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101  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: SimPE and OMGPETZ! on: 2006 November 25, 18:45:02
Speaking of re-binning hair... I had this problem with early DatGen binning, in that the scalp portion of the Maxis skins will sometimes get replaced with an odd hair texture. After long hours I have most of my custom hair binned properly, with extra age sets removed, which I did pretty much by hand.

Recently I noticed when a Sim aged to elder that her Maxis S3 scalp was replaced by some blonde texture, which looks sort of like the male shaggy hair, and any hairstyle which needed some transparency through to the scalp looked terrible. I wish there was a way to find out which texture is replacing the scalp, because I haven't had this problem otherwise since I started doing the binning by hand, and I used to have it all the time with DatGen. (I -have- used the hair binning tool a few times, though, but not recently.) My custom content vice is new hairstyles, so there are so many to poke at to find the culprit, sigh...
102  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Plague-Revisited on: 2006 November 20, 17:52:53
Wasn't the vampirism thing (supposedly) meant to work sort of like this, without hacks? Except that a certain percentage of the population became vampires, which included the NPCs and led to all those problems. I've only had one non-directed bite in my game, though, which I think is thanks to hacks, and that's how I want it anyway, so...

The plus about making it a disease is that NPCs are exempt already, and you can always add the immunity token to Sims you don't want it to affect.
103  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Plague-Revisited on: 2006 November 18, 22:21:23
I'd love a plague hack - of any nature, whatever works to kill a small portion of the population randomly.

I thought there was one in one of the lot debuggers (that had a big "don't touch this" warning on it). Did that one not work?

It's in the lot debugger if you have the testingcheats enabled. It puts a death token on 10% of the population, so you also have to remove it from NPCs before they're dead, if you don't want them to respawn, and then use the cheats to spawn a tombstone for anyone if you want them to have one... so it's a little more involved, I guess, than a disease would be, and has the NPC problem with it.
104  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Plague-Revisited on: 2006 November 18, 18:08:38
Maybe we could get a macro for dieing flu?  Grin
I haven't been able to kill a sim in a decease with normal micro-managing and I really hate slow deaths in small rooms... 

I agree. I did that once (with starvation) and am not likely to do it again. It took too long and it was too morbid.

Way back before I realized they would respawn, I tried to cull my townies by sticking them under the house with move_objects so I didn't have to watch them Tongue I also did the same by taking them out of the pool and putting them there, where they drowned in the dirt much faster. Eventually I ended up using that NPC creator/destroyer that's part of the game tools to mass-kill the townies... took the grim reaper forever but it made for some interesting pictures  Grin
105  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Plague-Revisited on: 2006 November 18, 17:53:53
I've had the flu spread constantly when I ignored it and just kept playing, and I've had it kill some Sims, but only the ones I hadn't played in a while. They'd gotten infected as visitors somewhere, spent a loong time infected while I wasn't playing them, and then when I finally went back to their houses, they died pretty instantly since they'd had the required time with bad motives while they were visitors elsewhere. I also had a couple die like that while they were still being visitors, though only one wasn't pled back alive. It's still not really a good plague, though... *likes the plague idea too*
106  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Skintone selector thingy on: 2006 November 18, 17:45:33
yes it works for all skintones.  That is how I get my blue and green and pink townies.    Grin

Yes, there is a free download but it will not work for Pets, it says "you have a later ep than for this one"  or something like that.   

 I have the purchased copy but he has only updated to OFB,  he has not made the one for Pets yet.

I hope he updates it, too. I'm able to use SimPe to fix the genetics now but at one point the Enhancer was the only thing that would change skintone DNA for me at all. I had a born-in-game Sim with Maxis genetics only who went from S1 to S3 all randomly, and no amount of SimSurgery would fix it. I was also able to remake the custom skins I first made before the game even came out to match the default replacements I got later, and reassign them to everyone really easily.

The DNA part is giving me errors now (probably because I've been adjusting my custom genetics so they don't pass down so much, and trimming out the repeats from the hair) and I've heard it may not be updated, which makes me sad because it's way easier to use the drop-down menus than futzing with SimPe Tongue (I also have no idea how to use SimPe to do the other thing I use the Enhancer for, which is setting the length of age groups differently, ie 8 days for teenagers and a varying amount of adult days depending on the Sim, but if I ever install Pets I'll kinda have to...)
107  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: no instant love more like no love EVER! on: 2006 November 18, 04:12:28
Hmm, I just put in noinstantlove for the first time and also ACR. A bunch of Sims at college, and the one guy decided to head for the bed with a best friend instead of his girlfriend - the second time they tried this, I allowed it. He fell in love with her (they were at 90/100 or so) but she apparently fell in love with herself. I'm not sure which hack caused that one...
108  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Is there any benefit to being a doofus? on: 2006 November 18, 04:03:16
Discretely anoint the visitors' knees with catnip oil.  You'll see pouncing!

