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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orikes on 2007 September 16, 17:58:27

Title: Sound Where It Doesn't Belong
Post by: Orikes on 2007 September 16, 17:58:27
I've got an odd problem in a couple of my lots. There's probably some easy explanation for it, but I seem to be too dumb to find it. Either way, it basically sounds like someone is playing SSX on a sim computer even if there's no computer on the lot. In the latest house I had the issue in, I deleted the computer, but still got the sound effects at odd times. I'm not sure if it's associated with an area of the house or not, since it's definitely not the area where the computer used to be.

Anyone ever heard of this? Anyone heard of a solution?

Title: Re: Sound Where It Doesn't Belong
Post by: Alexx on 2007 September 17, 00:41:58
In some cases this sound problem may be linked to custom(hacked) objects.Try to check your cuastom objects on lot at first... :)