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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Invisigoth on 2007 October 03, 05:38:23

Title: Fishing error log
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 October 03, 05:38:23
So, I have no idea what might have caused this. I've had some free time this week and I've been playing almost every day. I have directed sims in this household to go fishing without any errors, but this time something popped up. I haven't downloaded anything new lately. I am running all EPs (including BV), FFS, GL, and basegame is holiday garbage v2. My sim, Victor, was fishing at his home business lot and he invited two townies to join because I wanted him to work on relationship with them while accomplishing something useful (procuring more fish to sell). He caught several fish before the error occurred, although it did look as if he was just catching another one at the moment of the error. HDCU comes up clean. In the interest of full disclosure I will admit that I used Paladin's seasons and weather controller to sync the season in this lot to the rest of the hood. It is verified BV compatible and no one else has mentioned an error involving this object, so I doubt that it's related. But I am trying to cover all the bases here.

Title: Re: Fishing error log
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 03, 05:42:38
I believe this is a random glitch that can occur if the fish in question disappears or fails to spawn in some way. There's no apparently known pattern for why accessory errors like this randomly occur.