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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sivany on 2007 September 19, 18:35:31

Title: Bubbly child?
Post by: Sivany on 2007 September 19, 18:35:31
When playing a hotel lot on Twikkii Island I noticed one of the children had a stream of bubbles following her everywhere she went. These persisted even after she got into the pool. Any ideas what has caused this?


Also whilst I'm here I saw a sim holding his nose and ducking underwater for the first time today. I've never had one of my playable sims do this, is there anyway to get them to do this?


Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 19, 18:40:29
Too much spicy thai food?

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Inge on 2007 September 19, 18:48:34
Those bubbles are probably what prompted that sim to hold his nose, too.  Poor girl don't you have any Deflatine or charcoal tablets?

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 September 19, 19:27:22
The bubble butt trail is one of those odd EAxis glitches that pop up now and then (or maybe I should say "pop out").  If she is your kid, make her jump in the pool or take a shower and the bubbles may go away.    Or have her blow bubbles and maybe they'll come out of the right place.   ;)

The holding-nose-while-diving action was added with Seasons, I believe.   Mine do it on occasion when playing Marco Polo, or maybe when they dive.  Not sure of what triggers it, but you can't direct a Sim to do it.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Sivany on 2007 September 19, 19:52:56
He was playing Marco Polo at the time so maybe that's why he did it. Shame you can't direct sims to do it though.

The girl was a tourist on the hotel lot. When she jumped in the pool the bubbles didn't go away they just fizzed up around her (making it look like she definitely needed some charcoal tablets). If it's just one of those random glitch things I won't worry about it, no doubt next time the girl turns up on a hotel lot the bubbles will be gone. I was just worried it might be one of those things that spreads throughtout the neighbourhood, I didn't fancy having all my playable sims walking round with bubbles coming out of their butts.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 September 19, 19:55:36
Typically, the bubbles are a stuck effect from cleaning (with a super-neat sim). Usually, taking them off lot fixes it.

Sometimes, I get the swim effect stuck as well, though not nearly as often. The sim animates fine, it's the water rings that keep going. Same fix.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 September 19, 19:58:35
Definitely a random glitch -- probably a cousin to the 'ever-streaming bird food' glitch from Pets, where a sim would walk around with bird food pouring out of their hand for hours after they fed the bird.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 19, 20:31:46
I've had two random glitches (I hope random anyway) since BV was installed.
1) On one occasion in one of my uni dorms, two sims awake past 2am were playing pool and were transparent (like ghosts).  Auto lights stayed off as if nobody was in the room, but they were there playing pool.  They became solid again when the sun came up and the glitch never returned.

2) With the nouniprotect hack, one dormie passed out on the sidewalk and got stuck asleep for two days.  In the end I had to make her selectable and wake her up, reset her motives and then make her unselectable again.  This seems to have fixed the problem.

Random glitches appear to still be a normal part of the game.  The bubbles one is funny though.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 September 19, 21:15:48
The first one has been around forever -- you'll find old threads here about the 'ghostly dormies' going back at least 6 months if not longer.  The second one is normal nouniprotect behavior -- when the dormie finally wakes up, they die. :)  You could also wake them up by just putting a cheap boom box outside and turning it on.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 19, 23:13:08
The second one is normal nouniprotect behavior -- when the dormie finally wakes up, they die. :)  You could also wake them up by just putting a cheap boom box outside and turning it on.

I figured that.  Didn't want her to die - she's too much fun to torture, so I rescued her.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 September 20, 01:33:36
Yea, I've lost a few dormies I didn't want to lose due to them falling asleep outside the dorm where I don't pay attention to them. So most of my dorms have a boom box on the front porch that's on all the time to keep them from sleeping outside.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: LizzyJ on 2007 September 20, 08:22:54
I had the ghosty dormie problem, but it solved itself when she got struck by lightning. Now she's a very very pale ghost. :D

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Sivany on 2007 September 20, 12:56:55
Typically, the bubbles are a stuck effect from cleaning (with a super-neat sim). Usually, taking them off lot fixes it.

I did think it might be a stuck cleaning thing but when I made her selectable and checked she only had 4 neat points and no cleaning skill. Very random. It seems to have gone now anyway, when I reloaded today she was bubble free.

Never had the constant pouring bird food, although I have had a sim get stuck with a sponge in her hand after cleaning the bath and it just wouldn't go away no matter what I did. Eventually it went after I installed a new expansion pack and the sims all reset themselves (this was back in the days when I didn't know about forcing an error to reset the sims). I've also had sims get stuck with their hand raised as if moving a chess piece. This actually happens quite often but now I know to just reset the sim, previously it used to really annoy me.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Inge on 2007 September 20, 13:33:58
I just let them get on with it, work it into my game as a special Sim illness.   And what about the one where they can't stop sitting, and scoot around the house looking like they're in an invisible wheelchair?  Bladder desperation usually corrects that one eventually :)

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 September 20, 13:53:13
I just let them get on with it, work it into my game as a special Sim illness.   And what about the one where they can't stop sitting, and scoot around the house looking like they're in an invisible wheelchair?  Bladder desperation usually corrects that one eventually :)

I reckon these are akin to the 'chess arm' glitch in which the sim runs around the house with one arm perpetually in the chess playing posture.  Generally getting them to practice chess again and cancelling the action solves that.  In that context, I'm not surprised that sitting on the terlet corrects the sim posture.  For story purposes, I suppose you could always write in a sub-plot about how the sim hurt their back in particularly vigorous woohoo or something.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: broo on 2007 September 21, 08:11:21
 That's why I never allow my sims have bubble baths ;D Deleting sim with moveobjects on should work. If not, try Inge's method (I mean cope) ;)

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Sivany on 2007 September 21, 11:23:27
And what about the one where they can't stop sitting, and scoot around the house looking like they're in an invisible wheelchair? 

For story purposes, I suppose you could always write in a sub-plot about how the sim hurt their back in particularly vigorous woohoo or something.

I haven't seen this one yet, but if I ever do that's so going to be their excuse.

Title: Re: Bubbly child?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 September 21, 17:07:46
Kind of like Carrie from that episode of Sex in the City, when she was a bridesmaid at Charlotte's second wedding and was walking around like an old crone. Jack-rabbit sex!