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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: little bandit on 2007 September 27, 09:33:00

Title: fix for a pets/bv bug
Post by: little bandit on 2007 September 27, 09:33:00
Hello everyone!

I have another question and again I don't know if this is the right place to ask but as before I'll ask anyways!  ::)

There's this little bug I discovered after installing bv which causes all the pets to be stuck in platinum state. I think it's a really annoying thing but I couldn't find a patch for this yet. Maxis are always so slow.

Did anybody make a fix for this or find out how to get rid of it?

lil bandit

Title: Re: fix for a pets/bv bug
Post by: snabul on 2007 September 27, 12:29:45
You could sell your pets and then buy them back, that's* what I do to my platypus if it's stuck in platinum level.

*Mentioned the " ' "? I only use this at MATYs...

Title: Re: fix for a pets/bv bug
Post by: Anne on 2007 September 27, 13:04:12
I noticed this too, I thought it was a bit odd - but I've been playing families with pets quite a bit, and it doesn't seem to actually hurt anything. The only annoyance is you have to click on the pet to see it's mood, rather than going by the thumbnail background.