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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 26, 13:16:37

Title: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 26, 13:16:37
Since BV, the vampires can stay on the lot forever now, when they are occupied with something. I had one of the grand vampires play mahjong for over 48 hours (I had to kick her out at last, but was polite enough to wait for the night), another one stayed in the hot spring (?) until about 10 am before he realised that he should be in his coffin. Pre-BV, they ran off the lot at 7 am like their pants were on fire (which was the case, of course), and I really miss that.

Oh, and my sims' motives seem to get reset as soon as they enter the business lot, which is pretty annoying.

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that?

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: maxon on 2007 September 26, 13:20:16
No, to be honest, I haven't.  I was in the Far East with some sims and one of the locals was really getting on my nerves.  So I changed her into a vampire (via Debug Mode) and she ran like hell off the lot as she started to steam.  Maybe it's the being occupied bit that does it.  Shame - I liked seeing them steaming lightly while they were inside walking past the windows.

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 26, 13:25:21
Maybe it's the being occupied bit that does it. 

Yes, that's what I think, too - but pre-BV, they were never that occupied that they didn't notice the sun rising.

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: Argon on 2007 September 26, 15:34:34
Shame - I liked seeing them steaming lightly while they were inside walking past the windows.

I don't remember them doing that, the steam was only outside.

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 27, 00:09:48
Since BV, the vampires can stay on the lot forever now, when they are occupied with something. I had one of the grand vampires play mahjong for over 48 hours (I had to kick her out at last, but was polite enough to wait for the night), another one stayed in the hot spring (?) until about 10 am before he realised that he should be in his coffin. Pre-BV, they ran off the lot at 7 am like their pants were on fire (which was the case, of course), and I really miss that.
I think to varying degrees it has always been that way. EXACTLY how it works depends on if you have Vampire Fixes installed or not. Without it, "Hiss at Sun" reaction occurs (stomping all queues) at 0700, anytime the sim is inside (and only inside, outside is unaffected). With it, this happens outside instead. For some reason I thought it made no sense as originally set, as if they were OUTSIDE, they'd be totally oblivious to it until the next queue action.

Oh, and my sims' motives seem to get reset as soon as they enter the business lot, which is pretty annoying.
Can we elaborate more under the circumstances this happens? Define "reset", and are you entering the sim's business lot, or someone else's business lot? What combination of stuff do you have on it?

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: maxon on 2007 September 27, 07:39:59
Shame - I liked seeing them steaming lightly while they were inside walking past the windows.
I don't remember them doing that, the steam was only outside.

The steam isn't as noticeable inside but they do steam.

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 27, 08:37:10
Pretty sure this is not the case, and if there's any steam, it's happening because of a stuck effect, like bubble butt, and not because it's supposed to be there.

Title: Re: Vampire motives on owned community lots since BV
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 27, 11:38:22
I think to varying degrees it has always been that way. EXACTLY how it works depends on if you have Vampire Fixes installed or not. Without it, "Hiss at Sun" reaction occurs (stomping all queues) at 0700, anytime the sim is inside (and only inside, outside is unaffected). With it, this happens outside instead. For some reason I thought it made no sense as originally set, as if they were OUTSIDE, they'd be totally oblivious to it until the next queue action.

Ah - yes, that makes sense. I think I had Vampire Fixes pre-BV, but I'm not absolutely sure. The stuff keeping the blehs occupied is inside, because since Seasons, I'm a bit reluctant to run open-air businesses.

Can we elaborate more under the circumstances this happens? Define "reset", and are you entering the sim's business lot, or someone else's business lot? What combination of stuff do you have on it?

By "reset" I mean, my sim's motives have a state they normally have when moving into a new home, i.e. hunger, fun and social at about 60% (bladder is not, but I think that's due to antipeeobsession), though he has left his home lot with nearly maxed out motives.
It's the sim's business lot, and it's equipped with the ticket thingy, a BV hot spring, two BV tea tables and the standard business stuff (BRY, BUY, caffeination station, flamingo).
I played several hours yesterday and found out that this motive change only happens sometimes, though. Maybe it occurs when the sim has just returned from vacation (he travels a lot).