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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Karen on 2007 September 16, 15:34:22

Title: No SimDNA cheat in BV?
Post by: Karen on 2007 September 16, 15:34:22
I just noticed that the SimDNA cheat apparently no longer works in BV.  It has been there at least since Pets, so I'm surprised they would take it away.  It's not a huge issue for me, since you can get the same information from SimPE, but it was nice to be able to view the DNA information in-game.  Has anybody else tried this?


Title: Re: No SimDNA cheat in BV?
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 September 16, 17:55:48
You need to be in debug mode for this to work, and you must put the cheat (boolprop testingcheatenabled true) in your userstartup.cheat, typing it in game is not enough.

Title: Re: No SimDNA cheat in BV?
Post by: Karen on 2007 September 16, 18:21:51
Got it now.  Never mind.....