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26  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What, in Heaven's name, is up with traits?! Scary Pic included on: 2009 June 16, 07:17:17
Our society has been trained for a few generations to judge people on their looks, so you honestly can't expect everyone to be able to discard their life's programming. It took me years to realize that judging people by their looks is a bad idea. In a game where we can control everything that happens, it's easy to understand some peoples' dislike towards aesthetically displeasing Sims.

Personally, I like having some fugly puddings in the game. It allows me to recoil in horror at the EAxis' ability to create the next Fugliest Pudding Ever.

Now, on the example recently added, she looks like a genetically deficient Cameron Diaz with a hint of young Demi Moore. I find her personally repulsive and possible useful to breeding some less desireable traits out of my gene pools.

I like to think fuglies like her are great to have, much like a pure breed dog. The pure breeds have several flaws that come with the breed. A good example is heart problems with a Great Danes. When you make a mutt out of the pure breed, you have something called hyrbid vigor. You get the best traits out of each parent. So cross a Dane with say, a Mastiff. You take the heart problems out, you balance the hip problems, but the down side is you have a weird looking dog.

Much with these Sims, save for the problems. Their problem is that they're fugly. Cross them with another fugly and you should run a pretty good risk of getting a semi-attractive or less-fugly-than-their-parents Sim. You would hope, but I know this isn't the case 100% of the time. It's just nice of having that option seeing as nothing but attractive Sims have produced some pretty scary shit.
27  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 June 16, 04:11:06
What you are describing doesn't sound like LD.  That sounds more like emotionally disturbed.

Reflecting upon that craptastic time, the students could have very well have been emotionally disturbed. However, to my knowledge then and now, I know that there were some children who were LD who weren't exactly as I described. A majority of the ones I encountered during that time were. A few even managed to enter the same high school I attended and participated in regular classes... but with a lot of accomidations. Such as no homework and very little accountability for classwork. That high school didn't have a seperate department/set of teachers to assist LD children, so the entire class had to deal with their accomidations.

That was the main reason why I dropped out of that high school. I was sick of class being dumbed down to an astounding degree and being treated as a troublemaker when I asked questions that made the others think.
28  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 June 16, 03:13:21
The edumacators who make excuses and tell the students that it's okay that they don't know something are doing a terrible disservice to everyone.  The "LD" students are no longer held accountable, so they no longer try to figure out things on their own. 

See, I keep hearing about all of these horrible horrible OMG terrible conspiracies to protect learning-disabled kids in a bubble and not requiring them to actually think, but have never actually encountered them anywhere except in blanket statements on message boards.  It's like how Communism/Socialized Medicine/Dirty Mexicans/Neoconservative Jews are somehow taking over America, except that rohina isn't American, so the madness has clearly invaded Australia as well.

You may not have personally encountered these bubble kids, but I was forced into a peer based tutoring program for LD kids in the American public school I went to.

None of the kids I was assigned to had any ability to think for themselves. They were within a year of my age at the time and they behaved like children 3 to 5 years younger. They all suffered from self-entitlement and outstandingly huge egos from the years of ass wiping in the LD classes and/or by their medication dispensers/doctors. At the end of the program, I was the one held accountable for their failures (what the shit, I was 12!) and they were told "It's not your fault she failed you. She must have a teaching disability." and were ushered off onto the next year of LD studies. No accountabiliy and no reprocussions for failure, regardless of how or why they failed. The program even went so far as to give me a negative modifier to my Civics grade, causing my Honor Roll status to be removed.

Just as a note to my post, I'm not backing any particular side of this discussion, but I wanted to say that I had seen such children in my personal experience. As you stated, rufio, personal experiences are probably relevant to the discussion. Consider this as my personal experience added to the discussion and in no way is it an attempt to disprove anything.
29  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 16, 01:54:15
The Bestest Friend of the male teen spawn of my current family, and something that will never breed with him.

She was kinda ape-faced as a child, but as a teen she's hideous!

What in the Jesus titty fuck is this? Is this a random townie spawn? Or is this the spawn of some CASs? I can *totally* see why her breeding rights have been revoked. Her face tells me she's all too familiar with the ugly stick... like regular beatings from an abusive step-parent. A complete alcoholic/possible narcotic drug abusing step-parent. God damn.
30  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Borken stuff: toddlers, birthdays, dead spots on: 2009 June 15, 23:21:53
I'm fairly certain that bookshelves have a limit to the inventory that they'll hold.

