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126  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Everyone in my 'hood will be wearing the hat! on: 2006 April 01, 03:04:41
I was hoping we would get another object to kill our Sims with, like the scissors of death from last year.  Maybe they'll have another object tomorrow.

The chicken hat is just weird...I might use it as a uniform for my fried chicken shack.  Too bad we can't sell rabbit meat in our restaurants.
127  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: College Tuition Mod? on: 2006 April 01, 03:02:45
Maybe even the ability to customize tuition per campus.  I can only assume La Fiesta Tech is some Sim version of  UC Santa Cruz (no offense to anyone who might have attended/partied there) and probably shouldn't be as pricey as a first-class institution like Academie Le Tour.
But Academie Le Tour seems European in nature, and things apparently work differently in Europe.

You could easily equate Academie with any of the original Ivy League schools in the U.S.  That's how I think of it.  That's why I only send my Fortune and Knowledge Sims there and every building is a work of art...done by someone else that I just downloaded.
128  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: College Tuition Mod? on: 2006 April 01, 01:07:04
As someone who(se parents) spent close to 120K on 4 years of higher education, I'd like my Sims to feel the burn and the tightening of their wallets from University.  And those semesterly 1200 simoleon grants just pile up in my dorms.  Especially when I'm playing 3 or 4 Sims.

Maybe even the ability to customize tuition per campus.  I can only assume La Fiesta Tech is some Sim version of  UC Santa Cruz (no offense to anyone who might have attended/partied there) and probably shouldn't be as pricey as a first-class institution like Academie Le Tour.
129  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: OfB for Young Adults on: 2006 April 01, 00:05:14
I thought you couldn't open a business on a University campus.  Is there a hack for this?   Huh
130  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Binned hair sharing on: 2006 March 31, 23:55:51
Damn straight, especially people who are charging for their custom hair. It's really pathetic that out of all of the hair I have, everything that came from a paysite was NOT binned by the creator and I had to do it myself. Everything I have that came binned by the creator was free. Tongue

If I was a paying subscriber to any paysite, I would demand that they properly binned the hair (so I guess paysites are lucky that I'm not).  Most know how to do it but they just don't bother. 

I just finished properly binning all my hair and am now moving on to eyebrows and facial hair, which must be done manually so any tool that could ease this process is worth a cookie, possibly even two!  Grin
131  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Binning custom eyebrows and facial hair on: 2006 March 31, 00:58:51
Does this work the same as binning custom hair?
132  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What triggers how many waiters you will have on a community lot? on: 2006 March 31, 00:57:46
I think it's based on the counters.  I once made the mistake of downloading a community restaurant.  It couldn't have had more than 14 tables, if even.  Unfortunately the person who made the lot filled the upstairs kitchen with counters.  When I played the lot, there were at least 8 waiters all bumping into each other in the upstairs kitchen!

I quickly had my Sims exit that lot and then bulldozed it but the files of those extra and now useless npcs are still in my game. Sad
133  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Request for a Quiet Elevator. on: 2006 March 29, 02:03:48
I've honestly never really noticed and/or cared about it much.  How often do your Sims use the elevator?
134  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Restocking tags showing in strange places on: 2006 March 29, 01:20:14
I know Numenor stated that this was a reported bug to his "place cc on shelves" hack but I didn't know that it was a problem with Maxis crap too.  Just another bug to add to the list.  OFB is going for the record...
135  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Lot Sizes? on: 2006 March 28, 22:41:04
Well I would imagine there would be a limit on how big or small you could make it.  And even if they do build lots the size of neighborhoods, doesn't mean you'd have to download it. 

I like the lots on the Exchange for the most part.  They're nice to look at.  I'd never put them in my game though.
136  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Lot Sizes? on: 2006 March 28, 22:04:18
Me four.

In general I would prefer if we could just have a tool to customize our own lot size.
137  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Real Remote Management: No income decay on: 2006 March 28, 21:18:23
I usually know which sims can afford what, and if one that doesn't have much cash shows up, my sim shows them an inexpensive item then offers it at an even lower price.  This is a great way to build up customer loyalty.  Then, when they do have more money they come back and spend like crazy.

Yeah, I do the same.  Smiley  It really is more about customer loyalty at first than making money (in my opinion) and you can still build customer loyalty with a Sim that isn't buying anything. 

Anyway, about that remote management that irks me so much... 
138  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Real Remote Management: No income decay on: 2006 March 28, 07:56:38
Tsk, tsk, such anti-bumism.  Poor people need love too.  Sad

It depends on how much money they have.  You can still sell them stuff that's within their budget.  I have a baby/toddler store with toys on the first floor and furniture on the second and I send all the cheapos downstairs and just show them a bunch of toys and they buy it. 
139  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Real Remote Management: No income decay on: 2006 March 28, 07:08:53
Is there anyway to get rid of the income decay from remote management that happens when you don't visit your business after a while?  It's ridiculous that you have to constantly go to the lot just to keep revenue up.  I doubt the Waltons visit every single Walmart around the world just to keep the business running, I don't see why my Sim entrepeneurs can't just sit back and let the money roll in after all the hard work it takes just to get the business profitable/successful(as Maxis alluded to earlier before the game actually came out in stores). 

