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201  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: GAH! stop creating wolves! on: 2007 March 21, 22:59:31
I think the white dog is one of the wolves. She's named Delia in my game (I use Jordi's Live.package, though, so no telling what her Maxis name would have been). Anyhoo you describe the white on in my game exactly. Constantly showing up on every single lot and returns shortly after being chased off.

Up until just yesterday I've only had 2 wolves in my game. The white one (Delia) and the LOTP (who was Ansgar but is now Grael because I have an Ansgar elsewhere.. anyhoo!). Yesterday, while playing one of my lots, the game hung for a few seconds ... I panicked... then resumed. When I did a search around the lot I discovered a freshly generated new black wolf standing near Delia on the sidewalk.

I have noredundancy in and all the other noregen hacks. I guess wolf generation is just an entirely seperate entity.

I do hope the trend doesn't continue. 3 is just plenty for me.
202  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: PSA: Even less FFS breakage for kitten killers on: 2007 March 10, 22:43:47
Much appreciated, Jordi. Yay for poor sims again.
203  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Has this ever happened to you hangs when calling the pet adoption agency on: 2007 March 06, 15:22:39
This happened to me the first time I ever tried to call the pet adoption agency. Whole game froze up, I did that tap fingers, spin around in the chair several times, eventually walked away from the computer for 15 minutes only to come back and find it was still hung, shut down from task manager.
When I checked my character folder, any files that might have been ggenerated were gone (same initial count as before loading up the game that day).
I loaded the game back up, called the agency again and this time it only hung for probably less than a full minute before popping up with an extrememly limited adoption pool.

204  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wanting to Re-Generate my Townies. on: 2007 March 06, 15:06:44
Dunno if pets SimPE would work or not. Me personally myself I'd wait but I'm ultraparanoid, too.
You could always make a backup and try it with the pets version.

Yes, you can kill off NPCs but how you do so, how often, and where (in-game or out) matters to the size of the cucumbers. Do some research on neighborhood bloat, BFBVFS, and VBTs.
205  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 06, 14:33:42
Found a pet teleporter by christianlove over at MTS2
206  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wanting to Re-Generate my Townies. on: 2007 March 06, 13:44:05
what do i then have to change in SimPE so that if i was to multiply with them, their babies will look pretty as well?

This is what angelyne was talking about writing the tut on and what is explained in the link I posted above but since MTS2 is apparently down for maintenance, here's the short version:
Open up the hood in SimPE, locate the sim's description, open the character file, select Facial Structure from the resource tree, highlight and extract the 2nd instance, then highlight and replace the 1st instance with the .simpe file you just extracted. Save and you're done.

If I'm using the new Face Templates, and CAS Templates, any new townies that are made will both have better faces, and this will be copied to SimPE, hence thier faces will carry onto new borns? (Also any new townies that are made from this moment on, will be good looking too? No over sized noses or chins?)


Is their anything else that I will need to make my townies good looking, and stay that way?

Nope. Of course your best guarantee for good looking townies is to make them yourself in CAS and turn them into townies afterwards. Using templates, unless every template is completely unuglified, may still get you a few here and there that don't meet your personal ideal.

- And just another question I thought of after previewing this... NPC's... is their away I can make them look better? (Using the same way as above?)

I believe so.
I've never tried facial reconstruction on NPC's myself so can not say absolutely yes without a doubt. I have noticed that, many times, trying to simply change hair style doesn't actually work on some NPCs (i.e. the female maid) so there may be some sort of weirdness that prevents their genetics from being altered but that's about all I can say for that.
207  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 06, 13:31:04
Slightly off topic.  I was playing with a pet shop the other day.   The cats and dogs which are in the display, case are they real characters with associated character files? I'm under the impression they aren't.  And what happens to the pets bought by townies.  Are they in their inventory? (How weird is that).  Does it generate a character file?   Even maxis couldn't be that dumb right? 

And I'm also assuming that pets bought by your characters autonomously will generate a character upon their return home.  I know that JM has a mod that prevents that (the buying that is).

I'm in the same boat you are. I want to get kittens or puppies to satisfy my sim's wants.  I'm not trying the adoption bureau again.  It borked someone's else game, and might have done the same to me, I'll have to check tonight.

So what I want to do is create a sim dog breeder.  He's going to be an ornery old coot living on a derelict farm. His name is Henri Poisson Wink.  I would also like him to be the town dog catcher.  Are there any hack similar to Inge's teleporter that lets you "summon" strays, and make them part of the family ?

That's what I'm doing with the kennels I made. Catching strays and breeding them out for puppy/kitten wants. Well.. I've onlly had them breed once so far but at least that's the long term plan. The only thing that bothers me about that is the sheer amount of breeding that will need to be done in oder to create an interesting mix of personality traits. I'll need a hood for *pets only* with all the characters being generated...

