More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baratron on 2005 October 15, 23:30:48

Title: Submitting stories to the Exchange
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 15, 23:30:48
Argh. I think I've broken my album :o.

As most of my Sims 2 stories feature gay families and I fear the onslaught of baby sheep bleating about how icky that is, I've never actually tried to submit any of my sims stories to the Exchange before. But now I have a multi-chapter story about the Grunt family which I'd quite like to put up. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to.

What happened was that I submitted the story and it uploaded, all 1081 kB. I read through it on the site just to check it one last time, and realised it ended a bit abruptly. I went to the Manage My Uploads link on my Sim Page, and there wasn't a link to Edit the story, just one to Delete it. So I figured that the only way to edit the story must be to delete it and resubmit it (the Help on the Exchange is appalling, the only help specifically about Albums is how to back it up, nothing about uploading at all). Then I tried to re-upload the modified story. However, this time the game only sent 12 kB.

I'm guessing that there is something built into the game to stop idiots submitting their stories 25 billion times and spamming up the Exchange, and that the reason I couldn't find an "Edit Story" link on the Manage My Uploads link is that the only way to Edit a story is from within the game  >:(. I wish I'd realised that before I deleted the story from the Exchange :(. Now I don't know what to do. I need to get this first chapter of the story uploaded, otherwise the rest of it will make no sense. How can I persuade the game to let me?

Title: Re: Submitting stories to the Exchange
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 15, 23:53:58
Keep trying. Often when I upload stories to the exchange I get errors the first or second time, and then later it will look like only a tiny bit (it says 12k, or similar) is uploading, but then it will actually have been successful. I have noticed that it is often necessary to exit a house and come back in to try again with the upload for there to be any change.

Title: Re: Submitting stories to the Exchange
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 16, 00:30:02
You mean I was panicking for nothing? Doh :-[.

To make this something other than a "thank you" post, here are the links to my stories. The Grunt Family: Part 1: Tank goes to College (, & Part 2: General Buzz's Friend (

Part 3 is written already, but I'll leave that for a couple of days to build up suspense ;).

I registered University under a new username because I was sick of looking at the typo (it was supposed to be fearthebaratron, but it came out as feathebaratron and I didn't notice!), so I am baratrongirl there now. Hooray.

Title: Re: Submitting stories to the Exchange
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 16, 02:50:16
I'm glad you got the story up; it's excellent so far.

Title: Re: Submitting stories to the Exchange
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 16, 13:40:29
Glad you got the stories up, they're both very well-written, which makes a change from the majority on there.  Will check back periodically for updates!