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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 03:41:40

Title: Making out with yourself
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 03:41:40
Kind of bizarre title, I know. Attention-grabber.
Anyway, I remember after installing uni I was noticing a lot of "kissed (self) for the first time", "made out with (self)" and one for woohoo, usually. I know a lot of people had that problem, and I don't remember what caused it, but I cleared out all those memories a long time ago and haven't had any since. Well, not until yesterday, anyway. My sim, Justin Goth-Bayfield, was in the hot tub with his girlfriend, and they kissed then made out. I noticed the double pair of lips swirling above his head and I thought that was odd, they've certainly done more than make out before! I looked in his memories and he had "kissed Justin for the first time" and "made out with Justin for the first time". Huh? There was no handheld involved, nothing out of the oridinary happened, just your run-of-the-mill make-out session in the hot tub. Anyone have an idea what did this?

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gali on 2005 October 14, 03:51:12
Brynne, it's the bloody HANDHELD!!! It causes schysophrenia!!!

They (Maxis)  wrote that the crush playing the handheld with another sim is fixed, but FORGOT to fix the self-play with the handheld.

The handheld fix of JMP doesn't work with NL for now.

Use the Two Jeff's "noautomous handheld&MP3" from Variousimmers. It is updated to NL, and works wonderful. No sim of mine touch the handheld, and I don't even get wishes to play it! Relief!!!

If you use SimPe, after installing the hack, delete these sim's memories.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 03:55:51
But I ban handhelds from all my sims. I haven't used them since I installed uni. Handhelds are evil.
I did delete the memories, but I still don't know what caused it.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 14, 04:01:24
There was no handheld involved, nothing out of the oridinary happened, just your run-of-the-mill make-out session in the hot tub. Anyone have an idea what did this?

I had the same thing happen with my Sims in the hot tub and have no idea either what caused it. They were in the expensive in-ground hot tub on a community lot when my male Sim evidently got intimate with himself and as soon as they got home I went and deleted the memory in SimPE. I thought it was a fluke at the time and haven't seen it happen since then, but I also don't let my Sims do much in the hot tubs now. Did yours happen under similar circumstances or is it a weirdo thing that can happen in all hot tubs?

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 14, 04:03:23
They were in the expensive in-ground hot tub on a community lot when my male Sim evidently got intimate with himself and as soon as they got home I went and deleted the memory in SimPE.

Nothing wrong with woohooing with yourself....*cough*

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: aussieone on 2005 October 14, 04:04:21
Damn Velax............beat me to it...*pardon the pun*  ::)

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 14, 04:05:18
Nothing wrong with woohooing with yourself....*cough*

LOL had he had a memory of that, I would have kept it for future mocking but alas, he had just made out with himself which isn't nearly as amusing.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gali on 2005 October 14, 04:05:46
Weird! Without  handhelds? I didn't see that in my game.

Anyway, use TJ's hack - it does wonders! I use the enhanser too, to check the self-relation (it is missing in the SimPe), and even with the hack I see that the daily self-relation is going up, without playing the handheld.

I think it is a serious new bug, which has to be examined. May be our Awesome modder will do it...:) - 8 weeks will end at November, and we have to suffer until then...:).

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 14, 04:07:52
he had just made out with himself which isn't nearly as amusing.

And considerably more difficult. I've heard.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 14, 04:10:56
The handheld problem with falling in love with oneself has been there as long as the handhelds have AFAIK and aren't related to the weird makeout sessions in the hot tub (although if I remember correctly, Sims could roll up the wants to romanticize themselves with the handheld). It's been a long time since my Sim made out with himself but I think it happened even before Uni + handhelds.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 October 14, 04:29:50
Wow, I've never noticed this, at least not in my game. I've "heard" or at least read peeps complaining about this. Have you any of you had this happen in your games without hacks? And if so, have you been able to reproduce it and report it as a bug?

What's this about developing a relationship or falling in love with yourself? I mean God! How frickin egotistical do your sims have to be?  :D But seriously, like do you end up getting an icon in your relationships panel of yourself? And your build up like daily/lifetime relationships with yourself too? How very odd...

Could you take pics and post these? Maybe MaxoidTom will spot them and add em to the list of bugs that still need to be fixed.

