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201  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Flaming Toilet on: 2005 October 16, 22:36:38
Personally, am suspecting that someone (*cough* *cough*) got a few "ideas" from this forum, with its generally Burninating awesomeness. Seems like someone we know would do.

And wasn't I right when I said that the decorating possibilites of those flame things would be truly Awesome?
202  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug? on: 2005 October 16, 21:13:32
Well personally I think it is an improvement not a bug since now aliens that don't have the same mother (the sim male that gave birth) can now have romantic relationship between each other since they do not show as brother and sister anymore, unless I am mistaken.

It's not an improvement, as far as I'm concerned. I already had that problem fixed with the Multiple PT hack, so each alien spawn was siblings with maybe one out of eight of the other alien spawn. Now they aren't related to any of them, which is annoying, and I can't tell which PT they're the spawn of, and I suspect it may be connected to the hack not working at all anymore.
203  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Flaming Toilet on: 2005 October 16, 16:05:12
Anyone seen this?

[attachment deleted by admin]
204  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nightlife bugs on: 2005 October 16, 15:54:35
Well I had my game self destruct tonight.

While playing a house I noticed that no matter what career or what sim I played..after going to work one day they would automatically jump to the top of their career.  With no chance promotions...nothing.

I ran the game in debug mode to see if there was an error producing this..but nothing.

I've gotten this bug, and had it I'm pretty sure since pre-Uni. Sim gets automatically booted up to level 10, and then can't go to work. Only got it once, and it only happened in one house. I think I either reinstalled it or just nuked the house.
205  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Raiders of the Lost Sim on: 2005 October 16, 15:52:34
Seconded (thirded?) on the Harvest Moon thoughts. The most bizarrely addictive game ever. Only problem with it is that you have to buy a whole other game if you want to play another gender, and only for the newer versions, and you have to play it straight. Obviously, no one at Nintendo has ever heard of TwoJeff's "pregnancy for all" mod. ;-D
206  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Manually deleting all characters? on: 2005 October 16, 14:20:15
Ugh. Townies. Say, that'd make a good pokemon spinoff. GOTTA NUKE 'EM ALL! Maybe I should put that on my list of "bad anime parodies to do with the sims."

This deletion feature has finally convinced me to join the QA. The e-mail was in German, but I can read "click here" in just about any language. Heh.
207  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: New survey on official BBS on: 2005 October 16, 14:17:07
Considering Sims 2 is such a people game, I suspect personnel management will be a big factor.  I'm hoping for stuff like supply and demand, competitors (can I invite a successful competitor over for a swim?? Cheesy ), advertising, business loans, all the good stuff.  Probably more than most people will ever want to mess with.


Oooh. Must . . . resist . . . lure . . . of . . . tycoon game!

Argh. I have a weakness for tycoon type simulations. Building stuff and making obscene amounts of virtual cash. I actually don't really like that kind of game, but I can never resist them. I sure hope though that they play up the crafting angle. Allow user input into the craftifying. Whee! Customized robots! With FLAMETHROWERS!
208  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: JMP and NL on: 2005 October 16, 14:14:58
1373 members, 29.95/mo.

Pesc is livin the sims 2 high life!

He is just pretending not to have nightlife to drag out how long people as paying for the site waiting on fixes!

Indeed. That comes to 11,171.35, and even with the expected effects of the one for two for one deal, it still comes to an impressive 11,171.35! Not bad for someone who's probably selling nuclear weapons technology on the side.
209  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My sims can't interact with the policeman on: 2005 October 16, 14:12:49
My guess is it was a quick fix to the problem of the cops getting stuck on the lot and not leaving. When I first got the game I had one who wouldn't leave and he just kept standing there and eventually peeing himself and passing out in his own filth and crying.

Thing is, if it was an intentional fix, it's worse than the problem it fixed because at least if they got stuck on the lot you could delete them with move objects.

Seems to be a bit of a habit. Fixing things that already have satisfactory community workarounds that don't cause any of the problems of the official fixes. Like the NL Pollination Technicians thing. Grr. No, I'm not bitter.
210  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The patch will be out tomorrow... on: 2005 October 16, 14:12:19
...but criticism on this forum will probably not be as visible to the designers, who visit the official bbs....