... You know, that thought never crossed my mind. With the sims' inventories being endless and unaware of the impossibilities that is allows (as far as I can tell), I assumed any item that had an iventory similar to them.

However, when I manually placed the books on/in the shelves, I get nothing telling me that there is a problem. It is only when a sim attempts to put the book away. Even when *all* the books are strewn about the home, they still bicth that they can't get to the bookshelf to put their book away.

So what I did, which seems to have fixed the issue, was delete/sold the duplicates of the default books. I had anywhere from 3-6 copies of each of the books (like "Warlock" and "Rayamundo" and skill books). Once that was reduced to one copy of each, they had no issues in returning books to their home. I'm curious if anyone else has run into this weird problem.
31  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 June 15, 23:08:09
Inability to learn in specific environments is still inability to use intelligence. If you can only learn in a padded room with flashing lights, then you are pretty screwed unless the entire world is rearranged to take account for your speshulness. I know there's a movement in edumacation to do exactly that. However, this kind of idea of "accomodations" is seriously fucking up a bunch of learning disabled students, because it is designed to delude them into thinking their disability doesn't exist.

Look at it this way: if you only have one arm and one eye and you say you want to be a neurosurgeon, is it reasonable for people to say to you "absolutely, you can totally do that" or would they be better off suggesting that you do something where hand-eye co-ordination is less vital?

I was typing up something quite similar, but you worded it a lot better than I.
32  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Boss at Science Lab is MIA. Is my sim the boss now? on: 2009 June 15, 04:06:50
Some careers still have a boss at the top level, others do not. Define "Has a boss", though. Do you actually have a "Boss" performance metric?

No, but Tamara Donner is still listed as my boss. Huh
33  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Boss at Science Lab is MIA. Is my sim the boss now? on: 2009 June 15, 03:43:11
My sim is at the top of the Political career (Leader of the Free World) and still has a boss. He still gets raises every 2-3 days, but I have to keep throwing fundraising parties to get bigger raises. On average, I get between $40-$85 per hour for a raise each time. Is it typical for you to reach the top of your career and still have a boss? Or is this unique to certain careers?
34  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Maids and bed-making on: 2009 June 14, 23:24:17
Robotic Hand of God FTW. Does it for you.

Thank you so much!! Grin *finally bothers to upgrade to retail and install mods*
35  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Maids and bed-making on: 2009 June 14, 22:21:16
Yeah, this new feature of "sometimes the people you hire to do a job will just not fucking bother" is so great.  I could understand missing some things, or not "cleaning until pristine".  That would be modestly realistic.  I've encountered a couple cleaners at other peoples' homes before, and they tended to do the jobs they were hired to do.

Can we boz all the maids in, kill them off, and see if we get new maids that do their job?? I'm willing to experiment with this.

An option to cancel the newspaper subscription and get news online would be lovely, at the very least, the first would be.

Oh god yes. I'm sick of cleaning up the piles of dead papers. I can do everything else online, why then, do I need a damn paper rotting on my front stoop?
36  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Removing multiple items from inventory on: 2009 June 14, 22:06:27
Hmm, this makes me wonder if there is a bug in my game or if I'm really, really lucky (w/o the Lucky trait).

Every time my LEO sim rummages, he *always* finds rare gems/space rocks and the SimLife goggles. Every time, every can. Of course, I get about 6 piles of trash and afew papers per can, but I get at least 2 gems and one space rock. The gems are usually diamonds of different colors and the space rock is uncommon or higher.

Is it possible to have the Lucky trait and not know it? The LEO sim was the fire fighter (Fabian) until my gay Native American Leader of the Free World set his house on fire making Mac & Cheese. Huh
37  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 13, 05:03:38
None of these are my pictures, but has a really fun article full of them.

(I'm not a shill for them. I just wanted to share the lulz)

Oh my freakin' god. That's hilarious. It really inspires me to do something similar.

And all I could think was that Subject Beef reminded me of Gacy. The trapped CPS worker was priceless.
38  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Borken stuff: toddlers, birthdays, dead spots on: 2009 June 13, 03:55:15
I'm suffering dead spots involving bookshelves.

I had the Bookshelf Revisited and upgraded to the Penningway Bookshelf. Now, I can't get any sim in my house to put away a book. They complain that they can't get to it. Even if I put it outside near the corner of the lot. Even if I walk them outside within inches of the fuggin' bookshelf, they still whine about not being able to get to it. Huh

I attempted to downgrade back to the Bookshelf Revisited and that didn't work. Anyone else suffering this? And no, I don't have a modded game and this is the first arr'd version, Reloaded I think.
39  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Removing multiple items from inventory on: 2009 June 09, 19:59:50
I can forsee the vendor trash becoming useful in future EP's. Gems and metals for jewelry making - metals and space ores for robot construction etc.