On the other hand... I agree that there's nothin wrong with lil' self-lovin' ;) I mean, you know, a lil' auto-woohooin' never hurt anyone... else that is... :P And plus, how can you learn to love another sim without first learnin to love your simself? If you can't love your simself, then you're no good to any sim.  ::)


Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 05:38:23
Yes, nothing wrong with it, except that he wasn't really by himself. He was just taking the credit for it. ;)

gynarchy, this is the first time I've actually "caught" the memory as it happened; there shouldn't have been any swirly lips above Justin's head, so I knew to check. It was in the above-ground hot tub, which I rarely use in favor of the more expensive ones. That's not to say that any of the past self-kissing memories didn't happen in hot tubs. The only reason I knew about those was because I was checking memories in simpe, so I have no idea when and in what situation they happened.

I'm also not seeing anything in the error  logs pertaining to this, but I'm not really sure where to look for this one.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gali on 2005 October 14, 07:55:11
I just finished the Survey, and put on my dislikes the self-relation increasement when playing handheld. I am positively sure that it is the main cause (perhaps it has "branches").

As I wrote that I am not interested to buy another EP, they asked why, and I wrote that I get always a buggy game, without Patch.

I hope you all wrote that too...:). They have to learn to sell quality products...:).

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: DrBeast on 2005 October 14, 08:25:55
I've never had handhelds in my game, but I still get that "kissed myself for the first time/made out with myself memory" from time to time (though only after I've been playing with a particular family for more than, say, 10 sim days, maybe more) and not always in the hot tub. I just delete it in SimPE, and it doesn't show up again. I think I had that happen even in the core game too. I don't have NL yet, so it's in Uni I definitely know it's happening. I have JM's hack.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: C.S. on 2005 October 14, 13:34:03
I started a thread, Sims making out with themselves? ( back in September asking about this too. I still have sims getting a memory from time to time, of 'making out with themselves/kissing themselves for the first time', and some of these kissing they performed autonomuously when they were guests on some else's lot.

I'm beginning to think maybe Gali may be right to some extent. I'm still wondering if it's a combo of SimPE and the handheld bug, that SimPE (can't recall which version, it's before 0.46) had the option to view and set a relationship with self - is it a SimPE bug, or is SimPE able to show a self-relation as a result of the schizophrenia being introduced in EP1? Obviously, I know jack about programming, and I can't verbalise my suspicions about there being a connection between SimPE and the handheld bug as well as I would have liked, but I hope I'm making sense :P.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 14:51:54
I think it was the buggy version of SimPE that caused a lot of problems.  I deleted all those memories a while back, and I don't think they've reappeared recently, but I haven't got handhelds in this hood ( I didn;t think I had any MP3 players, either, until one of my sims suddenly started to listen to one!  Anyway, I took it away with JM's money tree, but he carried on listening until his fun was fully fixed before I could get it to leave his queue!

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 October 14, 15:02:47
I remember someone talking about this a while back and they determined it was because they would rotate interactions between the sims,ie. the girl kisses the guy than the guy kisses the girl.  When you do that in a hot tub, it sometimes confuses the game and you get bogus memories.  This might help--or not.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 15:15:46
So basically, once sima has started the chain, you need to carry it through to completion, not change and let the other sim complete the chain?

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 14, 15:27:21
I've been removing all handhelds from my Sims since I installed NL.  Every Sim I played was either making best friends or enemies with themselves and telling all & sundry about it.  I certainly don't want my nice Sims having memories of making enemies.  Nevertheless, even though I've removed the handhelds and the memories, some of them still have their wants & fears panels clogged-up by desires to achieve this & that with themselves.  One Sim has wanted to appreciate herself for several Sim years now - no matter how many times I satisfy it in boolProp, it comes back.  I even sent her to the mirror to check herself out in the hope it would satisfy the want, but it didn't. 

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 17:45:51
Well, I'm getting more and more wary about installing NL with any sim neighbourhoods I'm attached to!  so I think I'll save everything very carefully on my other drive, then install and play a new hood!

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: sonofajoiner on 2005 October 14, 22:55:53
That explains why one of my sims has a 'met myself' memory then. Off to get rid of the damn handheld thing immediately.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 23:09:13
It just a pity you can't remove them from the game!!!!

