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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nikita on 2007 October 10, 19:22:20

Title: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: nikita on 2007 October 10, 19:22:20
I've been waiting for this patiently and was so excited when it was finally released, only to be extremely disappointed to discover that it was even slower than SimPE (and I didn't think that was possible).  Waiting for every image to load was just too frustrating, combined with having to save each file after a change, not to mention the game-crashing, so for now I've begged off it and am waiting for a more stable version to be released.  I just download beta 4, which I plan to test out with some bracelets from Street Chichers that I want to move into the jewelry category.

Anyone having any luck with it, particularly with the conversion of accessories to the BV jewelry section?  That's what I'm most interested in as I see this as salvation from the blue flashing syndrome that got so annoying that I removed all accessories in my game.  And if so, care to share?  ;D

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 10, 19:36:26
Have you posted your issues/complaints in the DJS forum, where, um, you're more likely to find someone who can do something about them?  Like, um, jfade?

(And FWIW, Beta 4 is a lot faster than prior releases.)

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Frick on 2007 October 10, 19:44:18

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: prattle on 2007 October 10, 21:10:13
In contrast, the only problem I've had with Wardrobe Wrangler so far is that it doesn't play nice with Dewshine's Oneseries skins, probably because those skins are genetic-ized between 1 and 2 and Wardrobe Wrangler is expecting a number between 0 and 1.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: nikita on 2007 October 10, 21:56:49
Well, considering I'm not looking for help on this site, that's not really applicable but yes I did post my issue on his forum.  He's actually very prompt with getting back to each person and so far most of my problems have either been addressed and/or solved.  My main issue is mostly with how slow it is but that is something he's already addressing but it's good to know that beta 4 is a lot faster.  That will help deal with the aggravation until he can release an option feature to choose whether we want automatic thumbnail images of the files.

By "care to share", sorry maybe I wasn't clear originally, I mean, does anyone have any converted BV jewelry that they would care to share.  Not information or help on the actual program.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 10, 22:32:39
I can zip up and share the accessories I've updated.  I don't think I can be bothered to sort them in any way, but they're already mostly subfoldered and sorted.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: nikita on 2007 October 10, 23:38:06
Thanks!  I plan to get around to fiddling around with beta 4 hopefully on Friday and making a dent in my former "Glasses and Accessories" subfolder making them BV compatible and will hopefully have the whole lot by the weekend.  I'll post here if anyone is interested (and has similar taste in jewelry).  :)

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 October 11, 01:57:00
I'm definately interested in both of your conversions. I assumed (yes - ass u me) that people would be all over the new accessory options and simply threw all my old accessories away in a fit of spring cleaning. Now I am getting heartily bored with the same EA options.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 11, 14:05:17
Here you go:
Get it while it's still there.

Oh, and not to frighten anyone, but after I uploaded it I noticed there's a file called AMChainLock.rar included. Delete it.  It contains some example files made for jfade, they'll crash the game if you unzip them.  Other than that, all's safe.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: MutantBunny on 2007 October 11, 15:23:51
I used V4 last night and it worked great, much faster. I didn't do any jewelry tho (threw all mine out too.) I love Jfades programs. They are essential like JM's and TJs hacks.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Scratch on 2007 October 11, 18:53:12
This version is a lot faster... I've done thousands of clothing files now... :D

I just can't figure out how the hair bining thing works... I've got no problems using Theos Simpe plugin... so i thought i'd understand this too... me too dumb... ;)

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 11, 19:47:04
It took me a bit to figure out the hair binning -- the trick is that most hair packages contain more than one 'file' for different age groups.  You have to click on the hair package, then check and change the setting for each age group by scrolling through the 'files' using the scroll bar in the lower right. It appears right below the tabbed area where you change the settings.  The third or fourth tab is the one used for hair (I think it's called 'genetics' or something like that).

I've used Theos plugin in the past, but once I got the hang of this, I found it a lot easier to use.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: ingeli on 2007 October 11, 20:10:10
Hair Binning on fifth day lol (yes I have too many hairs) and the binning is easy. Use the Copy To All button to bin all ages at once. With slider on lower right side you can pick ages and bin them separately (elder for example) or delete them. Works like a dream.
Alson genetizied all eyes, and changed all tooltips to proper ones. Now on to skintones.. and clothes..

