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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Diala on 2005 October 14, 08:36:23

Title: No turkey?
Post by: Diala on 2005 October 14, 08:36:23
I am sure most people have heard of the "no pork chops" eyeliner... could there be that there is a "no turkey" eyeliner as well?

I recently realized that my Sims should be able to cook turkey, but the option never comes up in the menu. I know it takes 6+ skill, but not even those Sims can have turkey. Has anyone else had or even heard of this problem? I assume it is a download that is causing this problem.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 09:44:25
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen that on the menu in a while...

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: aussieone on 2005 October 14, 10:20:55
I have Turkey and have always had it. I know some stoves (the cooktop I think), sometimes don't have the option to choose some meals, particularly Lobster Thermidore...perhaps this may help?

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 14, 11:38:59
I'll have to check the next time I play. The main house I play only has a cooktop so I haven't bothered looking for it.

You guys do know that you have to serve meal to get turkey and that it doesn't appear when you have meal, right?

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 11:44:06
Maybe it's the serve everyone type of hack that stops it appearing?  I haven't seen it since I installed one of those.  Or lobster thermidore either!

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 14, 11:48:43
I definitely have turkey.  I noticed it during a headmaster scenario a couple of days ago.  HM got pork chops tho.  Nightlife still unpatched as I don't wanna reset my Sim kid's fast learning skill just yet, and installing any patch or EP will do just that.


Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 12:03:51
Well, maybe the option only appears when there are enough hungry sims on the lot to eat it? (If you have the serveeveryoneetcs.)

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 13:03:37
Maybe it's the serve everyone type of hack that stops it appearing?  I haven't seen it since I installed one of those.  Or lobster thermidore either!

I have one of those hacks- I forget which one. I'm definitely still getting lobster thermidor, though. I'm not a fan of lobster; they're just big bugs to me. So I really hate it when my sims serve everyone lobster, and not everyone eats. Then there are dirty sea bugs with flies buzzing around them all over the house.  Blech.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 13:42:42
Can you serve those meals with the cheap fridge, or do you need the expensive one?

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 October 14, 14:08:20
Can you serve those meals with the cheap fridge, or do you need the expensive one?

I always thought only the type of stove matters, that the difference between a cheap fridge and an expensive one is the capacity for food storing. I've been doing recolours of clothings the long and tedious Bodyshop+Photoshop way (the only way I know how, short of downloading, which I'm not into) for the last few days and was intending to surf and download make-ups, but after reading threads like this, I'm beginning to think I'd be better off making my own :-\.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 14, 14:14:12
AFAIK, the only fridge that limits your food choices is the uni mini-fridge. I've always been able to make all meals with the cheap one, or for that matter, with the cheap and dirty large uni refridgerator.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 October 14, 14:22:29
Right, forgot about the mini fridge :-[. Yet sims who were influenced to cook and who chose to get the ingredients from the mini fridge could serve more than cereal, instant meal and chef's salad.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 14:43:28
Well, the uni fridge was buggered!  I'd have sims got to make cereal and do it in the air!  And on one lot, I tried to delete it and the fridge crashed my game!  Yet when I went back in and into buy mode, I could click the darn thing and delete it with no problems!

I usually get the expensive fridge pretty quickly, otherwise my active sims are forever hungry!  then, of course, once you get their skills up, the lazy ones start to get fat!  You can't win!  And if you replace the expensive fridge with a cheap one, the fortune sims start asking for the dear one again!!!!

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 14, 14:54:38
The turkey option is not available if a sim just "has dinner", I think. You can only make turkey if you are serving dinner. Makes sense, I guess - who would cook a whole turkey for just one person? So if it is not appearing, is it when you choose to serve a meal, as opposed to wanting to cook one portion?

