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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Gamblor on 2007 September 22, 17:04:51

Title: Headmaster Problems again!
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 22, 17:04:51
K there seems to be always something wrong with the headmaster in general. Last time I invited him over for dinner he never showed up this time he shows up walks right in the house and just stands there like a statue. When you try to talk or smooch or what ever its called gets canceled or if you try to call him for dinner he just stands there motionless. Time ran out so I just deleted him off the lot. Any one else has problems with the headmaster?

One last thing I had one of my babies turn black on me but when you zoom in on them you could barely see them. Its like somebody dimmed the color down on them really low. I used the debugger but all I could see is the fix for flashing blue. Is there another option on the debugger I could use to fix it?

Title: Re: Headmaster Problems again!
Post by: Hook on 2007 September 22, 18:04:54
The headmaster's stats are randomized every time you invite him over.  I can imagine problems if you get a headmaster with maxed outgoing who would come in without being greeted.

There's an option to deal with AWOL headmasters on the lot debugger.  I'd suggest using this before you invite one over again.

A search should turn up literally hundreds of posts about headmaster problems, and how to solve them.  Invite him over the same day you want to run the headmaster scenario, and don't save the game between inviting him and the time he leaves.  Have someone outside to greet him when he arrives.  Don't do any kind of cheats while the headmaster is on the lot, as it doesn't take much at all to break the scenario.  Other than that, good luck.

My high score for the headmaster scenario is 161.  This is not a difficult scenario to pass.


Title: Re: Headmaster Problems again!
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 22, 19:41:48
K thxs again Hook but what about the baby problem I am having? I will do a search and see if anybody else came up with the same problem.

Title: Re: Headmaster Problems again!
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 September 22, 21:27:04
Someone else did. It may have had to do with a lighting hack, but I'm not 100% sure. Start in Oops You Broke It.

Title: Re: Headmaster Problems again!
Post by: Gamblor on 2007 September 23, 00:05:07
K thxs Zazazu, I did download that smarter lights by Numenor at MTS2 a week ago so that could be the problem.

Title: Re: Headmaster Problems again!
Post by: cwykes on 2007 September 25, 13:54:09
When the headmaster doesn't do the tour or respond to call to dinner, I usually find I've got the doors locked against visitors.  HM counts as a visitor apparently, so you have to unlock the doors and then lock them again afterwards.