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: squish on 2007 October 11, 21:23:29
I spent a lot of time yesterday properly binning clothes. Now when I scroll through them in BS/CAS, there's no more swimwear in formal wear and no more formal wear in athletic wear, yay! I also made some clothes outerwear and I can also see a whole bunch of clothes I never even knew I had! Most of the time I'd get sick of having to scroll through the stupidly binned stuff to find what I wanted so I'd just end up using the ones I could see at the front.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 11, 21:38:18
Use the Copy To All button to bin all ages at once. With slider on lower right side you can pick ages and bin them separately (elder for example) or delete them. Works like a dream.

Cool!  As you can guess, I haven't discovered the 'copy to all' button yet.  Thanks for the tip!

I've mostly been using it to scan for orphaned meshes and files -- I suspected I had a lot, since I went through a massive pruning of my clothes bin recently, but I was surprised to see how many I really had!  Probably knocked a hundred or two meg out of my downloads folder.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Scratch on 2007 October 11, 21:41:38
I guess where i'm confused, i'm looking for the age group and trying to match up the image preview with an age group... so i can take out the ones that use the maxis defaults... the slider on the right doesn't show an age group... or does it and i missed it somehow.... i see the button to delete from the package... but i wouldn't know what i'm deleteing...

I've done a few and it's fast and i have a good idea of what i'm looking at, so i use the "copy to all" button, but then i get maxis defaults for toddler and child and elder

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 11, 21:48:44
The age group is shown on the first tab.  Unfortunately, the image doesn't match up with the files, unless you also scroll it at the same time.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Scratch on 2007 October 12, 00:39:06
That explains some... i thought the first tab was just clothing...  hmm... maybe i'll wait...

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: nikita on 2007 October 13, 01:30:30
V.4 is much faster so I'm happy.  :D

Here's what I've done so far, I'll probably get through the rest over the weekend.  I'm culling as I'm converting so every file I load has to go through that 10 second internal debate of whether I should keep it or not.

I think I managed to avoid not including any of the files that gwill did but assuming that they are still both named the same, it should just overwrite.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 October 14, 16:14:51
I just finished most (if not all) of Aikea_guinea's jewellery, I've uploaded it if anyone wants it  ;) (

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Annette on 2007 October 14, 22:49:05
Like Madam Min I assumed the new jewelry option would have caught the fancy of creators, but apparently not yet. So thanks for all your work Gwill, nikita and spookymuffin my sims will have some nice new stuff to buy (rather than get for free in the old way  :D ).

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 15, 12:25:51
For the record, flashing blue is still just as much a problem with upgraded jewelery as it was with glasses.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 October 16, 01:01:12
Thanks all of you that did the conversions. Not only do my Sims once more have jewelery but I discovered some I didn't even know existed.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: angelyne on 2007 October 30, 15:42:36
I tried converting Aikea Guinea's jewellery as well and it's not working for me for some strange reason.  I pick a bin, like necklace, click upgrade and everything looks like it should, as far as I know.  The option to upgrade becomes grayed out.  I compared with some jewellly that was already done here, and the settings are the same.  Yet, the necklace does not show up in CAS.  Am I forgetting something obvious?

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 30, 17:54:55
I suggest posting in jfade's forums.  He's usually quick to respond and help.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: angelyne on 2007 October 30, 21:00:46
Will do.  Just figured that someone would tell me if I was missing some obvious thing, since Aikea Guinea's jewelery has been BVfied successfully and uploaded here.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 30, 21:28:03
I've done a lot of jewelery, and made many mistakes, but that problem doesn't ring any bells with me.  Sorry.

Title: Re: DJSims' Wardrobe Wrangler
Post by: Leeahna on 2007 November 01, 03:09:50
Does ring a bell with me. The way i made it to work for me eventually was: Click Jewelry, then suggested alternate bin list then in the lower tab Normal and Left Earring (for instance), now the number in the custom bin sets to 50, remember this number and press save. After this slide the slider to the 2nd package item (usually 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 if the jewelry is for ya, a and elder female only).

Repeat progress and make sure to fill in the 50, it kept resetting to another number with me making it not show up in cas. Save after each modification. When you have done all files on the slider then press update.

Now if i could only get those hairfiles to stick to the custom bins..(blonde with pink is custom to me, not blonde)

(Edited for grammar)