I had a very strange thing happen with pork chops. The sim who was making them kept setting the kitchen on fire, and then after the fireman came, when he went to "get porkchops" (or burnt remains of same) he would go through the cooking them on the stove thing, and then put them back in the oven. Like they were still not done after the fire? He nearly starved, and I had to sell the stove. This happened twice.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 15:13:38
Actually, when I was playing the Brokes with just sims 1, Brandi suddenly went into the kitchen and cooked a turkey, quite autonomously!  But I think they have to have cooking level 8 to cook turkey, and level 9 for someother things.  I don't think level 6 is high enough.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 14, 15:38:23
I have Dizzy's smart-serve hack and all my food options are there.  I have noticed a problem with all my fridges for a while, though.  Periodically, the Sims just don't seem to know they are there and will basically starve unless I tell them to cook something.  Occasionally they will autonomously get a snack, but that's all they can do.  It started happening when I used Inge's bush that lets things stay behind when they move (which has a problem with fridges) and even though I removed the mod, the problem has never gone.  Buying a new fridge solves it, but it tends to come back eventually.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 17:47:56
I had that problem with serve-everyone, but not with smart-serve.  Have you got both in your game?  and have you got the latest edition of smart-serve?  And why not sell the fridge before they move?

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: aussieone on 2005 October 15, 09:12:17
Maybe it's the serve everyone type of hack that stops it appearing?  I haven't seen it since I installed one of those.  Or lobster thermidore either!

I have the serve everyone hack ZZ and I still have all meal options available  ???

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 15, 10:52:48
I thin the problems occur if you have both in your game at the same time.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 October 15, 15:05:27
I had a very strange thing happen with pork chops. The sim who was making them kept setting the kitchen on fire, and then after the fireman came, when he went to "get porkchops" (or burnt remains of same) he would go through the cooking them on the stove thing, and then put them back in the oven. Like they were still not done after the fire? He nearly starved, and I had to sell the stove. This happened twice.

I've had this happen a few times, too, but I don't think it was always pork chops that did it.  (I think once it was lobster and once it was salmon.)  Kept trying to cook the ashes on the stove, then put them in the oven.  Try getting the food a second (or third) time, same thing.  I had to sell the stove, too.  And I had it happen on a cheap stove AND on the expensive one.

With cooktops, there are a few options that don't come up because the item has to be cooked in the oven.  I found that out in one house that I put a cooktop in, not thinking about the idea that you can only cook on top.  Had to hit myself in the head for that one.  (I wanted them to cook pork chops or something and it didn't show up in the pie menu.)

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 15, 17:25:40
Well I have a cooktop (from ESF2) and sims not only cook on it, they cook in the cupboard underneath!  They also leave the plate of food on it after they've finished serving!  If I put it further away from the fridge, they prepare food on it!

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 15, 20:37:48
You can do pork chops in the uni cooktop, but they don't bake them like they do if you have an oven. Same with Salmon. You can't do turkey, layer cakes, baked alaska, toaster pastries, tv dinners and lobster thermidor though.

I have no idea about any of 4Ever Sim Fantasy's stuff though. I don't mess with their meshes. Way too high polygon for me.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 15, 20:44:58
She remade nearly everything a while back, and mostly it works just fine now!  at least, it does in my game, and I've getting on for 3GB of downloads now.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 15, 21:47:59
I've just moved some of my sims into their very own house (I've been playing that big house downtown and had it stuffed to the hilt. I want to play all my characters in the family and extended family at the same time (I'm a very impatient person) and insisted on having them all live together. :P). It's a very small house and a family of 4, now, so I get to finally use all my beloved 4esf, etc, objects. I'm going to try to make turkey, again. I never noticed that they hadn't been able to make it for a while until it was brought up here. Now it's driving me crazy.

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 16, 03:38:59
I'm glad someone else likes her stuff!

Title: Re: No turkey?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 16, 03:56:25
Turkey is available at cooking level 6.

As the others said, make sure you are choosing Serve meal, not Have meal.

I have both dizzy2's smart serve and TJ's serve everyone hacks in my game, and I have all food choices available.

Also, the type of stove or fridge you have does not affect your cooking options, excluding the Uni mini fridge and cooktop.

P.S. When I saw the topic of this thread, I thought it was talking about bowling!  I want my sims to get a turkey but they never play long enough!