Surely visiting the bbs is above and beyond the call of duty.  Tongue

Maybe this is the reason for our troubles with Maxis. Their brains have all been liquified by the BBS! Quick, MaxoidTom, save your coworkers! Direct them here, where they're safe!
211  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Don't hate me because I have to pee... on: 2005 October 16, 14:11:01
I was always under the impression that the "X out face" bubble that appeared when a sim was in the bathroom was a result of the nudity emitter. Of course, it was at least originally only something that people actually able to see the sim in question got. Perhaps said emitter has gone screwy? Perhaps related to the clothing state emitter changes made for Nightlife, with Turn Ons and Turn Offs? After all, it would be kind of silly if chemistry flucuated based on whether you could see the person (clothing based attraction is silly enough, it doesn't need any more help) and perhaps this has led to unintended consequences for nudity?
212  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA on: 2005 October 16, 14:07:35
They've sent me invites to things before now, then when I've tried to log in I can't because of not being in the US.  How come EA still ignores the rest of the world?

It also annoys me having to use oodles of disk-space just to keep all the multi-language info stored in The Sims2!  why can't they make separate editions for each language?  How much longer would it take?  I don't NEED to be able to play my game in simplified chinese, for heavens sake!

Well, it is rather handy for the aspiring multi-lingualists among us. I'm still toying with the idea of reinstalling everything in French, but that would require work . . .

I find it humourous, in a sick and twisted way, that EA is currently under the impression that all their customers are domestic. Hello? 21st century here? Any company that believes that must have recently had their brains removed with a blunt melon spoon. (Or perhaps a runcible spoon? What is a runcible spoon anyway? But I digress . . .) For a company that considers itself tech oriented, it's pretty outrageous. Every forum type site I've ever been on has had lots of people from all over. Generally Portugal, Brazil, England, France, New Zealand, Australia, and Italy, to my current knowledge. I know a site that has about half its membership from Portugal, judging from the forums.

Conclusion: EA is run by idiots! But we knew that already. ;-D
213  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide on: 2005 October 16, 13:48:21
Game theory. Basic game theory. Basically, the value of option A is the average value you'll get when you select it. If it's a 50% option, then it's a standard average between the failure value and the success value. If it's 85% option, it's whichever is 85% likely times .85 plus whichever is 15% times .15. I'm pretty sure I had a document somewhere with everything calculated out . . . hmm. I'll see if I can put one togethor again, combining JMP's data with the payout of the cards, and post the results here.
214  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: New survey on official BBS on: 2005 October 16, 02:18:29
Yes! Genie lamps! And the chemistry set, too. Only maybe expanded. Ooh, I'd buy OB if it came with a chemistry set. I'd even play Mortimer Goth then. I got him one in Sims1. Seemed appropriate.
215  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do Sims Babies get made? on: 2005 October 15, 23:03:12
Of course I also had a "puberty ed" class in the 5th grade or so as well.

Ye flippin gods. Sex ed in school . . . ugh. Learned nothing useful, and I learned it again, and again, and again, with progressively stupider 20 year old movies. Everything useful about sexuality, including about the various different kinds and how they're all basically spectrums, how to use contraceptives, and the basics of navigating relationships, I learned in church. OWL. I love my church . . .
216  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Raiders of the Lost Sim on: 2005 October 15, 22:52:26
I play the Sims 2 almost exclusively, although I do play the occasional PS2 game and I downloaded Nero (awesome game, by the way) yesterday. For the most part, though, there aren't any games that I don't find excessively restricting. Even The Sims annoys me sometimes, because I'm stuck in suburbia and can't mess with different social structures. I don't know if this is typical of most women, or is a peculiarity of mine, but I can't stand games that aren't open ended, and games that pretend to be open ended are even worse.

This is why CRPGs annoy me. I have two really good friends who are always talking about all these great CRPGs they play. Every so often, I pick one up and mess with it for a few weeks. Then I get bored, because I keep thinking of things that it would be nifty to do, or ways to solve problems, that I'm not allowed to implement. Morrowind, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, even Myst, and the only reason I got through Return to Monkey Island is that it was hilarious. Plus, the plots are usually lame, in CRPGs and computer games in general.

Example: The Jak and Daxter series of games. (Jak and Daxter, Jak II, Jak III) Fun little PS2 platformer/shooters, good animation on the first two, decent and well executed, if cliched, story for the second one. (First didn't really have a story, but was funny enough that it made up for it.) Now, the second one had some twitchyness issues for difficulty level. It tended to spike on random levels, so one gets stuck for hours doing the same thing over and over again. Third game had much, much better gameplay. Very smooth, very fun. But I didn't like it nearly as much as the other two. Why? The story sucked. And in a very specific way. There was this character who had been in the game since the beginning, and a sort of love interest for the main character just as long. (They game starts when they're both like 12 or 13.) First two games end with the annoying sidekick keeping them from kissing. Third game ends with the main character kissing . . . some other chick. Introduced in the second game, dating someone entirely different (a plot point). However, until that particular scene, there was no buildup whatsoever to the relationship, no reason why the two of them aren't still with the other people they were with in the other games.

