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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Tigerlilley on 2007 October 01, 21:36:15

Title: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 October 01, 21:36:15
Hi everyone,
I am one of those simmers that has had the same neighbourhood for 2 (or possibly 3) years now.  This is the first time ever I've thought of making this decision about a EP.

I'm really sick of Bon Voyage so I'm wanting to uninstall it. I'm just not enjoying the Expansion as a whole, though I think one of the main annoyances is the gestures.  Sloppyhousewife summed it up perfectly:
It goes "Gesture.../Bow" - *X out* - "Gesture.../Pound Chest" - *X out* - "Sing Sea Chanty" - *X out* - "Gesture.../Hang Loose" - *X out*. Rinse, repeat. No, thanks.

I was just wondering, is it possible to uninstall the expansion, but keep all the new items/collections?  I though I could just create a house, stick everything I want in it, upload it, then download it into a BV free game.  However, that has "all too easy" written all over it.

Can someone please point me in the right direction of how to achieve this?

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 01, 22:05:21
Unfortunately, you can't have all the new stuff without the EP. If you do as you said, and just stick them in a house, they'll be gone if you manage to load it under an older version of the game.

And that's the real problem -- each new EP changes stuff in your game files, so just uninstalling may mean you can't even load your current hoods.  You'd have to drop back to a pre-BV backup.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 October 01, 22:28:06
I've got my pre-BV backup ready, I've only played one house since getting the expansion so it doesn't bother me.

Damn, I really thought there would be a easy way to some extract those objects, I know its been done for the Lifestories objects. 

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 October 01, 23:00:00
You can get the items if you clone base game objects and use the meshes and textures of the new objects.  That's the only way to handle it.  Clothing is the easy one, it's just a simple extraction.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 02, 16:43:44
I generally like the added options in BV (walk-to, the stuff, grand piano, thatched roofs, etc.) much more than the holidays themselves.  I rarely send sims on holiday now that I've tested the holiday hoods to see what's what there (and assure myself that the game and hacks are working properly).  I find that I don't seem to have the load/lag problems reported by others, so I just leave it installed and don't play the vacations.  That also avoids the spread of gestures (although I'm personally not concerned about that right now).

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: maxon on 2007 October 02, 21:30:28
If you want to keep the expansion objects without the expansion behaviours, can't you just run a neighbourhood without any holiday destinations?  If they can't go on holiday, they can't learn the bloody gestures and dances.  Also, if you have already added a vacation sub-hood to your favourite hood, can't you now delete it without having to have a second sub-hood of that type in your neighbourhood? 

If the worst has happened and they've already learned the gestures - I've not let many sims on holiday yet, haven't let ANY of them learn any gestures/dances and so haven't seen the problem - I quite get the idea that it's going to be incredibly ANNOYING to have them spread throughout a hood - roll on the suppression hack, I say - Where was I?  Oh yes, once the new SimPE is released, hopefully, you'll be able to remove the tag from your sims that says they have the skill and that should stomp the problem once and for all if you have a vacationless hood.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 October 02, 22:17:28
you can remove the skill/knowledge of the gestures and dances/sea shanty(or whatever it is called) with InSIM.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 October 02, 22:18:31
I don't know if deleting the holiday hood will delete those extra townies completly though?
If someone could confirm..

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: witch on 2007 October 02, 22:28:18
I made holiday hoods with no tourists and no locals so far, this is working for my storyline of JMP taking his elite zombie hunters to boot camp.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: seapup on 2007 October 02, 22:33:38
Seapup wonders why JMP would need zombie hunters when he has a bazillion KW plasma thrower thingy.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: WORF on 2007 October 02, 22:59:22
Couldn't you also use one of Numenor's creations. The base game starter or any game starter are supposed to let you play any configuration you want without sacrificing the content. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: witch on 2007 October 02, 23:37:28
Seapup wonders why JMP would need zombie hunters when he has a bazillion KW plasma thrower thingy.

'Cos it's a story.

See sig.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: seapup on 2007 October 03, 00:05:08
It was a bad attempt at humor, and in no way meant to be critical of your story. Please accept my apologies if you took it any other way.
Great story BTW.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2007 October 03, 01:24:42
Worf, IIRC the base game starter doesn't allow you to use items from expansions above what you're running.  It also requires a different overall folder for every configuration.  It's a modder testing tool more than a style of play.

Tigerlilley, just nuking the vacation 'hoods will probably leave lots of digital garbage lying around, and you still have the problem of hunting down the gestures in everyone who knows them.  If you want to keep all of the BV goodies without the gesture epidemic, it might be wisest to roll back to your pre-BV backup, and just avoid attaching any vacation 'hoods 'till things are fixed.  You'll still have bits of BV glitchiness, you'll have to decide if these are worth the base-game features that tagged along.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 October 03, 01:27:02
Hmm that's probably the best move, thanks.
That way I can keep "Walk to" as well.

Title: Re: Uninstalling BonVoyage, keeping the collections
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 03, 06:39:35
You could try the anti-vacation-actions hack. This should keep down the amount of silliness.