Ahhh if only there was a Texas Chainsaw mod that made unwanted pets and sims edible with a complete associated file wipe.  Shocked

As for the shrubbery (porter) for pets, I haven't yet found one but if I do I'll definately let you know. I am looking.
208  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wanting to Re-Generate my Townies. on: 2007 March 06, 13:15:46

Probably would be better for you to write one up for here on MATY, since this one is old and only really findable if you do a specific search at MTS2.

Look for sim descriptions with 'Unknown', and delete them before committing your changes.

Er... I thought it wasn't exactly safe to go around deleting all the unknowns as some of them are things like.. Oh the wormrat and the bird. eh?

209  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 04, 02:57:51
Is that what's going on? I thought it had something to do with having had the nostrayregen hack in, didn't realize it was a bug with the adoption pool. Of course, I hadn't adopted any animals out of it to notice if it wasn't refilling after taking animals out.

Interesting, though, because now that you mention it the amount of animals that were generated as available to adopt does seem rather low, eh? 1 large dog, no small dogs and 3 cats. Hm.

Still.. when I take nostrayregen out I do get more added to the pool on the initial call to the service. Will have to do some paying attention to if it refills when I finally do some adopting from it.
210  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 03, 20:20:21
Puppies and Kittens only:

211  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: All My Downtownies Have Duplicates on: 2007 March 02, 16:03:07
I created with the mailbox in debug. Wink Not that it really makes much difference as it allll makes sense now with the downtownie templates vs. facial templates.

I really can't believe how short sighted the devs were on that stuff. I mean obviously (hello Legacy Challenge) people were going to be marrying off to townies/downtownies, thinning the pool and causing regeneration of new ones. Why the heck would they not add something to prevent such quick re-appearances of the *same* template? Gah!

I have a nice combination of my own creations vs. maxis templates running around downtown now. I used the shrub + the DMA facial/clothing/appearance adjuster and then edited the facials for DNA in SimPE.

Interesting to find such a limit was placed on appearances by default.

edit: Yes, SaraMK, I just installed Pets. I haven't played the sims at all in months and then a friend gave me the Pets XP as a birthday present mid Feb and it got me playing again. Wink Won't be buying/installing Seasons for probably another month or two.
212  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: All My Downtownies Have Duplicates on: 2007 March 02, 14:01:17
It is wierd and I must say I've never seen it happen before - but then I also never used empty templates or had Pets installed before either.

I'm tempted to do a mass deletion and SimPE cleanup (in a test version of the hood) and try another batch generation to see if it happens again.
213  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / All My Downtownies Have Duplicates on: 2007 March 02, 13:51:04
Ok not exactly complete duplicates so much as just body doubles.
The first time I saw this I though. "Ha. I should make those two linked twins." Now it's not really so "ha' able as basically every single one of my downtownies is an exact replica of another. The bowlers, the ravers, the high society looking types, the biker guy... all of them. There's 2 of every one. They all have different names, personalities and aspiriations.. but looks wise (clothes and all) they are exact replicas.
It's both adults and teens and in the case of 1 particular teen (the trench coat wearing/fullface makeup/elvis hair one) there is 3 of him.


I'm not exactly looking for a solution. I have plenty of doodads and gadgets I can use to change how they look and their DNA. I am curious, though, if anyone else has had this happen as well - especially those who have used the empty templates and batch created townies/downtownies.

There are 11 bodies. 10 of which are doubles and 1 of which is a triplet case which equals out to be 23 downtownies. I have notownieregen in and on batch creation I recall there were 30 downtownies made. The rest are unique unto themselves... so far.

I notice I am missing the pool shark (the guy in the hawaiian shirt) in this hood, also.  Undecided
214  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007) on: 2007 March 02, 10:58:05
The hotfix is not my responsibility. Not having it in will not break anything.

Errryah, wasn't suggesting it was or would. I thought someone else might have some info on it's where abouts or lack there-of.

Good to see you active again.
215  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 02, 02:41:19
Oh I'm sure I'll have one _eventually_. This hood is barely 2 sim weeks old though. Spankin' fresh new started it when I got Pets as a gift after not having played since OFB came out. So I was taking my time getting reacquainted with the game before going nuts with the pets.

In any case, your post did inspire me to add 2 more sims to my hood to run the recently built Twoscado Cram Boarding and Breeding Kennels. heh.  Roll Eyes
216  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 01, 22:08:11
Yes... in order to do that, though, I have to have a family in the hood with pets already and then breed them...

