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151  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: OFB - If you could turn back time on: 2006 March 07, 21:11:27
I assumed it only happens on OFB install or adding a commercial district but I'm not sure.

Technically, we can adjust badges now in the game with the 'badge juicer' from debug mode, but that's kind of cheesy and cheatish and removed the fun of discovering who has what skills imo.

Yeah, that's why a random assignment would be nice. But you'd think they'd get the badges upon being made into townies... after all, if they were newly generated after OFB, they'd get them, and the playables I've made into townies before have gotten false memories and other such things, so perhaps badges would appear too. I'll have to try this when I'm off work. (I have a gold Multitasking on the Internet Badge *whistle*)
152  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Turn on/off potion since NL on: 2006 March 07, 21:01:58
I've gotten that too. I noticed it on a Sim who just transitioned to teen, so I'd just picked her turn-ons anyway. I noticed in the OFB manual that it explains chemistry slightly, so I imagine if you didn't have NL it'd give you that part anyway, and thus the Porta-chugs to the pre-EP Sims?

Anyway, I guess they're sellable if you don't want them, or can give them to a Sim you want to change the turn-ons of. Wonder how much they're worth? I'm so going to have my Sims sell their extra Dream Date flowers in the shops. Finally a use for those! At least with Great dates you can get items...
153  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Post problems you've noticed, on: 2006 March 07, 20:53:36
I don't see a problem with espresso machines - maybe it's because you have hacked ones.

Hmm, that's true. It replaces the defaults, but since it's worked since the base game I've kept it in, as they also make regular espresso like the normal ones do. I'm not sure why it'd be suddenly obsession-worthy, though, since they only want to make the regular espresso on it and don't autonomously use any of the hacked options that I can tell. Since I have other motive-adjusting hacks now, I might just toss it.
154  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's your second and third impression of OFB? on: 2006 March 07, 20:31:33
Maybe you should turn your extra payable characters into townies.  In the old game there wasn't much difference between townies and player characters (that you weren't playing).  But now with OFB there are two big differences, money and badges.  I'm thinking I am going to turn some of the characters I don't play into townies.  I can always turn them back if I get this sudden urge to play them.

Oho. Yeah, I might just end up doing that with some of them. Once I get them through Uni, if I don't have a storyline going for them, they just end up living in some house and I never play them, so that might work nicely. I'd just have to remember where they are in my aging list and adjust them accordingly if they ever become playable again through marriage...

Swiftgold, I don't get any management options at all.  Maybe I should take my hacks out and see if that solves the problem.

Yeah, it's possible you're getting a conflict with a hack that adds something to the pie menus? I'll be reintroducing my other-site hacks when they're updated, but so far I have the director's cut in, the ones from Inge, TJ and Crammyboy that are compatible, and some that I frankly just guessed wouldn't conflict, heh. So if you suddenly get the management and sales options, you'll know a hack's the culprit which is better than guessing, anyway...
155  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Post problems you've noticed, on: 2006 March 07, 20:15:41
Someone might have posted this one before, but the Sims are suddenly WAY overobsessed with the espresso maker now. I had a hacked one in every house for quick need fills if necessary, but they were mostly on inaccessible corner counters because I didn't want them making espresso instead of going to bed. Now they keep pausing and getting bubbles showing the stove being in the way, or making espresso when they're 75% green, and I've been forced to get rid of the things so they won't obsess. I'm afraid to see what happens when I go to a comm. lot with one of those there. It's the worst object obsession I've seen in a long time, and made more annoying by the fact that the machines are in every house...

They'll also obsess with relaxing on the LizzLove beds even with advertising turned off, but as that's a hacked/new object I'm not surprised the expansion broke it.
156  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's your second and third impression of OFB? on: 2006 March 07, 20:03:24
Where do you get the May I help you option?  I certainly haven't seen it, or any of the management options either.  I'm beginning to think I need to reinstall it to see if things show up that I'm missing.  I think I've had to do that with every darned EP so far, and it's absolutely infuriating!  It's almost as though when the CDs are to shiny and new that stuff doesn't get copied properly!

Yeah, it only shows up when you click Sales... on a confused-looking customer. Do you not have the management options on a vanilla-OFB installation? I removed many of my hacks that weren't specifically OFB compatible and only put back in the ones from here and I haven't had any problems. It looks like I also skirted the 'driving a car to comm lot' bug because, though my owner took his car all but the first day, I never saved on the store lot! Phew!

Well it just takes a lot of ringing up. Bronze happens fairly quickly, one of my employees got Bronze in about a day or two. The same Gold Sales badge Sim has a Silver in cash register. But I'm glad something takes a long time, I don't want everything to be too easy. If you're concerned you can hire employees who have silver or gold register.

