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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: mistymage on 2007 September 25, 22:15:19

Title: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: mistymage on 2007 September 25, 22:15:19
So I finally decided to try a vacation out.  Massive amount of lag which I kind of expected since my pc is getting up there in age.  The wait for loading was bearable.. but what happened after a tour was not.

I had 2 sims at the Far East spot.. the Dragon Hotel I think.  Anyhoo I decided to try a tour by asking the tour guide.  That turned out to be a long wait and was very lame.  It took forever for the bus to arrive, my sims went "offworld" and then I got a chance card.  I guessed wrongly and they ended up in a poison ivy patch.  Then the bus returned. It was a "walking tour"... I thought they would actually go somewhere that I could "follow" and see. I guessed wrongly again!

That's when the annoyance occurred: they itched and scratched.  This action "scratch" stomps most any action you want the sim to do.  Allowing them to scratch doesn't stop the itch. Canceling "scratch" just had it show up again. The only thing that worked was sending them offworld again. Which took 4ever.

So is there something else I should have had them do? Take a shower? Buy calamine lotion?

I didn't have a chance to any further testing cos a storm popped up and I had to shut down... we get a lot of lightning here and even had the power blink once today.


Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 September 25, 22:35:04
Just wait till the bees arrive the next time you play the wrong chance card.   :D

As in real life, the symptoms subside and all is well till the next time.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: Angie on 2007 September 25, 23:25:41
This action "scratch" stomps most any action you want the sim to do.

I had one of my sims get poison ivy from that lucky shrine in Takemizu Village.  I got so mad when he stopped eating his $25 bowl of noodles just to scratch, and the NPC waiter cleared his dish away before he was finished scratching!  This particular sim didn't exactly have money to burn.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: Flipant on 2007 September 26, 00:12:40
I found the shower/bath/soak in hotub helps.  It is a pain in the patuti to get them there though.  In this game though, patience is the virtue! ;D

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: mistymage on 2007 September 26, 00:27:09
Thanks everyone! So unless Someone comes up with a fantastic way to stomp this I guess my unlucky sims will be bathing/hot tubing to relieve this annoying annoyance ;-)

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 September 26, 01:40:40
Someone is more likely to make a hack to make every bad chance card end in bees than prevent something amusing like that.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 26, 01:42:26
So far I've always gotten bad results with option A, always good with option B, on the tours. As for the scratching thing, if you're fast, you can X it out before it stomps the queue, if you keep your queue at least 2-deep at all times. Power Idle automatically monitors your queue and auto-cancels attempts by stupid stuff to stomp it.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 26, 12:46:47
I have seen different results from the same chance card. I don't know how the tour is called, but it's the §100 tour on Twikkii Island. The choises are "pull handle" and "ask guide". I'd taken that tour three times by now, and I always chose card B, which was good the first and third, but not the second time.

I don't have problems with cancelling the scratching in most cases, and even if I can't catch it in time, I don't find it as annoying as, say, the "ZOMG it's raining!!!11one" action. At least, the icon is hilarious :D.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: maxon on 2007 September 26, 12:57:50
I have seen different results from the same chance card. I don't know how the tour is called, but it's the §100 tour on Twikkii Island. The choises are "pull handle" and "ask guide". I'd taken that tour three times by now, and I always chose card B, which was good the first and third, but not the second time.

I'd guess the chance cards are like the career ones - one bad and one good result for each option.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: Karen on 2007 September 26, 17:14:18
The itching is annoying, but harmless.  On the other hand, some of those chance cards can have pretty serious consequences.  I got one this morning on Twikkii Island (I don't remember which tour this was) where the penalty for guessing wrong is a huge motive hit (hunger/energy/comfort all went into the red).  I just barely managed to keep my pregnant Sim alive long enough to get her home in one piece after that.


Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 September 26, 17:50:38
On the other hand, some of those chance cards can have pretty serious consequences.  I got one this morning on Twikkii Island (I don't remember which tour this was) where the penalty for guessing wrong is a huge motive hit (hunger/energy/comfort all went into the red). 