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 23:17:47
I remember someone talking about this a while back and they determined it was because they would rotate interactions between the sims,ie. the girl kisses the guy than the guy kisses the girl.  When you do that in a hot tub, it sometimes confuses the game and you get bogus memories.  This might help--or not.

I think that's exactly what happened! They had just switched when it happened.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: virgali on 2005 October 14, 23:26:31
 :o Wow, I didn't know the handhelds could cause so many problems....But i still don't understand soething...BEFORE the handhelds came with the universion, people have been reporting sims wanting to "do things" to themselves? I really should start checking my sims memories more!

I haven't encountered this yet I think. I only started to check my sims memories every once in awhile cause of the amnesiabug. anyways..... hope someone would like to clear this up... which one of the "self actions" are handheld related? And which ones date fro the core game?

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 23:33:46
I never came across it before the handheld! 

Talking of amnesia, I got one of my sims to move out of a Greek house into an ordinary house, then invite his latest girlfriend to move in.  she did, but came with no way of filling up the bar (she had all necessary skills) amd two semesters behind where whe should have been.  So I had to exit the house, go back to the sorority and move her out and take a chance that this would work - luckily it did!

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Syera on 2005 October 16, 15:17:23
Ah... dumb question... what is this "handheld" you all refer to?

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: LK on 2005 October 16, 15:48:11
The Game Boy thing.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gali on 2005 October 16, 16:05:40
Ah... dumb question... what is this "handheld" you all refer to?
The Game Boy thing.

*die from laugh*
Hey, LK, have you mistaken the right forum? This is the Podium, not Retardo...:).

Well, can't blame you, the question "demanded" this answer...:)

Sierra, don't you have Uni? It's one of the gizmos the sim buy at the community lot: Cell phone, MP3 player, and handheld. Each child, when becomes a teen, has a want to buy the three of them.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Syera on 2005 October 16, 16:08:50
No, I don't have University.   ::)

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: gali on 2005 October 16, 16:24:37
How come? You have a site - I even downloaded some sims and floors (thanks for the link). Are they for TS2 only?...Don't be offended by LK, he just can't resist an opportunity to show his sarcasm...:).

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 16, 20:40:35
I remember someone talking about this a while back and they determined it was because they would rotate interactions between the sims,ie. the girl kisses the guy than the guy kisses the girl.  When you do that in a hot tub, it sometimes confuses the game and you get bogus memories.  This might help--or not.

When I got these memories, I had done this (rotating the sim who initiated the romantic interaction in the ground level hottub).     :-* 

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 16, 21:22:25
I'm pretty sure it is the rotating thing. I remember that Justin and his girlfriend's arms were all crooked.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: LK on 2005 October 17, 21:28:48
*die from laugh*
Hey, LK, have you mistaken the right forum? This is the Podium, not Retardo...:).

Well, can't blame you, the question "demanded" this answer...:)

We aim to please.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 17, 21:36:20
The only thing those electronics are good for is making money. When a sim is holding one snatch it from his or her hand, sell it and they will almost immediately pull another out of thier...pocket. Keep selling them until you are bored or have enough money. Two Jeffs has the electronics organizer, or I guess you could snatch and put it in the sims inventory?

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 18, 05:46:01
I've even had them pull an MP3 player out of their pocket and start listening, when I KNOW they didn't have one!!!

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 19, 01:27:29
I've even had them pull an MP3 player out of their pocket and start listening, when I KNOW they didn't have one!!!

Sims can autonomously "listen in" when another sim is using their MP3 player.  Then if the first sim (who started with the MP3 player in their inventory) stops listening first, the player ends up in the second sim's inventory.  I watched my teen sim do this with her dad.

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 19, 03:12:20
In this particular neighbourhood I hadn't allowed any of my sims to have either handhelds or MP3 players!  Only two sims even have mobile phones, mainly so I could send money to them while they were in the Bin!

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: Syera on 2005 October 19, 16:30:59
How come? You have a site - I even downloaded some sims and floors (thanks for the link). Are they for TS2 only?...Don't be offended by LK, he just can't resist an opportunity to show his sarcasm...:).

Because University doesn't interest me.   ::)  And downloads made sans-Uni aren't going to make your game explode if you do have Uni, so...

Title: Re: Making out with yourself
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 19, 19:06:09
Even the other way round usually doesn't, they just don't appear.