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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Sivany on 2007 October 09, 13:54:16

Title: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: Sivany on 2007 October 09, 13:54:16
In one of my custom dorms I have two male YAs, when I was playing today one of them kept throwing up errors. When I pressed reset the error would re-occur perhaps 30 seconds later. I tried turning off debug mode and he just stood there frozen refusing to carry out any commands until I turned debug mode back on and forced an error on him.

I can't work out what could be causing this. I played another dorm just prior to this with no problems at all so I don't think it can be a hack conflict. I am extremely bad at reading error logs though so any help would be appreciated, even if it just narrows it down to the error being caused by a hack/an object/corrupt memories/corrupt sim/ etc. Thanks.

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 09, 14:56:27
My guess is it's something to do with that custom pool table.

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 09, 15:05:44
My guess is it's something to do with that custom pool table.

Yea, starting with Seasons I had problems with custom pool tables (found on MTS2, I think) and ended up having to delete them.

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: Emma on 2007 October 09, 15:07:13
My guess is it's something to do with that custom pool table.

I had error problems with the custom pool table from LS. I'd delete your pool table and see if the error is fixed.

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: Sivany on 2007 October 09, 15:29:35
Thanks I'll try that, it sounds likely since he was near the custom pool table at the time with free will on and one of the dormies was playing so the game might have been trying to get him to join. It's a shame though, I really like that pool table even if I do hardly use it. I wonder what the problem is with them, it's not like Seasons changed the pool table interactions is it?

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 09, 17:18:31
No, Seasons didn't change the interaction, but something in how the files were made conflicts with Seasons internals.

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 09, 23:47:56
Once again, I place the blame squarely on tight pants.

Title: Re: Constant errors on one of my YAs
Post by: Sivany on 2007 October 10, 14:18:33
Removing the pool table solved the problem, thanks everyone.

A couple of sim days later however everything started throwing up errors whenever my sims tried to do an autonomous action and that was probably due to a couple of outdated hacks. I've got the latest versions now so hopefully everything will be fine.

EDIT: Actually it turned out to be caused by one of my custom chairs in the dormitory. Bizzare!