (Although apparently Dr. Vu lobbied hard to include polygamy in the game, based on "his own personal experience." This was for a while a running joke as the explanation for anything weird in the game. "Dr. Vu's experience." I keep meaning to ask him, in a chat, about whether that was the inspiration for how alien abductions are handled . . . heh.)

Anyway, on polyandry (one woman with multiple husbands), it is or was practiced in Tibet, parts of India, Nepal, and other countries in that general region, according to It's generally an economically motivated arrangement, sociallogically speaking. In fraternal polyandry, two brothers can marry the same women which means they don't have to divide their estate, and in a culture where at least some of the men are gone at any given time it helps to create a more stable household. That said, it's unusual, because there are fairly specific sociological conditions needed for it to be advantageous, whereas the more common form of polygamy (polygyny, multiple wives) has the fairly self evident and universal benefit of allowing a man (with enough means) to greatly increase the number of children he can have.

Enough sociology. It would be interesting to see if this effect is reproducible, since it would be nice in some situations to be able to have sims get married to more than one other sim at the same time.
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