My cat never seemed that overjoyed with catnip.....perhaps because she was getting on a bit when we tried it with her.

I think there's a certain percentage of cats who just aren't affected by catnip. Mine all seem to be, though; helps to get them to use the scratching box instead of my bed, phew.
109  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Exactly how often do you bathe a dog? on: 2006 October 26, 15:35:53
I have never had any trouble whatsoever bathing toddlers in BUY-equipped bathrooms. No strange kickouts, nothing. Other than the possibility of a jam in the bathroom if someone tries to use it while a toddler is being bathed in it, BUY works fine with toddler-bathing. But now that you've brought the issue to mind, I will definitely look into having it stompinated further.

The only issue I've ever had with it is the toddler receiving the 'be kicked out' icon in their queue, usually when being held after by the parent. Unless the parent needs to go I usually just make them walk outside, especially if I wanted them to do some socials afterward. I think an older version used to be worse about trying to kick out toddlers being bathed, but I haven't had the problem lately. I did have BUY kill a visiting Sim once because of a constant queue of the icon, heh...
110  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Toddlers' throw up fear on: 2006 October 26, 15:28:51
Ah, speaking of toddlers' fears - in Pets do they have any regarding the animals? I.e., when I was a kid, I was afraid of dogs, and I was afraid of cats (when I was sleeping!) because I didn't have any pets until I was a teenager. Or is it the usual "fear that Rover won't play fetch with me" type stuff? Tongue
111  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pet motives and training on: 2006 October 25, 01:19:14
I like when they just stand around and get all meoww, meowww, MEOOOOOWWWWW111111 heh. So realistic.

Mine like to do that when they can't find one of us. I'll yell, "I'm in here!" and the kitty who's yowling will come running over to me. Usually because she wants her lap to nap on.

Your cats are so cute Rohina.  Smiley

Mine does the same thing, though it's such a small place that I wish I knew why he can't find me sometimes! I'm also told he howls at the door for me for a while when I leave the house...
112  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Toddlers' throw up fear on: 2006 October 25, 00:44:36
But it's so annoying that they take the asp hit for some relative they've never even met, while the rest of the family is perfectly unperturbed by it.

Yeah... I guess, like someone said earlier, they had to think of -something- for them to want/fear. I wish there really was more to the toddlers and babies than there is now, even if it is a short timespan. I don't exactly like rushing the Sims through any age group, but it's seriously unrealistic when they can leave a baby in a crib for that long and barely touch it, or having this completely self-sufficient toddler (depending on what hacks and objects you have, heh).

It's at the point where I was playing recently and the parents wanted to play with the kid constantly, it was noticeable compared to other families and thus I have a "personality" for that family that's different now in the story of my neighborhood. If that makes any sense. I've been playing the same neighborhood since the base game first arrived, and by now if -anything- happens contrary to the way I expect it to, I'm thrilled. I remember when I first started playing and had so much trouble with my first set of twins - now all these hacks have streamlined things a great deal, but they've also removed a lot of the chaos, and sometimes I miss it. Oh well, going off on a tangent, oops...
113  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Do these mods exist? on: 2006 October 25, 00:37:29
I've always found it strange that my teens never have a problem aging their younger siblings with the automatic 'Help with Birthday' - provided the game calls them to do it - but Adults usually get stuck just holding the kid.

I've noticed that too. Usually I just use the dreaded Insim temporal adjuster to force the adult to transition the kid as soon as the popup shows I can do it (I don't use the baby controller because I've never had any problems with them taking care of the babies, just harrassing them...). It's easier when the baby's needs are all green for it to happen automatically, too.
114  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating on: 2006 October 24, 23:53:47
There was a hack on MTS2 that kept Chinese food from making your Sim fat, a while ago... I rarely have them order out, though, but I think it works fine as far as I can recall.
115  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You! on: 2006 October 24, 23:42:13
Sometimes Sims will wait outside the door if you've queued someone who's sleeping for the bathroom, and they haven't woken up yet... I dunno why that would affect anything when you have more than one bathroom, though :\
116  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Toddlers' throw up fear on: 2006 October 24, 23:39:16
Toddler fears are pretty much irrelevant, since there's really nothing you can do about the important ones one way or another. I frequently come back to a lot to find that a previously platinum toddler is now suddenly fully red for no particularly obvious reason.

