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176  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Another deleted goodbye on: 2005 October 26, 22:58:36
Yeah . . . MTV with coolness police? MTV is in serious need of coolness police, but it has no grounds to be running said operation. I watched "Pimp My Ride" once, when I was on vacation and there was basically nothing else to do. Lame. I seriously need to get around to pitching my "Pimp My Mexican Restaurant" idea. They could start with "Tortilla Joe's" by telling them to switch to the authentic Spanish pronunciation of their name.
177  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Just wanted to share a bit of my amusement on: 2005 October 26, 21:59:28
I wish there was a bit more variety like that in the game when it's going right.  That child didn't look impossible in real life.
That child looks like one I saw in Ethiopia.

That's where you've been?! Ethiopia?! Why didn't you tell us you were going to be disappearing to Ethiopia?!

And what could possibly induce you to leave your bunker and tank? Can't imagine that one could ship a tank overseas, short of a C-130. But then, that seems like it would be your kind of plane. The C-130 is the PLANE FROM HELL. Taking an eight hour trip in one, sitting on those "bleacher with netting for back" seats and trying to sleep with the full noise of the plane on, as there's no noise insulation . . . gah.
178  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: If EA releases another party pack what would it have to have for you to buy on: 2005 October 26, 21:55:11
Heh heh. Dice. I've got so many dice . . . at least 40 six siders, four or five twenty siders and ten siders, and two or three each of four, eight, and twelve siders. Too many dice. And they're all shiny! So many colors . . .

Er. Anyway. I'd actually like to see something where one actually got a "book" when one wrote a novel in the game. An actual object, maybe that allowed you to name it, and that could be stacked with others of its type. If it was a "masterpiece," having the object on the lot would cause it to continue to earn the lot money. That would be nifty. That's the kind of thing I'd consider paying for in a "booster pack." A bunch of nifty features, maybe targeted towards a more specific demographic than the regular expansion packs, without the extra neighborhood and entire new minigames requirement of a full EP.
179  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Another deleted goodbye on: 2005 October 26, 19:53:56
I've always gotten the vibe off him that he's like 15. He seems to be at that maturity level or below.

Y'know, I could take offense if that, if it wasn't way too much work. I'm not much older than that, and neither I nor most of the people I hang out with could even come close to Wintermuteai's mastery of the art of making an idiot of himself. And to think, I thought that some of his stuff (his skins, mostly) was pretty nifty, way back in ye olden days of, what, late 2004, when the game had just come out and before the MTS2 exodus. Mostly because I like the book his name references, I thought, "Ooh! Fellow SF fan! Nifty!"

I mean, at least when Pescado leaves a site and makes a scene of himself, he does it well. He doesn't make himself look stupid, and he makes the other side look stupid without having to even do anything himself, because they handle it themselves.
180  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Where do you get your custom content? on: 2005 October 26, 00:21:50
Was wondering about this. I've been looking for good sites, and have found some good stuff, but the sheer volume of content is just kind of overwhelming. Seeing as several of my favorite sites (Decorgal Designs, Gigge's Simply Skintastic) I've been directed to from people here, I figured that asking where people here got their clothes, objects, and build mode things for their sims would be a good place to start.
181  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: If EA releases another party pack what would it have to have for you to buy on: 2005 October 25, 23:17:10
I'm much younger than a lot of the people on this site, and I'm constantly annoyed by the fact that very little of what's in either the teen sections or the adult sections is stuff that I'd actually wear. I haven't worn a shirt that exposed my belly button since, oh, seventh grade. Years ago. And that was for about two months, too, the period when I wore makeup. Since then, it's been t-shirts, jackets, and jeans. Boot cut gap jeans, levis--real jeans, not that "ah hah! we'll cut random holes in it and charge $200!" crap. There really aren't any decent t-shirts for women, the kind that have actually sleeves and aren't all clingy. T-shirts should be loose, damnit! "Baby doll" t-shirts are an abomination.

And the guy stuff . . . sigh. Some of it I like. Some of it . . . eh. That's actually what convinced me to make the handful of outfits that I've done myself. Lack of decent t-shirts. If Maxis published a "t-shirt" booster pack, I might even consider buying it. What I'd really like is a "geek" pack. Probably has a better chance of being a booster pack than a full blown expansion. Actual jeans, cargo pants, t-shirts, decent glasses (ugh! double ugh! all my sims wear the same two pairs . . .) more computers, more stuff to do with computers, science fiction themed clothes and objects. I'd pay money for that. Not "Holiday" though. I repeat: My sims are being godless communists! Nyet on the Holidaying!
182  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: http://Link Blocked By Linked Site/ on: 2005 October 25, 23:03:00
Her point in Rainbow's quote seems to be "Nightlife made people stupid." Though I can't be totally sure, as my grammar and meaning parsing android just exploded.
183  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More turn ons/offs on: 2005 October 25, 02:11:12
One who breaks the game if vampirified? Ooh. Vampire santa!
184  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Just wanted to share a bit of my amusement on: 2005 October 24, 22:52:03
I wonder what triggers this? Seems to entertaining to want to fix it, but it would be interesting to find out.
185  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More turn ons/offs on: 2005 October 24, 22:48:27
People come in all different shapes and I'm willing to have that in my game (same as colors and sexual orientation and anything else I can), but I don't like the way Maxis did it. Actually I think it's *more* insulting that they don't really allow anyone to look right, than if they'd just gone ahead and had some "fat" meshes - like no one would choose to use them or something :p

At least part of the reason why the Maxis meshes aren't very realistic, and don't vary much from the baseline, is that if you get too far away from the basic mesh you start having to modify animations, which was probably not worth the time from their point of view. I know they used that as the reason for why they don't have a different mesh for the "fit" body type. Technically, it's the same reason why all sims of a given age are the same height.
186  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Survey on VS on: 2005 October 23, 21:32:37
Ah, politics. And tech community politics at that. Technical politics, between scientists or coders or other similiar types, is much, much worse than governmental politics. Makes campaign mudslinging look like a Victorian tea party. (Not that Victorian tea parties weren't riddled with politics, of course, but they didn't *look* like they were.)