This ticked me off. Majorly. Sure, character #2 probably appealed more to the guys playing the game (Wooh! Hot chick with a gun!) since she was some sort of special ops commando rather than a mechanic, but the first character had been developed since the beginning of the game, was smart, capable, had gotten the main characters out of major trouble several times, and had a relationship that had been built on since basically the first scene in the series. But no. The developers (Naughty Dog) had to turn it into "how alienate off your female players," especially when you think about the fact that the kind of women who play video games tend to be on the techie side themselves, and thus identifie with that character. (Not that all female gamers are techies, but most of the women who play games that I know are into science or tech, whereas there's not as strong of a correlation with men.)


On the upside, both Spore and Oblivion look like they may be flexible enough to be worth playing. So I'm happy. But still annoyed.
217  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Decreased fire & burglary since Nightlife? on: 2005 October 15, 03:34:46
Ah, so your sims believe in JM's statement that sleep is for wusses. Tongue

Yes. Sleep is unnecessary. You will be assimilated.

(Sorry! Sorry! Couldn't resist.)
218  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Decreased fire & burglary since Nightlife? on: 2005 October 15, 03:10:18
My sims don't sleep, so I don't get burglaries.
219  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: New survey on official BBS on: 2005 October 15, 03:02:45
Filled it out . . . either right when or before this post showed up. I mainly marked "more weirdness!" and "less bugfests!" wherever I could. Gave them what, in my mind, are very good suggestions. Robots, more aliens, mutants, useful computers, roleplaying games. (Although I would rather fear a "roleplaying table," now that I see the compulsiveness that Maxis tends to give those sorts of objects.) I was so happy when I heard that OB may include robots. Whee! Craftable robots! And maybe androids? Now that would be cool.

I found the question about "do you want your clothes to be more cooler or less cooler" [sic] amusing.

Je parle un peu du français. Je puis livre meilleur que je écrire, et je écrire meilleur que je parle. Je suis pas mal en général, mais je ne pratique pas autant que je voudrais. (Je regrette si le grammaire est mal. Je ne sais pas comment le dire exactement.)
220  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: 3 or 4 lightening bolts on: 2005 October 14, 21:27:57
I suspect with the whole vampire overlay thing that tatoos and such will be possible at some point in the future. Who knows, maybe the next expansion will let sims open a tatoo parlor. Wink At any rate, the base code for being able to put another layer on top of the body's skintone is definitely there now with NL.

That would actually be really cool. If they push the whole "user modified, sim made" angle in this EP, I may just buy it. If it turns it into a Tycoon game . . . maybe not.

Anyhow. I really, really wish there were more layers to the skins, and that they could be mixed and matched genetically, so you could get a little more of a "blending" simulation, but still with discrete points. (like in real genetics. lots of discrete bits looks like blending, but has more interesting properties)
221  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Question about SimLogical teleporter-plus & adoption feature on: 2005 October 14, 21:19:37
From what I've heard, it's just new ones born after the patch. It doesn't delete him from the neighborhood or existing family trees, but he doesn't get parented to any babies born from abductions post NL.

I haven't heard anything official from Maxis on this, but the general concensus seems to be this is a "feature" to address the problem that many complained about that all their children from abductions were siblings and thus people could not breed aliens together.

He's still there, but even for previously existing alien spawn he's gone from the tree. Bothersome. Needs fixing! Maxoid Tom, what did you do, why, and is it possible for us to change it back?
222  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: JMP and NL on: 2005 October 14, 21:16:37
JMP has mentioned on the forum here (and I'm paraphrasing heavily) that there are people who have a want to see his ghost.  And considering the amount of security he has surrounding him, they apparently have considerable ability.  But I'm betting on Pescado. Smiley


Betting what? That they won't kill him, or that he'll outlive them?
223  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The patch will be out tomorrow... on: 2005 October 14, 21:08:54
Social bunny is supposed to look transparent, but only if there are two or more on the lot and you're looking at the one that doesn't belong to the sim you have selected.
224  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: macrotastics questions on: 2005 October 14, 21:01:06
This doesn't happen to me, generally speaking. Power Idle works in my game. Although, if a sim is in dire straights, I usually have to do something about it myself and then turn power idle on. Best for maitenance. But if it's not working at all . . . that's rather weird.
225  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Not in front of the children! on: 2005 October 14, 20:52:13
Ah, yes. Seems obvious now. Silly adults only policy, working on honor system. Or rather, the "not a total idiot!" system.
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