It's weird some people (I don't mean you, Motoki) complain about gameplay being too easy, then want cheats to speed things up...

Well, in my case anyway, I have only six Sims (Townies I've made) who've come with any badges whatsoever, and considering they're the immortal tyrants of the Neighborhood, some great-grandparents of my other Sims, etc etc, I don't really want to hire them as Florist Shop Restocker when there are tons of playables who aren't doing much of anything.  Undecided If it was possible to randomly give badges to the playables, so I'd be able to hire one with a register badge, I'd do so...
157  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Townies and the notownieregen hack for OFB on: 2006 March 07, 19:37:36
I haaate townies and have gotten rid of them since the start, though occasionally they keep coming back. Tongue The noregen, townie and dormie, is working fine for me so far, though. I used to kill them with the NPC tool, but after NL gave me all the unwanted downtownies, I just deleted them (dormies too) and used the memory manager plugin to erase all bad memories of unknowns. So far no signs of fiery explosion yet, and this is the one and only hood I've played since the game first came out.

I never made a business district with OFB, just made a new neighborhood to steal all the Bluewater businesses and then put them in my main hood. Saves on loading time between house and shop, and I have no new townies, and I put up with the NPCs like the professors and mascots.
158  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's your second and third impression of OFB? on: 2006 March 07, 17:40:45
I'm having a lot of fun with it so far - admittedly, I played the business part of it for the first time last night. Still, it was great. I had a family I was kinda not looking forward to playing - the dad was next in line to age to elder and he had 15 days left. I was contemplating "accidental" Simicide, but now they are suddenly really fun and I breezed through five days with the son's new community-lot florist shop.

Maybe it's because I was reading here so much, but so far it seems pretty intuitive, and I've gotten to level three. Definitely look for customers who seem confused, I've found - if you ask them 'may I help you?' and show them what they're looking for, they almost inevitably get a shiny gold loyalty star. My most loyal customers so far are the confused ones I was able to get to in time.

The second day my owner brought both his pregnant wife and his pregnant mother to work with him. The mother got the usual community-lot wants, though she worked the register in a pinch, and the wife had the running-a-business wants, including the want to fire the one employee which wouldn't go away! She's still obsessed with getting a bronze sales badge, even though she has a normal job. They made a couple sales pitches and basically just hung out and ate, being pregnant, but it was still helpful to have them there. I wish they could have napped on the couch in the break room, though. I had to use a motives cheat for energy to keep them awake enough to close and go home.

The only thing that annoys me, and it makes me really, really surly, is the register. Every time I see a sim sitting there hunting and pecking over his register for half an hour to ring up an increasingly impatient customer I want to shake the little bastard. I have worked retail of a variety of flavours and damn it, registers are not that hard to figure out unless you are actually mentally retarded. This is one thing I will totally feel justified in cheating a badge for - it takes too long to get a register badge and after observing a townie employee with a bronze badge sweat over the register, it doesn't do enough good at lower levels. I know sims are inherently stupid, but this is too much even for them.

This was my big issue, too, and the one thing I cheated on, though I only gave him a bronze badge. After four days he still hasn't upgraded - WTF? Yet he's gotten a bronze flower arranging badge and a bronze sales badge from scratch, and the one employee has gotten a bronze restocking badge because that's all he does.

My other big beef is that, since I moidered all my townies, no one starts with badges. There are five townies I made myself that DO have badges, but they aren't exactly the types who work in cheap furniture stores. All the rest are my playables, about 150 of them. I'd seriously love a hack that assigns playable Sims random badges, because although I could cheat and assign them some myself... well, I don't wannnt to cheat that way, for once Tongue People aren't always talented in exactly the right areas and I don't want my Sims to be, either.

I noticed also where some people were complaining about the amount of customers? That seems to be tied into the amount of Sims on a lot ala the graphics rules. There definitely (thankfully!) aren't as many as come onto downtown lots, but I still get a good amount of customers, I think about five, at once, which was too many for my owner to handle alone. Three in line while he hunts and pecks at the register? Pain! Incidentally when I threw his wedding party I was able to invite five Sims, which is more than the game ever let me do before without editing the graphics rules, and this is on the same computer as ever.

Otherwise, well, I'm having tons of fun with it, and I'll have to get one of my richer families to buy a different kind of business to see how that goes. Otherwise I'll have to veto bunches of plants only in all my playables' inventories Tongue
159  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Don't they play their own game??? on: 2006 March 04, 21:42:13

I did notice that if your play on a particular lot ended during a school/work schedule, all of your Sims are going to be at home, not at work or at school.  I sent my Sim to work and she was reprimanded for being late - even though she was at work when I exited that lot.  Am guessing the grades will drop for the kids who "missed" school because of the EP install.