Yea, that was the first one I hit -- it's on the helicopter tour, I think, and they all get airsick. They knelt on the road and barfed as soon as they got out of the helicopter.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 26, 18:04:10
It strikes me that in RL if you go on a tour, you mostly have a mediocre to good time (i.e. you don't necessarily "gain a logic point" or get a $500 reward, but you don't get poison ivy or bees either).  In BV, every tour seems to have about a 50% chance of being either super or terrible.  I guess for run of the mill, you have to hit Cancel on the chance cards.  Mostly my sims have had bad tours (I seem to choose wrong 70% of the time) which send them into the red on motives.  Never had bees or poison ivy yet.  It's rather endearing how they keep wanting them.  My sims are masochists.

I was a bit disappointed in the tours as well - the going offworld thing.  I had read reviews that pushed the idea of "your sims can go on a glass-bottomed boat tour", and all we get is the standard sims-go-away/sims-come-back thing.  Dammit, I want my glass-bottomed boat!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 September 26, 18:46:35
I have seen different results from the same chance card. I don't know how the tour is called, but it's the §100 tour on Twikkii Island. The choises are "pull handle" and "ask guide". I'd taken that tour three times by now, and I always chose card B, which was good the first and third, but not the second time. I don't have problems with cancelling the scratching in most cases, and even if I can't catch it in time, I don't find it as annoying as, say, the "ZOMG it's raining!!!11one" action. At least, the icon is hilarious :D.

I don't even attempt to cancel the action.  Stings and poison ivy are simply a part of life.  Maybe a bit inconvenient, but really no big deal.  I just send my suffering Simmies to do something else and they soon forget about their discomfort.

Besides, I love their reaction to the stinging bees.  Reminds me of my own this summer, thanks to a hornets nest I didn't notice until too late.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 26, 20:20:30
Besides, I love their reaction to the stinging bees.  Reminds me of my own this summer, thanks to a hornets nest I didn't notice until too late.

I ran a lawnmower against a tree stump with a hornets' nest in it.  After spending some fun time running away, I decided I had to deal with the hornets.  A bit of petrol around and over the stump followed by a match tends to deal with the problem spectacularly.  Good conversation point for the neighbours as well.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 September 27, 01:59:24
Besides, I love their reaction to the stinging bees.  Reminds me of my own this summer, thanks to a hornets nest I didn't notice until too late.

I ran a lawnmower against a tree stump with a hornets' nest in it.  After spending some fun time running away, I decided I had to deal with the hornets.  A bit of petrol around and over the stump followed by a match tends to deal with the problem spectacularly.  Good conversation point for the neighbours as well.

We've had an outdoor burning ban for most of the summer; besides, my problem nest was in the eaves.  Four cans of wasp spray (at night) did the trick.  Don't get mad, get even...

BTW, a paste of monosodium glutamate (Accent) provides instant relief for the swelling and itch.         

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: witch on 2007 September 27, 03:00:38
Bicarbonate of soda is no slouch at sunburn and itches, either added to a bath or mixed into a paste. Very useful stuff bicarb of soda - also good for indigestion and putting out electrical/stove fires.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 27, 03:42:16
BTW, a paste of monosodium glutamate (Accent) provides instant relief for the swelling and itch.         
I always thought the cure was a belt sander.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: witch on 2007 September 27, 04:36:48
Only if one has a carapace instead of skin. :P

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 27, 11:49:01
I ran a lawnmower against a tree stump with a hornets' nest in it.  After spending some fun time running away, I decided I had to deal with the hornets.  A bit of petrol around and over the stump followed by a match tends to deal with the problem spectacularly.  Good conversation point for the neighbours as well.

Speaking of conversation points for the neighbors - are poision ivy and bee attacks gossip material?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 27, 12:16:48
Only if one has a carapace instead of skin. :P
That would be me, yes.

Speaking of conversation points for the neighbors - are poision ivy and bee attacks gossip material?
No. Poison ivy wouldn't be very conversational anyway. I could a bee attack being conversational, though. I mean check this out!
Totally conversation-worthy. Discuss.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage- Pass the calamine
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2007 September 27, 12:50:43
No. Poison ivy wouldn't be very conversational anyway. I could a bee attack being conversational, though.

I don't know - gossiping about an idiot tourist who has fallen into a poison ivy patch seems more amusing to me than burned spaghetti. But maybe that's just me.

I mean check this out!
Totally conversation-worthy. Discuss.

Yes - this IS conversation-worthy :D