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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cmdrjade on 2005 October 14, 04:22:42

Title: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: cmdrjade on 2005 October 14, 04:22:42
Okay, I generally just like to lurk around and laugh at the posts here, but now I have a question.

In one of my lots I was messing around with the "testingcheats" cheat and I think I spawned a Break Inducer or something.  I dunno, I was spawning a lot of things.  Anyway, I closed out of the game and went back to this house tonight and every frickin' thing I touch breaks.  The TV, the sink, the toilet (well, clogs), and the shower.  Needless to say, it's gotten old repairing everything over and over and over again.

I realize this is probably a REALLY stupid question, but I'm REALLY stupid when it comes to these things.  What the heck do I do to fix this??

Title: Re: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 05:54:28
Would the "break suppressor" counteract that?

Title: Re: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 14, 11:19:05
LOL, I did the exact same thing when I first started playing around with the testing cheats.

Took me a day to figure out why on Earth everything in that house was breaking.  Drove me nuts.  I kept calling the repairman and then having to call again and again.

Easily undone, you just do the reverse of the idiotic thing you did to get it to happen. Since I'm never touching that button again, I can't give you the step by step but it took me 30 seconds to figure it out, once I'd realized the dumb thing I'd done.

(Watching a whole house break down constantly is pretty amusing, if you push the button for entertainment purposes and not because you are less awesome than anyone else, like moi.)

Title: Re: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 11:59:36
Well, I never use testing cheats unless I absolutely have to, but I've had the same toilet break 3 times in a day - each time it was used, in fact, and the sim unclogging it had about 3-4 mech skill points!

On the other hand, when one of my beginner sims repairs the shower, but leaves a faulty water jet animation behind, it doesn't go wrong for days - just when I want to call the repairman to fix it so the animation disappears!  (I can't just replace the shower, the animation stays behind!)

Title: Re: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 14, 12:15:44
Last time I had the leaking shower problem like that (my Sim fixed it but still had the animation), I forced error and hit reset and it quit leaking.  This was just a couple of days ago.  I've only had it once before, and it leaked forever, but wasn't broken enough to call a repairman.


Title: Re: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 12:19:44
That's the trouble, once that happens, it seems to limp along for days without breaking!

Title: Re: Yes...I am retarded...
Post by: cmdrjade on 2005 October 14, 15:33:23
Would the "break suppressor" counteract that?

OH MY FREAKIN' GOODNESS.  Thank the Lord.  And you, of course  :).  I guess it was just so obvious, I was too dumb to find that...