So if you haven't installed the EP yet, you may want to get everyone home from school and work first.

This happens for every expansion installation. A good thing before installing an installation (if this sort of thing bothers you) is to make sure that all sims are home and no visitors are on the lot when you save. I like to go to each lot, get each one into bed and asleep and then save just before "morning". That way when the lot refreshes after the installation of the expansion, they are more or less where they would have been in their normal routine.

Heh, a couple of my Sim kids got their first Ds because of various popping back after NL installation (though I think there must have been some other reason, too, because it happened more than once). It's so easy to get them As, I kinda liked it Tongue
160  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Being romantic is a breeze in OFB! on: 2006 March 04, 20:12:06

Our romantics finally have their day in OFB. I made one interesting discovery.
Have ur date and you visit ur store when its not open. Have your date there. There won't be anyone on the lot so no idiotic sim will catch ur cheating romantic.
You can woo hoo ur mind out there and no one will be none the wider. Most importantly, the game regards ur date as a customer and you actually gain loyalty points.

Well, if you can get pregnant in stores doing this, at least one of them will be the wider...  Grin
161  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's your second and third impression of OFB? on: 2006 March 04, 19:46:05
I found a new annoyance. My sims can no longer sleep in community lots despite having beds there. This must be because beds are now sellable items. I hate this.
I used to have a swinger's bay for my romance sims. Now the swinger's bay is practically useless! Sad

I made mine in a regular lot with a "hostess" and just used a teleporter to teleport over all the romance Sims. Various hacks kept me from having to mess with her needs while I babysat the romance Sims Tongue Now the hostess has adopted a kid, though, and I'll actually have to play her, so that'll be interesting...
162  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: what!? no next EP hint in OFB box? on: 2006 March 04, 19:15:17

T'was DragonRealms for me. Alas, it went pay, and I always got tired of the various skilling anyway, so I never got very far in the guild...

"Went" pay?  (Did they not charge during beta?  I forget.)  Of course, now I'm curious as to which guild you played in.  I favored MM myself.  Now, back in the day, we all hung out in Gemstone over at, er, what was that damn service called again?  GEnie?  Then came the great freeze...or was it the thaw?  All I know is one day, laen weapons suddenly became rare.

Now, if only I could have a spider cloak IRL.  That'd freak some people out right good.

It must have been near ten years ago, it was on AOL and you could have one character per screenname, as I recall. I was a cleric then; my sister always liked the bards. I did actually do the pay version a couple times, once as a cleric again and the second time, much more recently, as barbarian. Quite fun, actually, but I could never keep up with it or find a group to fight in, and the furthest I ever got was seventh circle.
163  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: what!? no next EP hint in OFB box? on: 2006 March 02, 17:11:58
I'm afraid Pescado is right.  There is no "Open For Business" expansion pack.

Even worse, there is no "Sims 2" game.  It's all a terrible scam by EA.  I just loaded up my "Sims 2" game, and saw this:

I'm afraid we were all tricked.  How could we be so silly?  You can't have little moving pictures on a computer!  It's impossible.

I used to play a good text based mud called Ashavars Legacy.  Spent many, many happy hours playing that, before TS2 came along to suck up my life.

T'was DragonRealms for me. Alas, it went pay, and I always got tired of the various skilling anyway, so I never got very far in the guild...
164  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why can't some of my townie teens go to college? on: 2006 February 28, 02:41:51
I'm wondering if this is with the patch installed, too - I don't have patch #2 installed and the NPC teens show up in my list as well...
165  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nightlife and Twins on: 2006 February 28, 02:33:22
Do any of the fathers have the token? I'm curious because, unless you have abductions or hacks, generally the men don't get pregnant, yet they have tokens... is that 'just in case!' they get pregnant, or does it affect the chance the same way? Because, of course, Sims' genetics are not quite realistic... Tongue
166  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sentry bot - think what the modders can do with this one on: 2006 February 25, 22:15:09
That's pretty funny. Your slut sister deserves it.

I'm glad you found it amusing. Grin But see... my sister's sim is Fortune, not Romance. See... she has a knack for finding sugar daddies, as I said. Tongue

So does mine, reason why I moved out and haven't spoken to her in approaching a year. Classic Romance Sim. Sad thing is, Sims is one of the things we actually got along over, when we did...
167  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why can't some of my townie teens go to college? on: 2006 February 25, 21:54:56
Do you have any un-awesome hacks in your game *cough*one with flavor packs? I have a very vague memory of a possible issue with townie teens not being "old enough" teens to send to college with a certain version and/or flavor pack.