That's exactly where I was going with the items having a purpose. I figured gems/metals could be used in a career using the Art skill and the space rocks/metals (and the occasional gem like quartz) using the Handiness skill. It wouldn't have to be jewelry or robots, but something useful besides a rumored moodlet.
40  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sex on: 2009 June 09, 19:59:42
Also, it would have been nice if, when I selected "WooHoo", the two of them had gone at it on the kitchen counter right next to where they were standing instead of dragging their asses up to bed for more boring, barking sex under the covers.  What's so wrong with counter sex?

Yes, counter sex would be awesome. Same as couch sex, floor sex, and shower sex, but I think in order to sell the game to minors they had to censor the sex aspect by imposing what sex should be. Lame, in a bed, under blankets, with rose petals Huh, and making weird and unsexy noises at each other. If you had some sims humping on the loveseat, censorship would be kind of difficult, IMO.
41  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Removing multiple items from inventory on: 2009 June 09, 13:15:13
It took me a while to figure out those stupid triangles too.  What's more, if you click on the triangle rather than drag it, it opens up a window with a list of all the items individually, so you can move items of a specific quality from a mixed-quality stack.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who'd suffered! Wink And I was wondering why the quality mattered of different items if they weren't able to broken down or seperated again. Thanks! That is extremely useful information.

Thanks to you guys and gals, I've cleared out about 400 or so pieces of food, roughly 270 fish, 86 gems/space rocks/ore, and farm's worth in seeds. Indeed, you are awesome. Wink Cheesy
42  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Removing multiple items from inventory on: 2009 June 09, 06:21:49
Click on the darker blue triangle in the upper left of the thumbnail and drag it over to the sell icon.  It'll sell the entire pile.

You can try clicking the little flippy tab in the upper left corner, which SHOULD let you pick up all of them. As for confirming, the next edition of AwesomeMod will include an option for "Expert Mode", that banishes confirmation dialogs as I find them.

Oh god dammit... I thought that was some designer way of displaying the items, much like a fancy background. I had no idea that there was a use for it. As you (awesome) folks put it, several meatspace days have elapsed with me avoiding selling anything leaving me with a very clogged inventory. Thank you guys, so much.

And Pescado, that would be a god send! I am waiting a while before I mod my game so I can see what features you'll be fixing and to know a 'remove confirmation' option/ability is coming makes me giddy. Smiley

It'll sell the entire pile. As for space rocks, you could analyze them first because you can make more cash if they're discovered to be worth more than originally appraised. There's nothing really all that useful about the collection missions other than to complete the different challenges; if you don't want to, then don't.

I do analyze them before selling them, but I have run into a space rock being worth less after analyzing it. The challenges are what, I feel, keep me playing after I've reached my LTW and have not much else to do.

It's an RPG thing. Are you familiar with the concept of "Vendor Trash"?
Unfortunately, I am all too familiar with vendor trash. I had just hoped that there was something really awesome awaiting my rock collection instead of a table top.
43  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Removing multiple items from inventory on: 2009 June 09, 06:01:30
I apologize in advance for creating a thread on my first post, but I've been lurking/searching for nearly three hours and can't find a thread involving my current annoyance.

Has anyone found a way to remove/sell multiple items from your inventory without repeatedly dragging/dropping/confirming the same item?  Huh

I have different types of food, several fish, many gems/space rocks/ore, and handfuls of seeds. Selling twenty-five ingots, thirty or so gems, and so forth is *really* time consuming. Do I really have to go to the appropriate store just to sell them all at once? If so, where do I sell/turn in the gems/space rocks/ore? I don't have an option at the science lab like I do with the bugs.

And one question partially related to my original 'problem', are there any uses for the gems/space rocks/ore besides profit? I know you can display them in your home, but that's not a really good purpose. Are there missions (besides the goals of the Collector indicated in the skill journal) or opportunities in which a specific gem cut in a certain fashion or a special space rock needs to be used to make something unique or to aid the scientific community?

I'm baffled as to why we have options to manipulate with these items and no real use for them besides making money. It makes hikes around the Valley less rewarding to know all you're doing is making money the hard way.  Undecided
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