I have zero families with pets already and have no desire to give any of my other sims pets just yet let alone go through all the relationship building/breeding rituals that would be needed to get the puppies prepared for adoption. See?

So a couple of things:

I used SaraMK's tutorial to make myself a new P001 template with only the adoptable puppies and kittens as one alternative. I'll attach it if anyone else would like.
Note: This won't generate the puppies and kittens in an already existing pets expanded hood, only a new one.

Secondly, the generation of adoptables through the pet adoption service seems to work like the NPC generation in that if you don't save the game after generation, you can leave the lot and re-enter, call again and get a different set of pets generated to choose from. So if you're persistant enough, you could simply keep trying until you get a set of animals you like.
I tried this 3 times, and all 3 times the files generated at the call were removed after leaving the game without saving. 103 characters to start 103 characters after exit.
I just don't know if I have the patience to keep regenerating until a puppy shows up.  Tongue

edit - added the note about the template.
217  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Creating Puppies and Kittens for Adoption on: 2007 March 01, 20:09:26
I know the whole sim world is all about some Seasons right now but I figured I'd try to squeeze in a question regarding Pets here real quick like.

I've got a bit of a predicament regarding adoptable animals in my hood (via the pet adoption agency). I created this hood with the empty templates and nostrayrespawn.

Now the problem I have is there is only 1 adoptable dog and 1 adoptable cat available to select from the pet adoption agency. No puppies, no kittens, and not even any small breed dogs. While it's not a huge problem it does leave me in a bit of a pickle when trying to finally fufill one of those obtain a pet wants. Audrey is just dying for a new puppy and has been rolling this want nearly every sim day for 2 sim weeks. Finally feeling confident enough with having got back into the swing of simming, I'd like to give her what she wants here and try out having some pets around.

So my question is: Has there been discovered a way to create puppies (not adult dogs) and kittens (not adult cats) and send them off to the agency for adoption?

I'm going to try taking out the nostrayrespawn and see if I can't get some more adoptables generated here in a moment but I don't think that's going to do anything for it.

edit to update: Taking out nostrayrespawn did generate a few more adoptables but still no kittens or puppies. All adult animals.  Undecided
218  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Clean custom neighbourhoods + townie creation (updated for Pets) on: 2007 March 01, 19:54:17
Wow, fast work! Thanksandbaaah.
219  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Nudist hack v2.06 (28 May 2006) on: 2007 March 01, 18:02:03
Is the *hotfix* for InTeen still needed for hottubs? I've looked around all over the new InTeen site and can't find it anywhere.

Just curious if something was done to make it not needed or if the hotfix just went MIA for reasons unknown or if perhaps I just somehow overlooked its location at jase's site.
220  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Clean custom neighbourhoods + townie creation (updated for Pets) on: 2007 March 01, 13:53:43
Good to know. I was worried it was going to be similar to Pets, adding a slew of new townies and/or NPCs to the base hood.

I suspect this won't work and we will need to come up with a template.

Most likely. Thanks to this fabulous tutorial and SaraMK's previous work with it we know how to do that now.
221  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Clean custom neighbourhoods + townie creation (updated for Pets) on: 2007 February 28, 13:13:17
So rumor has it that Seasons adds another new hood full of store bought sims. Any confirmation on this yet?
222  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Clean custom neighbourhoods + townie creation (updated for Pets) on: 2007 February 28, 08:49:58
Are you able to to right click on the file, select open or open with, and then choose WinRAR frmo the list? If so you should be able to check the use this program every time box and have it recognized from then on.
Odd that it is unrecognized!


A double checking for stupidity question regarding the clean templates: Do the old game hoods need to be restored before updating to a new XPack or Stuff pack?
223  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pets patch released on: 2007 February 27, 11:54:44
Thaks Elfpuddle. I tend to skim and miss things of such importance after the 3rd page.  Kiss
224  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pets patch released on: 2007 February 27, 11:38:43
I'm sorry, I missed if there was a clear answer for this somewhere: Is it possible to patch a previous EP after having installed (and possibly even patched) a newer EP?

i.e. Could you install the patch for OFB after having installed Pets?
225  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Townie Keep Memories on: 2007 February 27, 00:04:14
You shouldn't be using the moveinfix And the moveinall hacks together.  By default, the moveinall hacks (both the regular and the nofriends version) automatically include the fixes (from the moveinfix).

Gotcha. I missed that fine print somewhere.

I thought the No20k and InTeen conflict was an odd one. Not that I know zip to doodah about any of it but it just seemed .. odd. I did mention it on the User to User support forum at InTeen. I suppose if jase feels like it he'll check it out but I'm not gonna go bugging him about it. Minor sacrifice.
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