The thing with the teens not being old enough doesn't count if you're sending them to college through the neighborhood view, anyway. It only makes a difference if you're trying to send them through phone/computer and you haven't disabled that option.
168  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My sim does a Britney! on: 2006 February 24, 05:29:33
Yeah, that's what I've noticed, too. They generally need at least one bath. I let one go to see if they'd do the shower thing, but of course they didn't, and then the toddler kept complaining so I just fabricated them a tub. Man, I wish someone would drop things down for me when I need them...  Grin
169  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Memories- do they give my sims a slow death? on: 2006 February 24, 05:26:40
I wish there is a hack or somethng to nuke all those "meet xxx" memories. To me, they are 100% useless.

There is SimPE, and if you get the Memories editor enhancements for SimPe plugin in Peasantry, it shouldn't be too painful. Shift-select all those "meet xxx" memories, then 'cascade delete' to clean out those invisible ones in other sims' memories too.

I'd only do this on Met XX for dead Sims that your vampire isn't liable to meet again, though, because otherwise they'll just get them back again the next time they interact with that Sim. I had to replace a corrupt Sim with a clone a while back, and I fabricated back her important memories (not any meeting people memories) up to where she got corrupted, and put back the relationships she had with everyone, but there are huge tracts of memories after that where she's meeting people again that she has 100/100 with.
170  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My sim does a Britney! on: 2006 February 24, 05:12:28
I read somewhere about Sims being able to take toddlers into the shower to wash them, but I imagine if that ever happened it was a glitch like the ones shown... can't see Maxis coding that in Tongue Which makes it really sucky when there's no room for a tub in the house but the toddler's getting stinky - why can't THEY get washed in the sink instead of babies who, as cute as it is, never really need it when there's diaper changes? I usually end up buying them a tub, plunking it on the lawn, washing the toddler and selling the tub back. Tongue
171  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why did he cheat? on: 2006 February 24, 05:01:41
Well, this is certainly true if he's the TARGET. As for why he queued it on his OWN...I'm confused by this as well. Some old code I had overriding it stomped the advertisements of romantic behaviors, but Make Out is a very weird interaction as of NL: It doesn't cause sims to fall in love when they do it. Did your sim already have preexisting love/crush hearts with aforementioned dormie?

Yeah, he queued it on his own, and the squeeze interactive right after that. I think he and the dormie had crushes on each other before this but definitely not love. However, they hadn't had any interaction with each other for a long while and he feel in love and became engaged with the fiance after the crush with the dormie. He feel in love with the dormie after the squeeze, so now he has a memory of having 2 loves at once, after cheating. the Sucka,  Cry

I can't say for sure, but I know they'll definitely do romantic interactions autonomously if there's already a love/crush there, and maybe even if they've just flirted once, but I don't know on that last one. They'll always do it on downtown lots, of -course-, where I can't stop them. I'm pretty sure the 'reject flirts if in committed relationship' part also doesn't count if they have hearts with another Sim besides their spouse.
172  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More Intense Fire Hack - where is it now? on: 2006 February 24, 04:36:58
Awesome - that's it. Couldn't remember who had it! I haven't been to VS in forever, it doesn't really open on my slow dialup, and so I forgot Carrigon had her own site now.

Thanks again!
173  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Runaways on: 2006 February 24, 04:35:23
I believe they run away if they have a bad or no relationship with everyone in the house... you may need to adjust their relationships a bit before unpausing. (Ah, Sleepycat said the same thing, heh.) I aged a nanny down to teen, once, and she ran away immediately...
174  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sim furious at themselves? on: 2006 February 24, 04:32:58

I had that happen too and I couldn't understand why. I've also had my Sims had other furious reactions that I couldn't account for. They were so strange.

I once had a Sim furious at his wife for something the Cow mascot did with another Sim in the hot tub. She was in bed with him sleeping  when I heard that breaking heart noise that happens when a Sim cheats  in front of their significant other. When they both woke up I checked his memories and saw that he was furoius with his wife for cheating with the Cow. She never even met that darn cow and it wasn't her that cheated.  I saw the incident with a Cow and another Sim but somehow or another my Sim thought it was his wife.  It was so messed up.

"Have you ever had a dream that was SO REAL-"
175  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / More Intense Fire Hack - where is it now? on: 2006 February 24, 04:16:47
Heya... does anyone know where the "More Intense Fire" hack might be found now? I recall getting it from MTS2 quite a while ago, but it's not to be found in my backup folder now. I took it out of my game after it killed a Sim I wanted to keep, but a friend is looking for it now and google and site searches only eventually brought up the name. If anyone knows where it might be, I'd appreciate it. Some of my Sims need to have 'accidents'...  Grin
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