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226  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: too many character files on: 2005 October 14, 00:18:09
yes, they are all from actual sims,  stangetown is the only town I play.   I have had some of these characters since UNI. 

Yeowch then. That's a lot of playing hours. What files do you want to get rid of, exactly? Townies, or playable sims? It's probably not a good idea to mess with files that are linked genetically to living sims, however distant, and your average neighborhood has "only" around 150 to 200 townies and NPCs. So unless for some reason you have massive numbers of NPCs, you don't have a lot of options unless you have a LOT of sims that you created but now never play. If they're all organically integrated into your neighborhood, you're better off doing frequent backups and keeping an eye out for problems.

Maximum stable population with all fixes, pre-NL, is around 1200 according to JMP and TJ. According to MaxoidTom, NL upped the number of sims/iterations that the system could handle, so you may very well be safe. But if there's any dead wood in the neighborhood, i.e., townies you don't want or need (and with that many sims, that's probably all of them) or sims unconnected relationship-wise to any sims you want to keep, it might be worth trimming it.
227  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Any of you want to be on TV? on: 2005 October 14, 00:10:21
Ye hairy pixelated gods. No. Just no. MTV? Doesn't that stand for, I don't know, MUSIC television? Not "random annoying crap television?" Someone should start that channel. RACTV. "Rack TV." Nice ring to it, and the innuendo in the name suggests some possible content.

I'm *under* 22 and I don't watch MTV, and if I'd seen or heard about the sims being featured on it before I got the game, I would never even have considered buying it.

Although it would be neat to do, just to give entertaining answers to those questions.

1. Through tactile contact with my keyboard and mouse.

2. JMPescado makes hacks for it. Also, I can buy fire.

3. I make men pregnant.

4. It involves physical objects that I can move around, and not enough fire.
228  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Invisible hot tub on: 2005 October 14, 00:00:31
Yeah. Checking my trusty French/English dictionary, "se plier" shares most of the meanings of "to bend," the literal and the metaphorical. (To bend to one's will and so on.) It also is synonymous to fold as in "to fold clothes" and also "to pack baggage."

Heh. I know just enough French to abuse myself.
229  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Not in front of the children! on: 2005 October 13, 23:13:36
At the risk of asking a stupid question, where is Crammyboy's nudist hack? Doesn't seem to be on MTS2, all I could find in that vein is the discontinued no blur hack.
230  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: macrotastics questions on: 2005 October 13, 23:09:28
Power Idle isn't terribly effective without large amounts of available caffeine. Then it's brilliant. And it's not supposed to do anything useful; there are other macros for that, and if you didn't have to manually activate them there would be even less "game" in the game.
231  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Jump bug, even with the fix on: 2005 October 13, 23:02:18
The corrupted memory/conversation bubble you get when Mrs. Crumplebottom is vampirified is actually distinct from the corrupted death memory bubble. objects.package corruption bubble looks like all the blue "need failure!" complaint symbols squished togethor, and the corrupted death memory looks like all the conversation symbols squished togethor. Also, the objects.package corruption has other effects: Grim becomes a mobile clipboard and scythe running through animations and sliding across the floor, the memory images go poof, and other weirdness.
232  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: memories of meetings that never happened on: 2005 October 13, 22:41:25
This sounds like a job for . . .the Phone hack! Just stick your sim on the phone with the burglar, and they won't stop until they get hungry or max out the relationship.

Or we can wait for the new version of "less whiny" which will hopefully include decreasing over time/interruptable/reduced anger animations.
233  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My sims break up as soon as they get to a downtown lot. on: 2005 October 13, 22:35:22
The "you're dumping me for someone else" is the message you get when a sim asks someone on a date when they're already on a date. First date ends badly and you get that message.
234  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory on: 2005 October 13, 22:30:33
I don't have an answer to your question, but the idea that ghosts get attached to a object in the household is pretty lame, imho.  My first and most favorite sim who I had hoped to become a benevolent ghost went schizo over the replacement of the toilet.  So he was constantly scaring the be-jezus out of his granddaughter and keeping her and her husband awake all night by screaming in their bedroom.

