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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DesmeiTheWench on 2007 October 01, 12:52:09

Title: I broke OFB
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2007 October 01, 12:52:09
Hello all, you may remember me as the wench who lost all custom content when she installed NL. Never did figure out why, just had to re-download everything. That was so much fun!! /sarcasm

Anywho, just got OFB and installed it, no probs. Managed to load a family to find most of their furniture was bright blue. No major issue, just used the little swatch thing to recolour their stuff. Managed to play the family for 45 minutes, then it froze. I said a nasty word and just shut my computer (non-Intel Mac Mini) off and went to bed. Tried to spark it up this morning and it gets hung up on the intro screen, right at "reticulated splines for sale $2000". WTF? I've verified disk permissions and all that but no joy. Should I just suck it up and reinstall?

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: seelindarun on 2007 October 01, 20:52:56
Not sure if this happens on Win platforms, but when the game crashes for some reason on mac, it can leave behind corrupt files.  Said files subsequently may refuse to load.

First, try removing your Neighbourhoods and Downloads folder and start up the game.  If the vanilla game loads successfully, then you won't have to reinstall.  The corrupted files are then probably in your N'hood or DL folders. 

This would be the time to crack open that backup copy of your neighbourhoods.  Put that in, and see if the game will load. 

After that, put your DL folder back in.

None of this necessarily has anything to do with what caused your game to crash in the first place.  It might crash again, and leave behind more garbage, so I suggest you go through your hacks and CC, to make sure everything is updated for OFB.  Also, if you've ever downloaded lots, you may have hidden hacks in the DL folder which conflict with the new EP.

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 October 01, 20:57:45
Mine did that yesterday -- my OFB-only computer, so it's a similar situation.  I found that a had downloaded something that required a later expansion -- two things actually, an easel cloned from a later version of the game and the buffet table converted from Pet Stories.  The easel caused crashing, and the buffet caused eternal loading.   :P  Dump your Downloads folder onto your desktop and see if it fixes the problem.  If it does, check your most recent downloads.  (Make sure you install the patch, too, it fixes a lot.)

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 01, 21:00:58
It's all my fault. Is it ok now?

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2007 October 01, 21:34:38
Zazazu, stoppit! No more of the game breakage now, you hear?  :P

Seelindarun, THANK you! I thought I was losing it. I'm doing the WooHoo thing to all my downloads and there are suddenly a bunch of corrupted ones, so I'm slowly weeding them out. The game DOES load in its vanilla state, so it's obviously due to my crash that I'm having issues (indeed, now the game crashes at the intro instead of just hanging there)

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 01, 22:08:56
Zazazu, stoppit! No more of the game breakage now, you hear?  :P
I was stupid and assumed the easels would work with just base game because I knew that the main options were there since base. But forgot that Be Chewed/Be Scratched was an interaction for pets + easel. Plus, now that I think about it, Paint...Custom Painting wasn't there until, I believe, Pets. So I suck for not testing with the base game only configuration.

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2007 October 01, 22:20:31
Actually, I had downloaded some easels last night from MTS2. Those were the first things I killed, but alas...I'll keep checking.

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 October 01, 22:36:14
 :D  Don't worry about it, Zazazu.  I think most people have the expansions, anyhow.  I tried messing with one of the easels myself to see if I could make it work by deleting every pet option and every custom painting action, but it didn't change anything.   I think the item would have to be re-made from scratch, which is probably not worth it unless you are dedicated to making it base-game compatible.  (Which would, of course, be very cool, but I wouldn't expect it.)

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 October 01, 22:48:22
@DesmeiTheWench: Have you checked to see if your version of the CEP program is compatible with just NL and OFB?

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 October 01, 22:55:47
I thought the CEP was compatible with everything.

from the MTS2 download page:

edited to fix typo

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 01, 23:47:31
I think the item would have to be re-made from scratch, which is probably not worth it unless you are dedicated to making it base-game compatible.  (Which would, of course, be very cool, but I wouldn't expect it.)
Is most likely true. I trashed the replacement textures when I saw they were approved, so going back and extracting, then figuring out how to load up just base game and replace/recode is beyond the amount of attention I wanted to put into this project. I've other things on the burner.

Title: Re: I broke OFB
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2007 October 02, 20:29:26
I do have CEP, but I can't remember when I updated it, either after Uni or NL. I'll keep weeding through my downloads. According to WooHoo, I had 137 corrupt files. I find that really hard to believe, but I trashed them all anyway. I am aware that I'll come to regret that, but what the hell. Re-downloading at the speed of dial-up is so *challenging*, you know?