Title: Memory Deleter
Post by: dizzy on 2007 September 19, 05:26:51
I have this memory delete code, but I can't use it because the damn pie menu code (in the engine itself) is too slow to handle it in extreme situations. Rather than toss it, I thought I'd share it in case it's useful to someone else. Here's the menu builder: -- stack object = personId -- local 2 = menu index -- return true if still building menu, false otherwise
local cp = CachedPerson.new(GetStackObjectId()) local nid = cp:getPersonData(PersonData["neighbor id"]) local cn = CachedNeighbor.new(nid)
local t = {} local t2 = {} local i = 1
local x = GetLocal(2) + 1
if x == 1 then TempTable = {} local ii = 1
local nlist = GlobalObjManager:getNeighborIds() local nguid = {} for k,v in nlist do local cnx = CachedNeighbor.new(v) local g0 = cnx:getGUID() -- neighbor GUID local g1 = GetObjectDefinitionField(g0, ObjDef["guid_1 - Read Only"]) local g2 = GetObjectDefinitionField(g0, ObjDef["guid_2 - Read Only"]) nguid[CreateObjectGUID(g2, g1)] = v -- catalog GUID -> nid end
local inv = Inventory.new(Inventory.kTypeNeighbor, nid)
local mmult = {} local gmult = {} local xx = 1 local vv = inv:getTokenAtIndex(xx) while vv ~= nil do if vv:testFlag(1) and vv:testFlag(2) then -- visible memory local g = vv:getGUID() if gmult[g] == 1 then -- already in the guid table? mmult[g] = 1 -- multiples of the same guid else gmult[g] = 1 end end xx = xx + 1 vv = inv:getTokenAtIndex(xx) end
xx = 1 vv = inv:getTokenAtIndex(xx) while vv ~= nil do if vv:testFlag(1) and vv:testFlag(2) then -- visible memory local mname = GetCatalogName(vv:getGUID()) local sname = ""
local s1, s2 = string.find(mname, "%$Subject") if s1 ~= nil then local g = CreateObjectGUID(vv:getProperty(7), vv:getProperty(6)) if nguid[g] ~= nil then local cn2 = CachedNeighbor.new(nguid[g]) sname = cn2:getFullName() else sname = GetCatalogName(g) end mname = string.sub(mname, 1, s1 - 1) .. "..." .. string.sub(mname, s2 + 1) if mmult[vv:getGUID()] ~= 1 then mname = string.sub(mname, 1, s1 - 1) .. sname .. string.sub(mname, s2 + 1) sname = "" end end
local s1, s2 = string.find(mname, "%$Constant:4097:7") if s1 ~= nil then local mx = GetConstantWithGuid(vv:getGUID(), 4097, 7) mname = string.format("%s%d%s", string.sub(mname, 1, s1 - 1), mx, string.sub(mname, s2 + 1)) end
if sname == "" then TempTable[ii] = string.format(".../%s", mname) TempTable[ii+1] = xx ii = ii + 2 else TempTable[ii] = string.format(".../%s/%s", mname, sname) TempTable[ii+1] = xx ii = ii + 2 end end xx = xx + 1 vv = inv:getTokenAtIndex(xx) end end
local i2 = 1 while i2 <= table.getn(TempTable) do t[i] = "Delete Memory.../" .. cn:getName() .. TempTable[i2] t2[i] = TempTable[i2+1] i = i + 1 i2 = i2 + 2 end
if x <= table.getn(t) then SetLocal(2, x) nGameState.SetProperty("luaDialogString", t[x]) SetTemp(0, t2[x]) SetScriptReturnValue(true) end Here's the action code: -- tree param 0 = personId, tree param 1 = action
local x = GetTreeParameter(1)
if x < 0 then SetScriptReturnValue(false) else local cp = CachedPerson.new(GetTreeParameter(0)) local nid = cp:getPersonData(PersonData["neighbor id"])
local inv = Inventory.new(Inventory.kTypeNeighbor, nid) local vv = inv:getTokenAtIndex(x) vv:setFlag(InventoryToken.kFlagMarkedForDeletion) inv:removeTokensMarkedForDeletion() end