Yeah, it sounds funny in retrospect but it was INCREDIBLY ANNOYING at the time.  Unfortunately I deleted his tombstone several months before Nightlife came out so now can't relocate him to a cemetery.    Embarrassed

I once had a sim get upset over a punch cup. He was the "Adolphus Simmler" sim posted on MTS2 and I set him up with 4 toddlers and a couple of kids for the adoption pool. Got him abducted, which made the social worker come, and then once he was pregnant I killed him. Cleaned up the lot and moved a knowledge sim in, and next thing I know I have a pregnant Adolphus very angry about his punch cup.
235  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: too many character files on: 2005 October 13, 22:23:27
Are all of those files from actual sims? Because it's rather hard to get that many without using junk files, like from moving sims (or ghosts) from one neighborhood or another, or from downloading lots with sims from the exchange.

The trouble you're going to have, even if those characters are all actual sims, townies, and ghosts (or ghosts you've deleted their tombstones) is that when you delete them you also have to go through every not going to be deleted character file and nuke all reference to them. This can be tedious, especially when you've got that many character files.

Killing them won't get rid of their character file, which is what causes the problem. Neither will deleting them from the sim bin. It is not necessarily bad to delete them in SimPE, only to do it incompletely.
236  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More turn ons/offs on: 2005 October 12, 22:25:45
Sticking to memory triggered type stuff ought to be (theoretically) possible. And I do like the abduction idea; wouldn't be terribly specific in my game ;-D seeing as almost all my teens are knowledge and about half of them get abducted at some point . . .
237  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Not in front of the children! on: 2005 October 12, 22:07:26
Or if they'd fallen off the roof . . .   Grin
238  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: JMP Has a Downer on Mortimer Goth? on: 2005 October 12, 21:20:41
You can also do something similiar with Pescado's Authorized Personel Only, if you make the fence share at least on wall tile with something else--build it off the side of the house, for example. I'm pretty sure the game counts a fenced in area as a room for those purposes.
239  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Invisible hot tub on: 2005 October 12, 21:10:53
Solution: buyable fire.

Do a search for it on MTS2, it shows up in a collection of other "weird" stuff. Put up walls around the hot tub, then put buyable fire on every square the hot tub touches. No more hot tub.
240  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Holiday Addon pack announced on: 2005 October 12, 21:01:20
I ain't buying it! All my sims will be godless communists!

Seriously. Christmas depresses me. It's all about stuff. This is basically everything I dislike about Christmas. And I'm not even Christian, I'm Unitarian Universalist, although my family celebrates Christmas as a basically secular holiday. (Which it is, at least in the modern US.)

Now, if this "mini pack" was something actually nifty, like science fiction or some such (perhaps more aliens for abductions? it's a simple code change, and there are new skins in the Holiday thing) then I might be interested. But only if it was less than $10. $20 will buy a sourcebook for Dungeons and Dragons, worth way more than some idiot faux EP.
241  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nightlife bugs on: 2005 October 12, 20:45:03
Last night I noticed one of my families talking about another sim who was a frat buddy of my recently graduated YA male.  He is living back at home, and he is straight and engaged to a female sim.  But he was sitting at the dinner table telling his mom and his sister-in-law about this other sim with hearts around his thought bubble, and his mom then talked about him too with hearts around her thought bubble. She had just talked to him on the phone earlier.  But he is her half-brother, so that makes him her son's uncle!  I looked in their panels, and they don't have any attraction or crushes or anything, so I wonder if this is like gossip or something.  I don't understand it.

I think you're right, Sims will pass on their attractions through conversation the same way they pass along invisible memory markers. In SimPE, I've cleared out a number of attraction tokens from my Sims that were owned by others (i.e. attracted to so-and-so owned by this-and-that). I hadn't paid much attention to it until one of my Sims was talking to her friend who was attracted to her sister and she started doing the hearty-thought bubble about her sister. I checked her memories in SimPE and sure enough he had passed along his attraction marker. On a couple of occasions, I've even seen Sims show the attraction bubbles about themselves.