When I've noticed that, I think it's because they had the Relative Dies fear which got fulfilled. It seems to be the largest-hitting one that toddlers can get. I almost want that to happen more since I've had maybe one or two Sims ever transition badly... need more chaos, dangit!
117  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Toddlers' throw up fear on: 2006 October 23, 01:06:20
I actually noticed for the first time today the toddler getting an aspiration hit from throwing up after drinking from a spoiled bottle. I don't usually pay a ton of attention to the toddlers, but in this house he was an only child so there wasn't much else going on. Definitely a -500 asp. but he gained it back pretty quickly. He also noticed a fire earlier and got an aspiration hit from that too, which sometimes they won't even notice if they're playing (I canceled out the toy to see if he even would notice). This is with OFB so...
118  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I need help organizing these $%^& downloads on: 2006 October 22, 17:25:27
I think Djssims has a program that allows you to rename the wall/floor/terrain with the long gibberish names to something else, which I spent a while doing the last couple days (even though I'd already used the clean installer to sort them to folders, heh). Much nicer to have real names for the files!
119  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Ssssh! The eerie phantom sound... on: 2006 October 06, 19:11:28
I get this too, in one house only - I've tried using the burninator in the hopes that I can nuke the sound emitter but I haven't been able to find it. :\
120  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Walk don't run on: 2006 October 06, 19:09:51
Well, the starting point wasn't that far away from the ending point, even from a sim's perspective. I was trying to get my sims to walk en masse, so I could make it look like they were strutting, too cool for words, yada yada yada, down the sidewalk toward the, even rendering the video clip at 20% of its original speed, it still looked pretty damn silly. Sims run with no expression on their faces, whatsoever. Hardly a "cool strut" look.  More like an "I have to pee like a russian racehorse, but only at 20% of the original speed" look.Tongue

I just noticed Shaklin has something to give Sims different walks and facial expressions, for movies... I dunno, but that romance sim 'about to do a flirting interaction' walk is more of a strut, I guess... /random
121  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wildly improbable - two abductions...? on: 2006 October 06, 00:29:06
Twins aren't really that rare in the game, period. The odds are as high as 10% even without anything to encourage it, so once you already have a set, there's a pretty large 10% base chance of your next set being more twins, possibly much higher if anyone involved was a twin and thus might have the token.

I guess that's why I had four sets in a row right after NL came out. I just checked not long ago and I have had 16 sets of multiples in a four-generation 'hood I've been playing since the base game Tongue One or two sets were from Twojeffs' hack but I took it out for more random surprise. Not quite sure how many Sims I've had born in game, there are a ton, but it probably equates to ten percent or so being twins...
122  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Fear of going broke on: 2006 June 29, 01:53:34
I guess I never pay attention to my simmies fears. O_o I didn't know that either one of those are possible.

Mostly I get fears about SOs being unfaithful or rejecting them for a woohoo or something else equally depressing. Why don't any of my sims have ANY self confidence?

I wish I had any of them get those fears... well, they get the Woohoo rejection one, but there's little chance of that, ever Tongue Then again, I don't usually get Romance Sims married, either, but when I did, no fears like that... blah. I'd like to see more of the Wants and Fears that I haven't seen before; by now they're all getting pretty predictable.

Dates make things a little different, though I know I can count on them to finally Want to marry their significant other on a date. Only twice without dates have I ever had a Sim Want to marry someone - which he rolled up right after his first kiss with her (also first kiss ever) in college. They're obsessed with each other, worse than three-bolters, but they just have two.

Anyway, once on a date I had a Sim Fear that his ex-steady girlfriend was stinky, on a home lot, and she was nowhere around. That was kind of out of the blue, heh.
123  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Phone calls for the dead on: 2006 June 29, 01:07:13
I've had this happen since Uni, at least a couple times, when the phone call would be for the Sim who just died and they say "not home" (why not 'OMG THEY JUST DIED?!?', hah?) but I haven't had repeated calls like that, so... yeah.  Undecided
124  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Family load screen is not accurate/up to date on: 2006 May 12, 02:28:04
When I had this happen, after asking around desperately, I finally ended up deleting my thumbnails and had the game regenerate them, and it updated finally. I believe it was a thumbnail file under Program Files/EA Games and not the regular thumbnails under My Documents - anyone else know for sure?
125  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: About LTW Hacks on: 2006 May 05, 00:05:56
Yeah, more careers, more LTWs, and more aspirations would be one of the major enticements for me to buy future EPs no matter what the theme of the thing is supposed to be. (The careers and reward objects all by themselves are enough to make Uni worthwhile to me.) I'd especially like an aspiration that focuses on success (as opposed to the earn-spend fixation of Fortune Sims, who otherwise are pretty close to the mark).

I'd like to see that Power aspiration activated again, too... it'd fit with a good number of my Sims, especially the "villain" types, who right now are mostly Knowledge and Fortune for lack of anything better.
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