Also, any chance of getting a "no yelling at broke Sims" hack?  I'm not really sure why anyone thinks it makes sense to start screaming at a customer because they can't afford to pay for anything.  Haven't they ever seen Pretty Woman?
140  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: CONFESS! How many of you pay for downloads? on: 2006 February 25, 04:23:36
Pardon, I missed that bit. I still think it's a bit odd to claim that meshing and skinning easy; it took me a number of hours to do a relatively simple recolour of some pants, and I'm pretty handy with Photoshop. Perhaps it depends on what one's standards of quality are.

Or perhaps it depends on skill...
A tip for recolours though - the selective colour/colour balance tools are best for doing simple recolours - don't bother w/ the paintbrushes. If neither of those get you the colour you want, then layer a colour on top and then use the alpha + quick mask to delete unnecessary parts. And if you're doing a specific part of the img, just quick mask via the little thingy in the left hand corner.

What the hell does her being Chinese have to do with anything?  Should she charge less or not at all because she's from a poor country?

College money or not, there's absolutely no reason for her to charge the amt. that she does for the stuff she makes, since she'd be making a ton of profit either way. That's what I was getting at, genius.

And pple making money from sim content is like Paris Hilton leeching off her daddy. Money for very little work. I actually happen to have a work ethic - hence my distaste for pple making money this way. Of course, not that you'd understand. Using 'Just shut up' as your own argument just shows the level of comprehension you're capable of.  Smiley

So I suppose some guy who runs a hot dog stand on the street is like "Paris Hilton leeching off her daddy" because making hot dogs is very little work as well.  I could probably make a hot dog in a shorter amount of time than I could mesh hair for the game so why the hell are we paying for hot dogs??  Or anything that we either claim or think requires very little effort to make?  Oh, that's right, because no one is forcing us to. 

You sound like a pissy child stamping your feet because you can't get what you want.  This has nothing to do with work ethic and who are you to question anyone's work ethic when you know absolutely nothing about them?  You're right, I wouldn't understand.  Sorry, but I just can't wrap my mind around the idea of someone being so incredibly bitter over a game. 

And I stick by my "just shut up" argument.  This world and the Sims 2 community would be a much better place if people didn't take everything so goddamn seriously and just shut the hell up.  Did it ever occur to you in all of your anti-pay site fist pumping and "work ethic" pontifications that maybe some people charge for content because a)there will always be people out there willing to pay for it and b) they enjoy making objects, clothes, etc and would like to make money doing something that they enjoy? 

And I'm sure Paris Hilton has enough of her own money now that she doesn't have to use her father's (or "leech off of him" as you so not-bitterly put it).
141  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: CONFESS! How many of you pay for downloads? on: 2006 February 24, 04:17:09
There are some sites that I will never suscribe to, because I think they charge too much.  One particular site I'm thinking of is Peggy Sims.  There's not enough content on it to justify that much money.  I don't mind paying for something like TSR, because you can find a lot of nice stuff on it, and it's cheaper than Peggy Sims too.

You know, considering that she operates in China, and considering the US-Yuan exchange rate, and considering that the avg. Beijing family makes about $2,000 a yr, I'm betting she must make a fortune off of this game.

Meanwhile, there are tons of pple in China who can't even get a proper education b/c of money issues. Her stuff is good, and sometimes I'm *really* really tempted, but then I think of the utter waste it would be, funneling money into a game, when it could be put to better use, that I always stay my hand. Not that I have money to spare, anyways - college student and all that.

What the hell does her being Chinese have to do with anything?  Should she charge less or not at all because she's from a poor country?  How do you know Peggy isn't a college student who is using the money from her site to pay for tuition or housing (which is actually expensive in the big cities of China)? 

I love how people attach all these lofty ideals of ethics and socioeconomics to pay sites.  Give me a break.  From the many nauseating threads I've read on this issue it sounds more to me like people are just pissy and mad that they either can't afford to pay for some content or their pride/"principles" won't let them and then the people who do pay for content feel like they have to be on the defensive for doing so.  I'm trying very hard to think back to a time in human history when people didn't make money off of what was essentially someone else's work and I'm coming up empty.  There's nothing wrong with paying for content and there's nothing wrong with charging for it.   It's not a matter of ethics or principles or solidarity within the gaming community.  Do you want to pay or not?  And to be quite frank, after you've answered that question for yourself, just shut up.
142  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft) on: 2005 December 19, 18:49:21
Yeah, talking to a professor also gives you academic points but woohooing with them gives you a lot more (about the same as writing a term paper, I think). 