Ah. 'thar be the problem. If the attraction token was based off memories and similiar types of tokens, the programmers may have neglected to make sure it couldn't be passed along. Probably want to document this and send it into Maxis, as I doubt it's an intended game behavior.
242  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Does anyone ever feel this way about some of the in-game faces? on: 2005 October 10, 21:24:37
*cough* William Bennett, anyone?

The problem with the facial system is that faces that are really different from the standard are likely to look pretty bad, either because they're just scary looking (a la Goopy) or because they deform in bizarre ways (a la some of those exact celebrity replicas).
243  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Problem with Multiple Pollination Technicians Hack on: 2005 October 10, 19:59:35
Has anyone else had problems with this hack? It's caused a weird issue in my game--pregnant sims give birth halfway. The game generates a baby, it shows up on the bar on the side of the screen, and then the game spits out an "Undefined transition" error and suddenly I have an pregnant looking sim who can still get pregnant with the tombstone of L&D and a baby who cannot be found, nomatter what I do. I suspect this has something to do with the "does the baby have an alien parent?" routine, if this is, as I suspect, the culprit of the "no alien parent shows in family" issue. But these are basically just blind speculations.

Anyone had similiar problems? And what's the best way to go about pinpointing the source of this difficulty?
244  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More turn ons/offs on: 2005 October 10, 19:10:54
Yeah. Definitely need alien and zombie.
245  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How many Sims are you playing? on: 2005 October 10, 18:59:40
My main neighborhood is a custom one called Ariya, with about 36 playable sims in 9 base neighborhood houses and 2 uni houses. I also have a variety of goofing off type neighborhoods where I experiment with various things. Haven't messed with the game made families, since I'm paranoid.

I keep all the information I need about sims in their character files. For example, I keep all my families in sync, timewise, by noting in the household description how many days (marked off at 6 o'clock, sim time) I played with them. In Ariya, I've been playing the whole neighborhood (and keeping track) for nearly 37 sim days, although many of the households split off from the original four sometime after I started recording. I keep track of that by recording the day when the household split, then any subsequent days that have been played. For example, 25+11 means that when I split off that household, it was day 25, and I've played 11 days since then.
246  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: It burns! on: 2005 October 10, 18:52:50
Hey, it's pretty impressive that MTS2 is still functioning at all, considering the probably traffic load.
247  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My new Legacy on: 2005 October 10, 16:09:10
Random suggestion for the eyes: if it's possible, perhaps make it a transparent red overlay? So you get a bit of a bloodshot look to the eyes, but doesn't replace any nice custom eyes we may have (I have all the maxis defaults replaced, for example) but does make them slightly vampiric. Give the alien eyes a red twinge, too, but they're still obviously aliens.
248  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Preferrable Houses on: 2005 October 10, 16:05:56
I have a handful of pre-Nightlife starter houses, in both furnished and unfurnished flavors. Not great, but I've played them, and they get the job done for a CAS nuclear family.
249  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My Sims are addicted to the poker table, much like the kicky bag!!!! on: 2005 October 10, 15:35:45
One thing that I've been wondering about, concerning poker. Is there any skill involved? Or is the winner of a given round determined randomly? There doesn't seem to be a "hidden skill," based on my adventures in debug mode. Both of the other two hidden skill objects (radio and pool table) have a way to examine the effects of different levels of skill, but the poker table has nothing along those lines. Is it affected by normal skill? Because if it's not, and poker is entirely random, it's not a very good simulation of poker. There are people who can make a living as professional poker players, because it's not completely random.
250  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Semi Permanent Platinum hack - slow decay for permaplat Sims on: 2005 October 10, 15:32:30
A most excellent hack, Hook. (A most excellent Hook hack?) Testing will commence as soon as I finish today's rounds on MATY. A good solution to the problem. Things were getting a bit stale in one of my neighborhoods since Uni sims usually hit perma plat within a week of being out of school.
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