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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2007 September 23, 20:17:14

Title: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 September 23, 20:17:14
I don't know whether it's just the usual sadorandomness, but so far all the new BV female spawn have grown up with the same base game hairstyle. I can't remember the correct name, but you'll know what I mean if I call it the 'Marsha' haircut. Is it just me, or is this something else that's borked? I haven't put any of my custom hair back in yet as I wanted minimal loading times for testing a mod.

Title: Re: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: JenW on 2007 September 23, 20:52:41
I just had a girl grow up from baby to toddler with a custom hair style. It was even buggier than usual getting her to age up at all :P but she did wind up with different hair.

Title: Re: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 September 23, 21:02:47
I don't have any custom hair at the moment, just the default EAxis styles from the base game + all EPs. Prior to installing BV (i.e. with all EPs up to Seasons) I was getting nothing but custom hair on my toddlers.

Title: Re: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: sewinglady on 2007 September 24, 16:49:54
with the advent of binned custom hair (swoon) I seldom have a child get a Maxis hair (of course this could be because I seldom use them now).

Unfortunately, I am in the process of starting a new neighborhood and the founding couples have yet to produce spawn.  However, I have made spawn in CAS and there was no problem with those children receiving custom binned hairs.

Truthfully, I don't know how you're playing with all those ugly haired characters... shudder.

Title: Re: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 September 24, 17:43:59
I'd go for calling it sadorandomness, but if so I'm getting hit by the same thing. Always. All my applicable custom hairs are binned. That's 60 or so extra styles for each color of hair for girls, about 20 for guys. Girls are all getting that Marsha hair. Of course, I've only had seven births since BV and only two of those were girls, so not much of a sample. Pre-BV, I was getting about half and half custom and Maxis, but the Maxis ones were almost always one of those two.

Title: Re: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: sewinglady on 2007 September 26, 17:20:00
back to report.

Played until 2 a.m. last night.  Toddler girls are all 'growing up' from infants with the Maxian banged bob - if that's the Marsha cut, then it's occureing in my game, too.

And another odd occurance - when my custom (but binned) haired female did her twirl to change into maternity from non-maternity every day clothing she also got a Maxian hair - the spiky bob that flips out just a little bit.

I was able to get her back into her custom hair by changing appearance so at least it wasn't a permanent pregnancy long thing, and it only happened with one sim (I had 7 sim families give birth last night - it was a looooong session).

The other thing I've noticed is that the 'random' sex generator is working really well - 7 births - 5 girls - 2 boys.  This neighborhood's second generation is going to have some same sex relationships...but random is random...I think.

Title: Re: BV: hair style for the newly spawned
Post by: maxon on 2007 September 27, 07:07:54
I haven't had any post BV births yet (there are three due and one female toddler to grow up) but at least it will make a change from that bloody wispy haircut that every child of mine got, despite all the carefully binned hair.