These most recent VC inanities have made me very glad that Pescado moved a long time ago. Now I have a nice fuzzy interent box to snuggle in . . . with fire. Heh heh heh.
187  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Database IS ready on: 2005 October 23, 15:33:39
*cackles maniacally*

Mwahahah! Yet another reason to get a laptop. Yeeees. And maybe a lab assistant too. <lightning crashes>

I've been thinking about putting togethor records for my sims for a while now, but never really got around to it, mainly because I would start with one format, then get annoyed and switch to something else. With the format already in front of me, I'm less distractable.

One random thing that might be useful would be if either it came with or one could download the sims that come with the game -- Pleasantview, Strangeville, Veronaville, and the standard townies. Would cut down on reduntant data entry somewhat. I'd be willing, once I get the hang of the program, to do/help with that. Don't really know how feasible it would be, but something to think about.

Equally random: It would be really, really nice if the game allowed us to edit existing household names. I suppose I could do it in SimPE, but it would still be a nifty feature.
188  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Armory #2 on VS?? (by WIntermuteai1) on: 2005 October 23, 02:39:43
So . . . hang on a second. All this screeching about how RGiles and Numenor have copyrighted people's stuff is complete moot, because it says "RGiles" and "Numenor," and you can't copyright to handles?
189  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Armory #2 on VS?? (by WIntermuteai1) on: 2005 October 23, 02:18:22
Looks like a middle schooler trying to speak lawyer-ese. Heck, even I can do better than that. Just add in a few "party of the first part" and "party of the second part."
190  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Memories in a Bottle on: 2005 October 22, 17:15:03
I personally use it to check how much money a given sim has accumulated. I do any memory editing needed in SimPE. Occasionally, a sim gets memories that it shouldn't, or doesn't get memories that it should. Also, in certain situations you may want to create some memories and relationships for a neighborhood before you start playing it.
191  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Trogdor on: 2005 October 22, 13:58:49
Firefox has tabs. IE doesn't. This is all I need to know.
192  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA on: 2005 October 22, 13:39:47
I got one a couple of days ago, and although I live in the US, it still fits the pattern. I have nothing that I want to buy from EA right now, because I already have Nightlife and I have no interest in crappy console games. Games other than the sims, I steal from my brother anyway.
193  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Survey on VS on: 2005 October 22, 03:55:16
Carrigon's okay, but has always given off a certain sort of "new age" vibe that I personally dislike. It may very well be completely erroneous, but it is the impression I get from her downloads, and that flavor is one of the reasons why I've never been that interested in them.

The social dynamics of forums would be an interesting topic of study. Combine censorship based control with internet anonymity, add a healthy dose of general idiocy (graciously provided by the joyous portal to the Sims community that is the BBS) and you get something . . . interesting. Backstabbing, drama, obsession. This is why I judiciously avoid tact. Although I can piss people off, at least they know about it, and have the opportunity to avoid me. And then there's always The Code. Generally, though, I prefer for creators to have individual sites, with linkage between them. Then you can get a fair idea of who's good and who's not, depending on who is recommended by the people you already get stuff from, and you can get stuff from just the people whose stuff you like.
194  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide on: 2005 October 20, 23:15:01
When in panic, or in doubt,
Run in circles, scream and shout

Press all the buttons. That page is a joke. (Shh! It's a secret!)
195  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA on: 2005 October 20, 23:02:42
Well, it's probably classified as an agricultural product, along with fruit and meat and whatnot, which can carry diseases and that most countries don't want being imported by random people. So it wouldn't be an environmental reason as much as a beaurocratic reason. Hmm.
196  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: FREE Car download! And this one actually looks GOOD! on: 2005 October 20, 22:59:09
I also have to admit that during our quite snowy winters, I get a chuckle over the amount of these vehicles I see slid off on the side of the road because their owners are under the impression that having a 4WD somehow makes it easier for them to STOP as easily on the snow as they would on pavement. God forbid they should have to actually SLOW DOWN in deference to the actual driving conditions.  Shocked

Heh heh heh. Physics. Aren't people who don't understand momentum great? Especially when they're also clueless about friction. And about how hot, heavy objects tend to compress snow into ice.
197  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide on: 2005 October 20, 22:22:25
Generally, I find that giving people the front page link ( and directions to the data in question (Forum: The War Room, "Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide") is the most effective way to get people to this site while still weeding out those with no sense of humour and ability to understand directions.
198  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Things We've Learned From The BBS on: 2005 October 17, 21:26:43
If you scream something to the effect of "HELP! GIVE U TKONENS OF EVILLL!!!!" you'll get even more help than if you'd offered cash. Of course, none of it will be right, but at least they're not beating you up to take your cash.
199  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Things We've Learned From The BBS on: 2005 October 17, 02:31:37
Any problem can be solved by pointing and laughing?
200  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: JMP and NL on: 2005 October 16, 22:37:43
I place my vote on some sort of Secret Project involving either the flaming thing, the furious state, or running people over.
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