Double-credit term paper is when you influence a Sim to write your term paper, wait until they're almost done with it and then start writing your term paper on another computer at the same time.  After you're done, you get credit for having written your term paper and then you get credit again for the sim you influenced having written your paper.  It fills up the bar more than halfway.  If you do that, go to class once and do a couple of homework assignments, you can completely fill up your bar in less than a 24 hours.
143  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft) on: 2005 December 19, 17:29:43
I don't think you meet new professors very year, or at least it's never happened in my game.  The only time that you meet professors is the first time you go to class and then the first time you go to a class of your chosen major.  I've never seen professors other than those met from those two times in my Sims' directory.

If you want to set living standards (I agree, some dorms are like palaces), just make a list of what you can have in the dorm.  Like they all have to be Maxis objects under 1000 simoleons to ensure they're low to midrange.

Damn, the new rules just completely changed my score as I can't woohoo with professors or use the double-credit term paper trick anymore.
144  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft) on: 2005 December 18, 16:00:48
So basically they have to get through the entire thing on influencing dormies to write their term papers and assignments?
Well, that'd be one approach.  It wasn't Damion's main strategy, though; see his story for alternate methods...   *Cool

As for what happens if you don't go to your final, you get put on academic probation and if you don't make it next time you're slung out.
Really?  You get automatic probation for missing a final?  I thought it was just some lowering of grade points (so if you had a full grade bar but missed a final you could still pass the semester).  Heh...


You're right, you're not automatically put on academic probation.  If your academic bar is completely filled, the worst you get for missing your final is a C for the semester.   I would imagine if your bar is low enough, you could be put on probation.  So graduating Summa or even Magna cum without attending finals would be impossible.

(without the penalty for skipping finals) I could easily do well in this challenge.  I had a Romance Sim a while back who only attended one class her entire 8 semesters and graduated Summa cum Laude.  No hacks, no cheats, just a lot of influence points and woohooing with professors.  By her junior year, I had it down to such a science, her bar was full within the first 15 hours and I had her on the roof smoking the blower for the rest of the semester.

145  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Gypsy won't stay On the lot on: 2005 December 18, 03:34:21
Ha, I downloaded it and completely forgot I had.  That was the problem.  I feel silly now.   Embarrassed 
Thank you.
146  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Gypsy won't stay On the lot on: 2005 December 18, 03:12:18
After all this time when I never wanted the gypsy around and now I need her to fulfill my Sim's 50 1st dates want.  Everything was fine for the first 2 days but now whenever I, or anyone else on the lot calls her, she comes, stays for a few seconds then disappears in a blue flash.  Is this some consequence of repeatedly paying her the minimum amount for a cheap date or a glitch?
147  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group? on: 2005 December 16, 21:32:58
Yeah, whenever a contact invites me downtown the group is usually up to 6 or 7, sometimes even more people.  But as far as I know, a player can't create a group of no more than 4 Sims.  Once you have a group of 4, I don't think there is any limitation to how many people you can add to the preexisting group (if you're at home, if you're on a community lot, it might be based on your visiting Sims limit) but the method of going somewhere with a group and then inviting people one-by-one to join once you get there tends to be annoying.  I just prefer bigger groups because it's less time consuming to keep up all their relationships.
148  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Any hack to have more than 4 in a group? on: 2005 December 16, 20:54:17
My default is already set to 8 visitors and I still can only have 4 people in a group.  I'm not talking about parties, I mean the group outings (the Sims with the blue diamonds over their heads).
149  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Any hack to have more than 4 in a group? on: 2005 December 16, 17:19:24
The title is pretty self-explanatory.  Is there anyway to have more people other than inviting your original group and then inviting other people singularly and asking them to join?
150  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims leaving on outings- why? on: 2005 December 15, 19:58:58
I also believe it is a hack to is causing problem, I do remember reading something about that in here.  I think it was related to inteen or insim but I am really unsure about which program was causing this.

I don't have that problem in my game even when I don't set the #of visitors higher than what the game gave me which is 2.  I can go on dates from either the Sim house, by using the phone, and I can go from lot to lot without any glitch in either a Sim car or a taxi.

I don't use the 2 programs mention above.

I have both hacks and have not had that problem. Could it have anything to do with npc zappers?

I have both hacks and have had that problem.  Earlier on with both dates and outings but now with just large outings so I think it is a problem of just too many people on the lot.  I don't use any NPC zappers.

Wouldn't it help, then, to use the allowed sims cheat code set to very high? It could cause community lots to be crowded, which would be a problem on slow computers, but it might stop sims from leaving. I have never seen this happen in my game, and mine is set to 16. Maybe that's why I never see sims leave. I could, by default, invite 8 sims, but I like having larger parties so I changed it. My community lots are not overly crowded. I have certainly never seen 16 sims on one. Maybe people who actually have the problem could try it and see if it helps.

How did you set your visitor count to 16?  Using the maxNumofVisitingSims cheat or with a startup.cheat code?
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