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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Menaceman on 2007 October 13, 00:42:11

Title: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 13, 00:42:11
Ok, the problem is that if I get a Sim to perform for tips using the Rock Hammer (or if they do it autonomously) when they finish they never attempt to pick up the tip jar and so it gets left on the floor. When the next Sim comes to use the Guitar they pull out another tip jar and try to place it on the floor but because the slot is already taken the jar ends up floating on the end of the guitar instead! This stops any Sims from trying to give tips since the jar on the floor is from the previous performance and the current one is floating in mid air!
Basically no Sim can ever make money from performing on The Rock Hammer because they never try to pick the tip jar up afterwards.
The only hacks that I can think of having in my game which effect performing music is the tippingfix file from this site.
So I guess, is this caused by hacks in my game or is it just something else EAxis have screwed up?

If any of the above reads incoherantly its because I'm very, very tired.

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 October 13, 00:56:23
I haven't had that problem with any of mine (several of my Sims are on the music track).  The only problem I ever had with the tip jar was when I put the edge of the guitar/amps next to a wall it seemed like people couldn't get to the tip jar.  I moved it over one tile and that resolved it.

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: purplebunny on 2007 October 13, 06:21:19
Try taking your downloads out and see if that fixes it.  Could be something got borked, could be a hack conflict.

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 13, 14:07:50
Look particularly for Atavara's custom guitar hack -- that hasn't been updated since before Seasons, and it started borking things then.

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 13, 17:15:01
Well I looked for any custom guitar hacks and don't have any but after I removed the whole downloads folder the guitar tip jar was used properly and picked up when finished with so there's something in my downloads causing it. I guess I'm gonna have to manually sift through them to try and find it.

EDIT: Found it! The only two files I had which effect music performance were tippingfix and nobuskers. It was tippingfix causing the problem. They still use the jar fine with nobuskers.

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 13, 20:02:23
Tippingfix was updated in late September, make sure you have the latest version.

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 17, 16:08:15
Thanks for that. Turns out I was using a version from 2005!

Title: Re: Seasons "The Rock Hammer" Guitar Tip Jar is Borked
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 17, 16:38:38
You'll learn as you hang out here more that making sure you have the latest version of a hack before complaining about it not working is a VGT (very GOOD thing). :)